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Crew skill 450 mission discoveries


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"Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits." means "needs a huge bump" because I've seen some huge losses on slicing missions.


Yes, exactly. I lose always around 800-1000 credits on lockbox missions. The crew skills are so messed up. :mad:

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I have encountered the similar problems as everyone else. I have levelled up a number of characters to 450 on the various support trades and i have found that returns are significantly down from previous tiers and, as a result, sending companions on these crew missions is a quick way of losing all of your credits!


In addition to the problems mentioned by everyone else, however, i have also come across the issue where you do not receive a failure message or a reward and the only thing you can do is click Accept. I have logged this as a fault and it is being looked into, however, every time this happens, that is another couple of thousand credits, or more, which have been spent for no gain.


This above issue also got me to think about the results which i had been having on my missions and i cannot think of any occurrence where i have received a blue or higher money box from a slicing mission. I have had a number of missions return with schematics or purple missions with a green credit box, but never a blue one. As a result, is it the blue credit boxes which have been failing foul of the fault i mentioned? At the moment, due to the very poor returns i am receiving, it certainly appears so!


Hopefully this issue will be addressed shortly because it is making the post 400 crew skills something for those with large credit reserves when it shouldn't be.



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I have stopped running any gathering mission until this is fixed.


I had been looking forward to progressing my crafters and gatherers with 2.0 and the expansion. At this point it seems that the reward for early access to crafters has been frustration, confusion, and the loss of a significant amount of credits because of crafting bugs and undocumented changes. Since Makeb is officially launched tomorrow, I am left with a question because I do not know what to do.


Is it worth the cost and frustration, considering the state of things, to bring your crafting and gathering skill levels to 450 or should one wait until things are fixed and better documented and understood?


I am of two minds. One is that I do not want to fall way back on the curve by waiting and the other is that I hate to engage in useless effort. I feel for my fellow crafters who have gone though the early access crafting experience.

Edited by asbalana
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I wanted to echo the frustration here. I hit master craftsman this morning, but I'm pretty dissatisfied with the state of gathering. You guys know that many people are going to keep running rich slicing and saving purple augment components, blissfully unaware that the rate is likely to be quadrupled in a coming patch. Those people are going to take a hit, and that's not cool. (No, I'm not in this set of people.)
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I just did two purple scavenging missions and both times I just got 6 hollinium and no compounds at all. :eek:


I did a Rich yield scavenged compounds mission and all I got back was Hollinium, which is a scavenged metal. Ridiculously frustrating.

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I wanted to echo the frustration here. I hit master craftsman this morning, but I'm pretty dissatisfied with the state of gathering. You guys know that many people are going to keep running rich slicing and saving purple augment components, blissfully unaware that the rate is likely to be quadrupled in a coming patch. Those people are going to take a hit, and that's not cool. (No, I'm not in this set of people.)


I put mine up for sale the second I saw Amber's post.

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This is making is very difficult to get significant amounts of Mythra to level up my Cybertech, Armormech, and Armstech crafters... I finally figured out today that doing Rich yield scavenged metal missions were actually making my supply problems worse, and that I needed to run moderate/abundant missions to get the mats I actually need. It's very counter-intuitive. I didn't run the wealthy missions to get a bunch of useless (to me) blue materials, I wanted a bunch of the low-level green material. Why not make them (and the Rich/Bountiful missions) give both? That would be more in-line with how they're named.


This mean you guys are going to reimbulse the millions we have spent in lvling our crew skills too?

Edited by cripito
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New bug as well. I can no longer get artificial microbes from gathering. Memories of the mythosaurs is the only moderate biochemical compound mission and I believe the only mission that returns these. Once I hit 450 biochem I stopped getting this mission. I have bionalaysis on 6 toons and logging out does not bring this mission up. I would like to be able to get these compounds without farming nodes.
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After spending yesterday afternoon looking into your reports and doing internal testing, we discovered a couple of things:


1. We were missing an important Patch Note for Game Update 2.0, which I'll be adding to the notes as soon as possible with the information, and I apologize that it was missed.

