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Bodyguard Merc: 2.0


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I want to resurrect my merc I haven't played in months, and even then; it was at most just dailies as arsenal to complete them as quick as possible.


Anyone doing well with bodyguard in PVP mind sharing a build and priorities/strategies?

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I personally swapped my main from a smuggler healer to the Commando, just because i like the playing style. With that being said, i would say the quality of live for Merc/Commando healers have gotten much better. We now got a get out of jail free card with Hold the line/Hydraulic Overdrive so we can hold our own when we get jumped by multiple people. Another new tool to our kit is the new 51 ability. This electro net is a very nice, all you need to do too kill an attacker is put that on them and ask for a buddy to help out, they will go down quick if they still intend to stay on you. More quality of life come from our Koltol grenade/Missile, it now slows and leaves a HOT for 1/3 of the normal heal to up to 20 people! Now we got a comparable to the sages AOE heal some say even better. All in all we got a lot of buffs and put us in a nice spot.
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What about the talent to leave the pods behind after a missile? Has anybody tried this talent yet? I wasn't sure about it given the fact that when I usually used missle, it was in an aoe situation when people are having to move around. I haven't had a chance to play and test the range on the pods. Have to go out of town and won't get to play until Monday. Was wondering if it was worth the talent point. Edited by mindriot
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What about the talent to leave the pods behind after a missile? Has anybody tried this talent yet? I wasn't sure about it given the fact that when I usually used missle, it was in an aoe situation when people are having to move around. I haven't had a chance to play and test the range on the pods. Have to go out of town and won't get to play until Monday. Was wondering if it was worth the talent point.


It's nice for the node based wzs like alderaan and NC, as well as VS. The puddle heal isn't quite as nice as sorcs, but it's worth it to Supercharge, then drop the aoe HoT and shield on your team when fighting on nodes or defending doors. All of that plus the added snare from Kolto Missile makes it a fairly decent utility heal if you fully talent it with Residue and Pods.


Edit: HoT ticks on any player w/in 8m radius, 16m diameter of the cast area.

Edited by Phrase
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What about the talent to leave the pods behind after a missile? Has anybody tried this talent yet? I wasn't sure about it given the fact that when I usually used missle, it was in an aoe situation when people are having to move around. I haven't had a chance to play and test the range on the pods. Have to go out of town and won't get to play until Monday. Was wondering if it was worth the talent point.


It's got a fairly good range and no upper limit to the number of players hit. For PVP it'd be great to drop on a node that's being fought over, particularly if you're not the only healer there.


It just makes Kolto Missile even more useful, and the nice thing is you can get full benefit from it without people having to stay in the area for the length of time that Revivification takes to run its duration.

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