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combat medic stats for 2.0


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SInce the changes to alacrity and crit what should our new stats should be about?

are the the same ~35%crit, 75% surge then alacrtity then power.

Looks like we get more healing power from aim then we get from power

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First of all I’m not really into theorycrafting. I’ve just played this class since launch as combat medic and I go by how smooth it feels in pvp, so don’t expect a mathematical answer. I’m still in the testing phase, and really unsure about min/maxing so I’m glad that someone started this thread. The bolster bug makes it not easier to get a real feel for the game at the moment.


my gear consists of:

All armor pieces: full Partisan Armorings combined with pre 2.0 mods and Enhancements (Mix of WH and EWH) augmented with Aim Augments 18/12

Implants and Ear Piece: full Partisan (no Augments yet)

Relics: WH power + aim Augments 18/12

Mainhand: Conqueror with Aim Augment 18/12

Offhand: Elite WH Aim Augment 18/12


Full buffed including the new Reusable Nano-Infused Reflex Stim (154 aim, 63 power) I have following Tech stats:


Aim: 2451

Expertise: 1832


Power: 1126

Tech Power: 1650


Critical Chance: 26.72%

Crit Rating: 127


Critical Multiplier: 55.64%!!! (frickn low I know… explanation below)

Surge Rating: 60


Alacrity: 8.61%

Alacrity Rating: 505!!!! This is almost twice as much as I had pre 2.0


Bonus Healing: 855.8


Before 2.0 I had basically the exact stats and similar gear as Spaniardinfinity posted in his sticky guide: Frontline Medicine: Combat Medic PVP Strategies and Tips here in the forums. For easier reference that is the link to his Gear which he posted in his Guide (I hope he doesn’t mind me reposting it): http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c13f4f16-4149-477b-8f99-71704097e3e9


Why 55% Critical Mulitplier?:

What I did to get from 75% Critical Multiplier (Surge) pre 2.0 to 55% in 2.0 is that I replaced all my Power/Surge Enhancements on all armor pieces, main and offhand with Power/Alacrity Enhancements.


That is a choice of personal preference regarding Medical Probe. For me this spell has to have a cast time below 1.8 seconds with “First Responder” buff active or 1.85 seconds without it being active. Since in 2.0 all stats were nerfed I had to slot more Alacrity to get there.


I had it this way all the time. Everything above that feels incredibly slow and I have the impression that I can’t keep my teammates up properly in intense fights. Especially the first matches at 55 so early after 2.0 went live, where you basically meet all the hardcore pvp gamers + bolster bug strengthened this impression.


Now the funny part: Although I only have 26% crit chance and 55% critical multiplier I am still doing pretty good in NORMAL warzones. I reached more than 1 million in heals or 1100+ HPS. Don’t get me wrong this is just explanatory (no show off intended) and because of the bug far from rock solid.


I’m posting this because I don’t have a frickn clue what the new diminishing returns are, which stat to stack and which don’t. I don’t think that I’m going to drop that much Alacrity because of what I just said. What are your personal preferences regarding cast speed etc.? Do I have to learn to handle slower casts? ^^


Regarding Crit: ATM it doesn’t feel like that the lower crit chance is as limiting as expected. As I mentioned, I still did ok in warzones. The only way to get above 30% crit is to drop Power. Again the question is, if this is viable or not? Do you go for 30%+ crit?


Ideas regarding Augmentation:

Because I don’t experience the low crit chance as too negative I’m thinking about not going with the obvious Aim Augments but testing Surge Augments to compensate my loss from using Alacrity Enhancements. The opposite way would be to go back to Power/Surge Enhancements and slot Alacrity Augments. And I’m going to compare this solution with Aim Augments (I don’t think that Power Augments are viable because in 2.0 Aim give more bonus healing + crit etc.). The amount of crit you lose from dropping Aim is not that much. More significant is the loss of Bonus Healing.


Final thoughts about Combat Medic Changes in 2.0:

First of all I’d like to thank BW for “Hold the Line”. Finally Combat Medics got a useful escape mechanism. The first matches at 55 were just plain awesome. It doesn’t matter if you are getting swarmed… you just pop that skill and walk somewhere save. “Electro Net” is also very very usefull, both in offensive as in defensive ways. All in all the skill changes are cool and I still feel like a contender in pvp ^^. The only skill design I don’t like is the combination of “Frontline Medic” as a prerequisite for “Probe Medic” … Probe Medic is just too good to pass on so we have to deal with it for now.


I hope you guys can find something useful in this wall of text and I’m looking forward to your ideas, cause I definitely need some input.




Edited by wulfparn
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