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I don't get it when dudes play as girls in MMOs...


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Some people want to relate to their characters more than others. Some people want to try and make their characters look like them as much as possible. And some people don't care.


I'm the kind of person that needs to feel like my character is me and if I have the chance to customize my character (Dragon Age, Mass Effect... The Sims...) I will make them look like me because I feel strange if they dont. Some people find it strange to play as themselves, maybe even weird. To each his own.


One big reason I dont make girl characters is because I like finding 'cool' looking gear and customizing my toons look to what I think looks bad *** or awesome. That's hard too do when playing a chick. I'm sure some guys like to dress up their female toons too I guess... to make them look... pretty I suppose... It takes all kinds.

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I don't understand how male writers keep writing women....


that sounded silly, didn't it.


but even if you take away the roleplaying aspect - anything from they just enjoy the visual more to "female characters are often smaller and therefore can be harder to target in pvp/allow you to see more of the rest of the screen" to "their animations are smoother" to ""prefer their voice to other gender's alternative" to any other reason you can or cannot think of.


in the end - its a pixel avatar. you don't necessarily have to relate to them on a visceral personal level. all you really need to do is enjoy moving them around the game field.

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Well.. There's a few answers to this. And it keps coming up. On the RP servers at least, I'll leave you with an opinion I received from a female friend, "most dudes that play chicks do it to ICly hit on chicks (in RP Servers mind you), and they do it because they couldn't ICly hook up with the same chicks on the dude toons, so they made females. Now they're all dudes playing chicks who are doing chicks that are played by other dudes."


That response makes me laugh every time I think of it.

On a side note, if its on a PVE server, or is just a purely PVE, non RP toon... Who cares?

If is o an RP toon.. hey, its their gaming experience, unless they're trying to trickdudes into dumb stuff.... So again, Who cares?

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Just for the record, I'm not judging. I'm simply asking.


Is it a sexual thing?


In part.

Female characters are just nicer to look at than 6 feet tall, muscular men. Especially in an MMO, where you'll be spending a LONG time looking at them (or their back side).


Also, at least for me, an evil man is just an evil man. An evil woman though is a ruthless, death machine.

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For me its an old habbit, the animations of males usually suck really bad, and the female ones are better. armor tends to look more bulky on male toons, less so on the female ones.


And the biggest reason are breasts, we all know it few want to admit it :cool:

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This was first i game i have rolled any females.


Here is why...


I wanted to roll one of every class, I had already played Jedi Guardian and when I went to reroll that class for the sentinal version, i found the voice was too similar to the last toon and wanted the storyline to feel a little differen than the first time around.


So, I rolled a female version just to avoid the redundancy of playing the same class with the same voice and the same options all over again.

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You're playing a character. The character is not YOU.


Was Tomb Raider going to be a failure because most game players are guys and the character is female? No, of course not.


Simple fact: guys like to look at attractive females, and video game female characters you can control tend to be attractive.

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This was first i game i have rolled any females.


Here is why...


I wanted to roll one of every class, I had already played Jedi Guardian and when I went to reroll that class for the sentinal version, i found the voice was too similar to the last toon and wanted the storyline to feel a little differen than the first time around.


So, I rolled a female version just to avoid the redundancy of playing the same class with the same voice and the same options all over again.

This is a good point, I made my consular and agent female because their voices are so much nicer than the males.

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You're playing a character. The character is not YOU.


Was Tomb Raider going to be a failure because most game players are guys and the character is female? No, of course not.


Simple fact: guys like to look at attractive females, and video game female characters you can control tend to be attractive.


Exactly, but also some players are gay................:p not me of course. :D

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


I don't feel comfortable playing as a female toon for the most part, but I do have a female Chiss Bounty Hunter so I can romance Torian (because surprise, surprise, I'm a homosexual who fell madly in love with that gorgeous Mandalorian :o )


I also have a female Twi'lek Sorcerer so I can romance Andronikos, but only because I HATE Ashara. Her romance was so stupid...... :mad:

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Most of my characters in CoX were females too. All of my Rift characters, most of my GW2 toons, and my Aion characters. Neverwinter they're mostly male, SWG they were all male, AoC were dudes, MxO was a dude, EQ was an Iksar so whatever, most of my tabletop characters are male.


It's concept, or armor design/sex appeal, or if there's an NPC I want to romance, etc. Lots of reasons. My Assassin was female because name. Knight was male for Kira. Agent is male for temple. Trooper is female for Jennifer Hale. Jugg will be male for disfunctional abusive relationship with Mako (though she will love me anyway). It all depends.


EDIT: Oh TSW had a male character, my only character. The models in that game were just... bad. So I went with a dude with the same general features as me (shaved head, glasses, dresses like a bum), and hit people with a sledgehammer.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


How can I relate? Does that mean that you can't imagine any guy who might be able to? Do you think that women are so different from men that a man could never comprehend how they think or act? If so... Well, I don't know what to say. I'm going to hope that isn't what you mean.


You know why I play females (I play males, too, about 50/50 usually, but I think I'm at 12 females / 10 males right now)? Because I get tired of always playing men... and often overly stereotyped men.


In Half-Life and HL2, I play as a guy. In Call of Duty and virtually every other shooter, I'm a guy. Splinter Cell: Guy. Deus Ex: Guy. Team Fortress? Bunch of guys. Arkham Asylum? Guy. Halo? Far Cry? Counter-Strike? Guy. Guy. Bunch o' guys.


Now, in Portal (and P2) I play a a girl... but I never see myself and no one really talks to me. I've never played Mirror's Edge or Tombraider... mostly because the style of game didn't appeal to me. Same with Resident Evil.


So why do I play females? Because I'd like a little more variety in my games. I'm not a thirteen year old trying to prove that I'm masculine and ready for a relationship. I just want an enjoyable game with variety. So when I'm given a chance to play a female? Yeah, I'm going to take it.

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I don't feel comfortable playing as a female toon for the most part, but I do have a female Chiss Bounty Hunter so I can romance Torian (because surprise, surprise, I'm a homosexual who fell madly in love with that gorgeous Mandalorian :o )


I also have a female Twi'lek Sorcerer so I can romance Andronikos, but only because I HATE Ashara. Her romance was so stupid...... :mad:


female Chiss Bounty Hunter so I can romance Torian


romance Torian



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who in the world would want to romance that slimeball??


I romanced him once already and I'm going to re-romance him :DDD His in my top 3 favourite companions.


Anyway, I'm a female so I really can't say, but I do have male characters. It feels weird to me that someone would like to make a character that's kind of extension of themselves. I don't understand it at all. I make characters that are individual personalities, some of them male, some of them female, none of them are me. When you have a class who's class story is to run around planets and drool over every chiss she sees, I can make myself to this game. Before that, not so much, since it wouldn't act like I would in sw universe anyway xD

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