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Combat Medic 2.0 Build Help!


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Hey everyone,


Prior to 2.0 I was an Assault Commando and I told myself that once 2.0 arrived I would go Combat Medic as I do love healing and I thought it's better to get this done now with the nerfs to the dps of a Commando. Anyway, can someone point me in the right direction that the build below is fine or should I move around some talents?




Any help would be welcome.



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I would take the two points in Weapon Calibration and put them in Armor Screen and Psych Aid. 2% increase to Alacrity isn't a lot and i think you will benefit more from the 10%increase to armor from Armor Screen and the heal bonus you get when using Field Aid + removing negative mental effect.
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Here is my current build


However, I am thinking of tweaking it a bit tonight. I tried getting the 2% Alacrity bonus in the Assault tree and I didn't notice a difference. My cast times with AMP and MP aren't dropping below their 1.9 and 1.4 cast times, and I am not really noticing a huge difference in the global cool down. I am going to try adding more Alacrity with gear and see what happens and see what happens.


Also not this is a PvP build. A PvE build wouldn't necessarily need the bonuses to reactive shield.

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Hey was just browsing and came across this tread and i figured why the hell why not post a build that would probably benefit you most in a pve situation. As for pvp i could give you a build but i don't heal in pvp so prolly best i don't bother :p




Basically swaps the 2 points out of kolto wave in second top tier too other talents put one in cell capacitor and the other into special munitions. My reasoning for swapping it out is because to me it just doesn't seem useful in any major way shape or form but more like a talent dump (not saying that it cant be but i wouldn't find much a significant use for it). As for the Alacrity i noticed my ammo regenerates faster overall and cast times are obviously a bit shorter but really if you wanted too you could swap it out (the trick is not dumping too much alacrity into your gear because you'll just burn through you already gimped ammo supply faster than it will ever regenerate).

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Is this for PvP or PvE?


If it is for PvP then it looks fine, although Kolto Pods isn't AS useful as it is in PvE (it doesn't have a huge range and there is a lot of movement in PvP) and Cell Capacitor isn't as useful as you'd think because, in my experience, there aren't a lot of times when fights last long enough for it to become necessary, especially with the alacrity changes now. I would move these into Combat Shield and Med Zone. These are INSANELY useful for when a person targets you. People really like targeting healers, but with proper timing you can heal yourself through quite a lot.


If it is for PvE then for the love of god get rid of Kolto Wave. Are you trying to get yourself killed? Replace it with Psych Aid and Armor Screen and you actually have the build I use.

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Is this for PvP or PvE?


If it is for PvP then it looks fine, although Kolto Pods isn't AS useful as it is in PvE (it doesn't have a huge range and there is a lot of movement in PvP) and Cell Capacitor isn't as useful as you'd think because, in my experience, there aren't a lot of times when fights last long enough for it to become necessary, especially with the alacrity changes now. I would move these into Combat Shield and Med Zone. These are INSANELY useful for when a person targets you. People really like targeting healers, but with proper timing you can heal yourself through quite a lot.


If it is for PvE then for the love of god get rid of Kolto Wave. Are you trying to get yourself killed? Replace it with Psych Aid and Armor Screen and you actually have the build I use.


Are Combat Shield and Med Zone that worth it, though? Reactive Shield is only up for twelve seconds and on a 2 minute cooldown, so it just doesn't seem that worth it to invest that much in it. I can see Combat Shield over Med Zone, at least. It's one point for those few times it'd be useful. I think I'd prefer something like this build, where you get constant boosts from Steadied Aim and Target Lock for when you are getting some shots being fired at you (and Steadied stacks with Combat Shield).


Anyway, just curious as someone who PVEs and PVPs.

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Hey everyone,


Prior to 2.0 I was an Assault Commando and I told myself that once 2.0 arrived I would go Combat Medic as I do love healing and I thought it's better to get this done now with the nerfs to the dps of a Commando. Anyway, can someone point me in the right direction that the build below is fine or should I move around some talents?




Any help would be welcome.




I run http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/commando/23/?build=002322101211023212110320023000100203000100000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000&ver=20 most of the time (or close to it) for PVP

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Are Combat Shield and Med Zone that worth it, though? Reactive Shield is only up for twelve seconds and on a 2 minute cooldown, so it just doesn't seem that worth it to invest that much in it. I can see Combat Shield over Med Zone, at least. It's one point for those few times it'd be useful. I think I'd prefer something like this build, where you get constant boosts from Steadied Aim and Target Lock for when you are getting some shots being fired at you (and Steadied stacks with Combat Shield).



Combat Shield is mandatory for PvP if you plan on being a pure healer. I cannot stress enough how important interrupt immunity is to Combat Medic when their biggest heals must be channeled. Combined with Med Zone, you should be impossible to kill for the duration -- you'd be surprised how many times this can and will save your life.


Also, Steadied Aim/ Target Lock are only useful if you plan on DPSing as a Combat Medic which, historically at least, doesn't work. It may be possible with the extra skill-points in the expansion, but many of the builds I've seen look brilliant on paper but fail in practice.

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Combat Shield is mandatory for PvP if you plan on being a pure healer. I cannot stress enough how important interrupt immunity is to Combat Medic when their biggest heals must be channeled. Combined with Med Zone, you should be impossible to kill for the duration -- you'd be surprised how many times this can and will save your life.


Also, Steadied Aim/ Target Lock are only useful if you plan on DPSing as a Combat Medic which, historically at least, doesn't work. It may be possible with the extra skill-points in the expansion, but many of the builds I've seen look brilliant on paper but fail in practice.


