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Sweeping Blasters: Stealth Nerf or Bug?

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The first damage tick from Sweeping Blasters is no longer instant. You use to be able to place the AoE and it would damage everyone as soon as you clicked it's final position.


But now, there is about a one second delay before any damage hits.


If its a nerf, that's fine. I can live with it even though its un-called for. But if its just a bug, BW needs to know so they can fix it.


Any chance for a dev reply?

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Did you think perhaps it was FIXED?


DFA doesn't hit until the missiles strike the ground, mind you.

No because its been the same for over a year with not one mention or suggestion that it was bugged. And the missiles on DFA actually take that long to arrive, like heatseeker, tracer, fusion missile, thermal detonator, etc


But every single blaster ability hits instantly because of the speed of the energy bolts. I'm not sure why Sweeping Blasters should suddenly be different.


You instantly start firing, you see the blaster bolts all around the enemies but it doesn't even agro them. You have to wait a second to even get their attention. Just seems weird to me.

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