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2.0 PVP Gunnery or AS?


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Heh I'm rather biased as I've always favored gunnery personally, but I believe it has also become the defacto skill tree of choice amongst most PvP commandos now., especially as it has gained some PvP-centric tools, and assault lost a lot of burst.


So yeah. Gunnery. But with a cannon, not a rifle. :D

Edited by Jherad
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AS all day.


Gunnery is more valid now because you only have to have a single grav round to hit for your rotation to start, but I don't think it will hold up in the long run to AS.


1) AS is a HARD counter to sorcs. AS's burst relys more on physical damage(CB, FA, HiB) and HiB procs so much it is kind of crazy. Especially now that DPS sorcs are very strong and you will always play sorc healers, there is always a target for you.


2) Two trinkets with Diversion.


3) Mobility far exceeding gunnery for its DPS rotation. Being able to Not lose nearly any DPS while kiting is huge for solo'ing marauders.


Both do great damage right now. AS is still and will remain better throughout 2.0 though

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Gunnery always held up against AS in PvP. The improvements, along with the nerfs to asssault's burst just sealed the deal. The change to assault plastique was pretty much the nail in the coffin for AS.


But to be honest, this question is as loaded as 'mac vs PC'.

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Gunnery always held up against AS in PvP. The improvements, along with the nerfs to asssault's burst just sealed the deal. The change to assault plastique was pretty much the nail in the coffin for AS.


But to be honest, this question is as loaded as 'mac vs PC'.

As said here. It's all opinion and what happens in the match. If people aren't focusing you (which they should be...) Gunnery is by far the best, of all classes in the game. Otherwise, AS can be mobile or turret, making it good for solo queuing or a team of snipers.

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Having played both a bit now, I'm still undecided. lol


I like the DPS output that Gunnery has, but I hate the idea of being so stationary. AS is more mobile which I love but I wouldn't want to nerf the DPS of my team.


I'm also still working out the best rotation for Gunnery, so I'm still gonna play with it before I decide.

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I guess I still prefer AS. My other main was a full balance sage and I can not give up the maneuverability. If I get targeted by the turret folks I just LOS them. I do think they made Gunnery more PvP viable but still you are a turret. Not quite as bad as a TK Sage but still a turret. It is all a matter of opinion and what you are good at. I actually don't care about topping the charts. What I care about is being an effective team member. To me, that means pressuring their healers, protecting our healers and taking care of any objectives.
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I'm loving gunnery again in 2.0.


And calling it a turret is hyperbole, sniper is a turret, Sorc is a turret. If you play gunnery like that you're doing it wrong.

I spend roughly 2/3rds of my attack on the run. The only time I'm not on the move is opening, or finishing somebody off.

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Try this....ask any healer who's damage they would rather heal though. I am willing to bet that most would prefer to face the smoother dot damage of assault rather than the high burst of gunnery, especially since the dots can be cleansed. The burst potential of gunnery is why I am playing it right now.
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I'm loving gunnery again in 2.0.


And calling it a turret is hyperbole, sniper is a turret, Sorc is a turret. If you play gunnery like that you're doing it wrong.

I spend roughly 2/3rds of my attack on the run. The only time I'm not on the move is opening, or finishing somebody off.


What is your rotation if you don't mind me asking? I think that might be where I'm messing up a bit because the way I've been doing it I seem pretty stationary. Most moves we have like GR and FA require us to stand still quite a bit.

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What is your rotation if you don't mind me asking? I think that might be where I'm messing up a bit because the way I've been doing it I seem pretty stationary. Most moves we have like GR and FA require us to stand still quite a bit.


the 2 biggest hits you got are instant and you dont need to stay still.slingers need to be still for all their skills to activate that is a turet

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Yeah but you have to be still for GR's and FA's. Also the one grenade that I forget the name of at the moment is channeled as well. The main time I really feel like a turret is during the FA. I know we are more mobile than some other classes, but I was referring to the loss of mobility as opposed to playing the AS spec. Like I said it will just take some getting used to and finding the proper rotation.
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I open with the Grav round to get the vortex proc going but usually only fire of 1 or 2 shots and get moving again.

Then Sticky Grenade, Demo Round, and HiB on the move. If I'm not under heavy threat I might sneak another Grav Round in before the HiB. If I am under attack I'll Hammer Shot or explosive round on the run since ammo is so easy to come by now.


If they're not dead yet a Full Auto finishes them off. If i'm lucky enough to be left alone I mix in more Grav Rounds to try proc Curtain of Fire on Full Auto and get the full stack for HiB (Charged Bolts isn't even on my quick bar). While Demo and HiB are the best instant heavy hitters Full Auto is brutal when buffed and I like to use it as much as possible if I'm left alone.


I only use Plasma Grenade in combination with Tech Override and Reserve Powercell so it's instant but you do need to stop for a sec to throw. I don't have a macro but I have all three abilities lined up together to fire them off quick when the enemy is foolish enough to cluster. For those big clusters its the Plasma Grenade combo, Mortar Volley, and Hail of Bolts if they haven't dispersed.


The key is that if they noticed the first Grav Round or 2 I'm already running when they start looking for me. After the three instant running shots my HP is so much higher I'm willing to come to a stop for Full Auto. They usually try to DPS me down but 100% health to 25% health usually makes it a short battle.

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I'm loving gunnery again in 2.0.


And calling it a turret is hyperbole, sniper is a turret, Sorc is a turret. If you play gunnery like that you're doing it wrong.

I spend roughly 2/3rds of my attack on the run. The only time I'm not on the move is opening, or finishing somebody off.


This. I only PvP and on my commando I like Gunnery. I have to say that I don't do much standing around. I'm always top damage and kills, I'm constantly on the move whether is LOSing, Moving out of range from snipers, Kiting dumb force charging melee, or just plain strafing to present a harder target to chase, hense they usually switch unless I'm low on life. As far as ranged goes, for a long time PvPer, I prefer the Gunnery Commando over all the others.

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