I did pick up Combat Shield in that build, though--just no Med Zone. I would like to keep the others for those times where I do want to do a little damage to help out. There are times where the group is doing okay and dropping something faster is the better way to go.


I guess one question would be if First Responder is worth the two points. I do PVP and PVE and do kind of prefer sure things over gambles. A power that boosts Alacrity only if you crit an attack or heal feels kind of "meh" to me. I'm assuming you can get a good amount of Alacrity in gear and just have that be enough (since it sounds like that's helpful for Commando healing). So I could easily drop First Responder for Med Zone.


I also need to get better teammates for PVP. :p I mostly PUG and most won't come to save you during the duration of a Reactive Shield, that's for sure. It's mostly a run for it kind of thing or do what damage you can before they get you, in my experience.

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My PvP build didn't utilize the two points in First Responder and put them instead in Heavy Trooper in the gunnery tree. 2% Endurance and Self heals over 3% proc'd alacrity. I chose survivability over cast time/tegen but it's personal preference. Obviously First Responder is a great tool for PvE though.


I also don't spec into Kolto Wave for Concussive Charge heals. Early running in WZ's has shown that to be useful enough to spend two points on it, the talent needs to heal for substantially more or maybe pair it with a reduced cool down.


Along with Heavy Trooper, other talents I take in the gunnery tree are Ironsights for the Aim increase, Special Munitions for increased crit and Havok Rounds for better Kolto Bombs.


Unfortunately I have to put a point in Psych Aid for the sole purpose of dispelling Flash Bang/Awe, but you can use that point elsewhere


If you have any other questions let me know.

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My PvP build didn't utilize the two points in First Responder and put them instead in Heavy Trooper in the gunnery tree. 2% Endurance and Self heals over 3% proc'd alacrity. I chose survivability over cast time/tegen but it's personal preference. Obviously First Responder is a great tool for PvE though.


I also don't spec into Kolto Wave for Concussive Charge heals. Early running in WZ's has shown that to be useful enough to spend two points on it, the talent needs to heal for substantially more or maybe pair it with a reduced cool down.


Along with Heavy Trooper, other talents I take in the gunnery tree are Ironsights for the Aim increase, Special Munitions for increased crit and Havok Rounds for better Kolto Bombs.


Unfortunately I have to put a point in Psych Aid for the sole purpose of dispelling Flash Bang/Awe, but you can use that point elsewhere


If you have any other questions let me know.


Thanks, both of you. I might try for First Responder whenever I can afford Field Respecs and use it in PVE only, but that's a ways off. I don't even have one 50 yet and I can feel happy if I have around 100k in the bank for the one furthest along.


A couple of things, though. Isn't Field Training a better pick than Special Munitions (since it does ranged and tech critical)? Or is this a matter of wanting both?


I agree that Kolto Wave sounds interesting at first (as long as you don't just use it as a heal), but then it pales considering all the other options, I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play Bodyguard, but it's all the same right. :cool:


Anyway, I use the build in my sig for pvp and pve. I find it works well and gives me great survivability when targeted by opposing players. I also don't feel like I'm giving up too much when I switch to pve.


Like others I don't think the 2% static boost to alacrity is worth the two points. I also think the 3% tech boost from Upgraded Arsenal is key to boosting heals, which are all tech.

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I play Bodyguard, but it's all the same right. :cool:


Anyway, I use the build in my sig for pvp and pve. I find it works well and gives me great survivability when targeted by opposing players. I also don't feel like I'm giving up too much when I switch to pve.


Like others I don't think the 2% static boost to alacrity is worth the two points. I also think the 3% tech boost from Upgraded Arsenal is key to boosting heals, which are all tech.


For PvE that build is... utter crap... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfMRRbcdkfGzZMccZb.3 is my personal PvP and PvE build. I dont know why you didnt take Reactive Armor from Proactive Medicine but thats a big thing that EVERY healer should take. its like the Sorc's lightning bubbles only on a shorter duration. Custom Enviro Suit is ok for PvP but for PvE you should not be getting hit often Powered Insulators also takes care of most of your damage. I personaly love the 2% alacrity sure once you get right down to it its only 2 alacrity but every bit helps! I have no idea why you didnt take Critical Reaction maxed. thats a lifesaver sometimes.


Just personal views on that build.

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For PvE that build is... utter crap... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfMRRbcdkfGzZMccZb.3 is my personal PvP and PvE build. I dont know why you didnt take Reactive Armor from Proactive Medicine but thats a big thing that EVERY healer should take. its like the Sorc's lightning bubbles only on a shorter duration. Custom Enviro Suit is ok for PvP but for PvE you should not be getting hit often Powered Insulators also takes care of most of your damage. I personaly love the 2% alacrity sure once you get right down to it its only 2 alacrity but every bit helps! I have no idea why you didnt take Critical Reaction maxed. thats a lifesaver sometimes.


Just personal views on that build.


Works fine for me. BTW why'd you take Kolto Wave (most useless skill in the tree) instead of Improved Vents? As for Reactive armor, armor rating really is sort of null in this game, esp. in pvp where there is so much Force and Tech damage that COMPLETELY bypasses armor. Just saying.


Critical Reaction has an internal cooldown that makes the 2/2 negligibly better than 1/2. I have nearly the same uptime on that proc either way I spec. I also wonder why you didn't take any of the shield talents (esp. interrupt immunity, which is a real life saver for healers when they're focused).

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