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Developer Update: Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid


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I really love the macrobinocular quests. It's a nice change of pace from combat quests and I love the puzzle solving elements and the sense of discovery.


I agree the seeker droids are really tedious though. The problem is the scan area is so small and most of the time there is no feedback on which way to keep looking. I would have loved a system where it's more gradiated with percentages or colours that go from nothing to you're nowhere close to getting warmer to found it! That way it becomes more like a puzzle and less just random clicking and hoping.


Still, i can envision a lot of great uses for these two additions in the future.

Edited by DaRoamer
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So basically we have two new types of dailies, macrobinocular and seeker droids. Macrobinocular seems fun, unless the items to look for are always in the same place, if they are they're going to be very dull very fast. As for the seeker droids, did you not learn anything from hk-57? you know the part were many ppl said that finding the parts was pathetic to do (to the point where a couple friends simply said "S***w it they can keep that paperweight for themselves")?


One other thing, apparently EAware forgot about all the complaints of having a pve item stuck in a forced pvp area, since you go to that place in Tattoine for a quest (only one that i found). Doesn't bother me as long as griefers leave me alone.


(I did have fun using the macrobinocular to pass the traps in the quest, but i only got the one, so far no other quests like that, hope they use it more in the future, as for the seeker droids i'm not touching any dailies with that)

Edited by Blacklynx
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The macrobinocular stuff seems pretty decent so far.


The seeker droid, however is just awful. Takes WAY too freakin' long to find stuff. Got the quest to find the seeds, went to Taris, and after a while I feel like I will never do anything with the seeker droid ever again. Never got the first seed yet.


They are annoying if you don't know where to look. There are hidden items that show you where to specifically look

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I really love the macrobinocular quests. It's a nice change of pace from combat quests and I love the puzzle solving elements and the sense of discovery.


I agree the seeker droids are really tedious though. The problem is the scan area is so small and most of the time there is no feedback on which way to keep looking. I would have loved a system where it's more gradiated with percentages or colours that go from nothing to you're nowhere close to getting warmer to found it! That way it becomes more like a puzzle and less just random clicking and hoping.


Still, i can envision a lot of great uses for these two additions in the future.


Again as I stated previously there are certain items you must hover over specifically to find what you are looking for. For the main seeker droid quest you put the droid over the the actual corrupted roots and your chance for success goes up dramatically. For the eggs on tatooine you have to find "Larva Clusters" on the ground and you got an exact location.


Its not really as annoying as everyone makes it out to be as long as you know what to look for.

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I really love the macrobinocular quests. It's a nice change of pace from combat quests and I love the puzzle solving elements and the sense of discovery.


I agree the seeker droids are really tedious though. The problem is the scan area is so small and most of the time there is no feedback on which way to keep looking. I would have loved a system where it's more gradiated with percentages or colours that go from nothing to you're nowhere close to getting warmer to found it! That way it becomes more like a puzzle and less just random clicking and hoping.


Still, i can envision a lot of great uses for these two additions in the future.


This is my problem as well. We need better guidance on where to go. Just randomly placing the droid down is very, very tedious and so far I have just given up out of frustration. Just give us *some* clue which direction we should start walking in!


But yeah, the Macrobinoculars are awesome, really enjoying that.

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The marcobinoculars and seeker droid have been a lot of fun, reached Tatooine so far. Like that it quite different from the usual dailies in Ilum and Section X. Will be nice to be able to choose between going to spank things Black Hole or going exploring on different planets if I feel more like that. Super!
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but...


Could you scale the final missions to group-size, including solo?


The final mission is a [HEROIC 4] and not all of us want to spam "RDPS LFG!!11!!" in chat all the time :/ (unless it can be solo'ed, but IME this is not possible with level-appropriate [HEROIC 4]'s, although 2/2+ often can be if you're careful.)


Overall, they've been fun, though, but some of the seeker0droid...well, seeking :)...can be a bit tedious.


Still, good job overall, more of this please!


But fix the damned Warzone Bolster farce first, OK?

Edited by midianlord
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The marcobinoculars and seeker droid have been a lot of fun, reached Tatooine so far. Like that it quite different from the usual dailies in Ilum and Section X. Will be nice to be able to choose between going to spank things Black Hole or going exploring on different planets if I feel more like that. Super!


Sounds nice and guildies in Progenitor Rp realm said that it sure is fun and u get to see some past events in Hoth and i can't wait to get my hands to Binoculars and droid when time is ready and adventure with relaxed pace :)

Been a subscriber from launch and happy to adventure into beautiful Makeb in sunday and hopefully Pvp bug is going to fixed completely soon :) Will be nice to see Makeb's storyline and mission's with relaxed pace and get to see that is it as beautiful place as in screenshots :rolleyes:


Wish a nice weekend for Bioware & all nice Sw Lore fans :)

Edited by Dragen
Forgot some nice info
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Sounds nice and guildies in Progenitor Rp realm said that it sure is fun and u get to see some past events in Hoth and i can't wait to get my hands to Binoculars and droid when time is ready and adventure with relaxed pace :)

Been a subscriber from launch and happy to adventure into beautiful Makeb in sunday and hopefully Pvp bug is going to fixed completely soon :) Will be nice to see Makeb's storyline and mission's with relaxed pace and get to see that is it as beautiful place as in screenshots :rolleyes:


Wish a nice weekend for Bioware & all nice Sw Lore fans :)


Think you will have a good time sunday. Have enjoyed the story so far in Makeb, isn't finished with it yet and don't want to spoil it for you. It's pretty slow-going for me as well, ha ha, well compared to some of my guildies at least. I'm only lvl 54 so far. Haven't progressed too far in the Marobinocular- and Seeker droid-quests either. Taking my time to enjoy it and see the story.

