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Merc DPS Arsenal sucks!


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I mean, w t f?! It takes like, 5 hits to kill something! And barrage procs every other attack basically causing me to HAVE to use unload with boosted damage! Not to mention with Mako as a healer I never die.


Really Bioware?!


O wait, no, I spelled "Is Bad as$" wrong in the title....my bad ;)


This is seriously the most fun I've had in this game, ever. Running HM's (since I just came back and hit 50 on my Merc) and just pasting everything, and having to not straight unleash my full attacks on a baddie with fear of peeling them off the tank, and dropping flares if I do. And off heals if the healer gets some AoE and can't stop from the tank to heal themselves.


I loves me some merc. Put the pitchforks away, people :)

Edited by LygerZero
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are merc viable for ranked warzone?


Dunno about ranked, but basically you can get out a ton of damage before having to worry about being interrupted now.


Power Surge > TM > HSM > Electro Net > TM (all instant), *then* maybe start casting or continue with Explosive Dart > Rail Shot > etc.

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Dunno about ranked, but basically you can get out a ton of damage before having to worry about being interrupted now.


Power Surge > TM > HSM > Electro Net > TM (all instant), *then* maybe start casting or continue with Explosive Dart > Rail Shot > etc.


Sigh..No Electro Net for me... but I don't have the expansion..and can't get above 50..:(

The last I saw it ..it required lvl 51..:(:(

Edited by VictoireStar
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Sigh..No Electro Net for me... but I don't have the expansion..and can't get above 50..:(

The last I saw it ..it required lvl 51..:(:(


If you don't have the expansion, I wouldn't worry about ranked, either. ;-)


The rest of it's good, though. You can still do a fair amount of DPS before having to cast a Tracer or channel an Unload, and if they waste the interrupt on Unload, TM spam until it procs again.

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Who ever made this has no idea what there talking about go watch my merc guide video at youtube.com/MMOForce updating it tommrow and see me on PoT5 server and ill show you how its done





I....don't think you read my post. Thanks though ;)

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are merc viable for ranked warzone?


We're planning on taking one for our ranked team. I've had several 1k+ dps games on my arsenal merc and that's with bad stats (603 bonus dmg, 24% crit, 67% srg). If your team is halfway decent, electro net should be a guaranteed kill every time, one of the best ways to kill op/scoundrel healers.

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