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New Rapid Shot Heal Animation


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The new Rapid Heal animation has been the single most disappointing change I've seen with the new patch. I miss that sound enough that I'm likely going to swap to my Operative for raid healing - all kidding aside.


"Bring back the *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* !!"

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Yea its for the healer's own good. Less of a broadcast that you are a healer. I don't know what the new sound is, but I'm guessing its like an Agent heal, or a BH Missile. It will blend in much better with the surrounding noise. Edited by DarthBloodloss
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The new Rapid Heal animation has been the single most disappointing change I've seen with the new patch. I miss that sound enough that I'm likely going to swap to my Operative for raid healing - all kidding aside.


"Bring back the *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* !!"


I agree completely. If i could wish for one thing i would wish for the old Merc healer shots. GIVE DEM BACK BIOWARE!!!

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Why did they change the animation of Rapid Shot heals?


The new 'Pew Pew' just doesn't cut it....


What do you guys think of it?

It is rather disappointing. I think I'd even be ok with it hitting three times, seeing as it heals three times, but I think it unlikely they're going change it again. Still, I definitely preferred the old animation.

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Also won't broadcast us as healers.


Never understood this. Do you think people don't see your heals cast? It's obvious when someone is a healer regardless of the lasers, and only takes a quick camera move to find them if you can't see them right away.

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The new Rapid Heal animation has been the single most disappointing change I've seen with the new patch. I miss that sound enough that I'm likely going to swap to my Operative for raid healing - all kidding aside.


"Bring back the *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* *thwick* !!"


What? they changed that? I just started a Merc healer just so i could use that because it sounded so cool :(


Oh well, i guess ill go DPS when i reach lvl 10 :/

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Never understood this. Do you think people don't see your heals cast? It's obvious when someone is a healer regardless of the lasers, and only takes a quick camera move to find them if you can't see them right away.


Well, when you don't have exfiltrate and stealth, you look for any edge you can get, no matter how small, to stay out of sight as long as possible.




(Plus I'm still learning heals since I specced out of pyro, so maybe I am making something out of nothing.)

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