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Most Developer seem to loose sight of what it means to be a player. Need to take off those rose colored glasses. Or learn to listen to all feed back and not just the ones that say what you want to hear. Same problem since beta and they still haven't learned.
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The seeker droid sounded like a good idea first until I got to the first leg of the seeker droid quest. Did someone seriously think this would be fun? It might be if you're very lucky, but I've given up after scanning the area several times for more than half an hour. If you want to frustrate players, you have done an amazingly good job. Carry on.
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  • Dev Post

Hi everyone! It seems like there's some confusion about how the Seeker Droid works, and it's causing a lot of frustration for you as you are having difficulty progressing your quests. Here's some clarification on how it works, and hopefully it'll make the experience much more enjoyable.


1) You have to move around when you use the Seeker Droid to dig. Repeatedly digging at the same spot will not increase the chances of you finding the quest objective.


2) If you don’t find the objective after using the Seeker Droid, there are indicator circles that appear around your character. The circles will still appear if you dig up random loot, it just gives you a hint on which direction to go to get your quest objective. Depending on how far you are from the objective, the following can appear:

a. Blank red circles - There is nothing within a 30m radius of where you dug. Move to a different spot further away.

b. Green arc - You are within 30m of the objective. Move in the direction indicated within the arc, the objective can be anywhere within that arc.


3) The GSI vendors located next to the GSI terminals sell enhancement items that improve the capabilities of the Seeker Droid. They will increase the search radius and improve the accuracy of the green arc mentioned earlier.


4) The GSI daily quests that use the Seeker Droid mechanic work differently than the main storyline. You have to look for objects in the world that indicate where you should dig. This is explained in the quest tracker and journal entry. In addition, there is a screenshot of the object that you're looking for in the journal.


I hope this information helps. Your feedback is always appreciated, so thank you.

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Hi everyone! It seems like there's some confusion about how the Seeker Droid works, and it's causing a lot of frustration for you as you are having difficulty progressing your quests. Here's some clarification on how it works, and hopefully it'll make the experience much more enjoyable.


1) You have to move around when you use the Seeker Droid to dig. Repeatedly digging at the same spot will not increase the chances of you finding the quest objective.


2) If you don’t find the objective after using the Seeker Droid, there are indicator circles that appear around your character. The circles will still appear if you dig up random loot, it just gives you a hint on which direction to go to get your quest objective. Depending on how far you are from the objective, the following can appear:

a. Blank red circles - There is nothing within a 30m radius of where you dug. Move to a different spot further away.

b. Green arc - You are within 30m of the objective. Move in the direction indicated within the arc, the objective can be anywhere within that arc.


3) The GSI vendors located next to the GSI terminals sell enhancement items that improve the capabilities of the Seeker Droid. They will increase the search radius and improve the accuracy of the green arc mentioned earlier.


4) The GSI daily quests that use the Seeker Droid mechanic work differently than the main storyline. You have to look for objects in the world that indicate where you should dig. This is explained in the quest tracker and journal entry. In addition, there is a screenshot of the object that you're looking for in the journal.


I hope this information helps. Your feedback is always appreciated, so thank you.


Thanks so much for this. It really clears up a lot of the stress I was having with the droids. I will look forward to doing the seeker quests tomorrow now! 8)

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Clarification from SecretRoboPanda: "increase the chances of you finding the mission objective." Ty :)

"which direction to go to get your mission objective" Ty :)

" The GSI daily quests that use the Seeker Droid mechanic work differently than the main storyline." Ty :)

"This is explained in the mission tracker and journal entry." Ty :)


Well all these were easily figured if just uses a bit of thinking,but i guess for many this help post is needed.

Seekder Droid and Macrobinoculars and stuff related to them is so nice new idea from Bioware :)

Been a subber from launch and wish a long life for Swtor.


Wish a nice weekend for Bioware and all Sw Lore fans :rak_03:

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Wow... so after reading through this whole thread i have learned one thing..


People want another World of Warcraft where everything is dumbed down so far that a small child can figure it out, and the developers make everything a cakewalk. How about we keep the game hard and force people to have to think and work at it. Just a thought. People complaining that the seeker droid doesnt find the object fast enought or that it takes too long. I guess you would rather just have the game hand you what you want when you want. God forbid you work for something in this world.

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As much as I like the new content (VERY LITTLE!) And as much as the new seeker droid and macro-binoculars are kinda interesting, it's all a time sink, and is really not useful in the long run. Dev's how about you do something useful for a change, and REDUCE the amount of mobs in areas, and increase the drop rate of items keyed to certain mobs, like those pesky quest items that we need for instance? I mean, really, you guys are playing with gadgets and the game itself gets left like this?


Dev's, you know about the complaints, you know about the issues, and I realize that some issues just are not cost effective to fix.


But toys? Instead of you guys fixing issues?? C'mon guys....

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