  • Crew Skill Missions above level 400 provide rewards as follows:
    • Moderate and Abundant missions no longer provide Artifact Quality crafting materials.
    • Bountiful and Rich missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials only on a critical success.
    • Wealthy missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials for both normal and critical success.


2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

  • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
  • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
  • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
  • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.


The combination of the bugs above, paired with the fact that the new missions don't yield materials in the same way as the older ones do would understandably lead to confusion around Level 400+ missions. We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused, and I hope to have cleared up your questions.





Thanks for the FB. In addition to the bugs you mentioned I should like to point out that critting a Bountiful+ mission is not guaranteed to give out purple mats. I've seen this happen with Diplomacy, UWT, TH... can't say for sure about Slicing and Investigation. So, either it's not working as intended or there is an internal communication gap.


Here are the affected missions I've identified so far (in 5 days worth of infernal testing):

  • Proliferation of Arms (Diplomacy, Imp)
  • Tumbling Down (TH, Imp)
  • Buying Amends (UWT, Rep)
  • Round Two (Investigation, Imp) - not 100% sure of this one.


edit: OT I've also noticed a degree of entropy in the Wealthy mission results, specifically in the ratio of purple:blue. If it wasn't entropy, then there is a discrepancy between the 2 variants of Wealthy missions within a given Crew Skill. I've observed this with UWT and Investigation.

Edited by ArenRakescar
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In addition to the problems mentioned by everyone else, however, i have also come across the issue where you do not receive a failure message or a reward and the only thing you can do is click Accept. I have logged this as a fault and it is being looked into, however, every time this happens, that is another couple of thousand credits, or more, which have been spent for no gain..


Yea, I've had that happen too. A lot. I think I even ran a Mission Discovery - Archeology where this happened. It was a 450 mission too, so I was expecting great things and got nothing whatsoever.


I'm just glad I found this thread.... I'm one of those folks who have been sending out slicing missions and getting practically nothing in return. I'm officially no longer sending out slicing missions until this is patched. It's been a big credit sink.

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After spending yesterday afternoon looking into your reports and doing internal testing, we discovered a couple of things:


1. We were missing an important Patch Note for Game Update 2.0, which I'll be adding to the notes as soon as possible with the information, and I apologize that it was missed.

  • Crew Skill Missions above level 400 provide rewards as follows:
    • Moderate and Abundant missions no longer provide Artifact Quality crafting materials.
    • Bountiful and Rich missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials only on a critical success.
    • Wealthy missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials for both normal and critical success.


2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

  • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
  • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
  • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
  • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.


The combination of the bugs above, paired with the fact that the new missions don't yield materials in the same way as the older ones do would understandably lead to confusion around Level 400+ missions. We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused, and I hope to have cleared up your questions.





There's a major problem in addition to all this. Bountiful and Rich missions for all gathering crew skills are yielding completely useless mats (Hollinium, Viral Residue, Perfect Carbonic Crystals which are not used in any recipes) on critical successes, and when this happens, you don't get any other mats (the useful ones you are trying to get). The result is that you want to avoid crit successes on these missions and want to avoid rich and bountiful missions altogether to avoid getting these useless mats. Crits and Bountiful/Rich Missions are now bad things you want to avoid. Somehow I doubt that this is intended.


Another issue is that Underworld Trading is not yielding any schematics except Armormech gloves. This is not a major issue and might not be a bug; there might not be any other recipes.

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This is making is very difficult to get significant amounts of Mythra to level up my Cybertech, Armormech, and Armstech crafters... I finally figured out today that doing Rich yield scavenged metal missions were actually making my supply problems worse, and that I needed to run moderate/abundant missions to get the mats I actually need. It's very counter-intuitive. I didn't run the wealthy missions to get a bunch of useless (to me) blue materials, I wanted a bunch of the low-level green material. Why not make them (and the Rich/Bountiful missions) give both? That would be more in-line with how they're named.


Yeah, really. BW, what are you doing??

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Happy Monday everyone! Update time!


1. We were missing an important Patch Note for Game Update 2.0, which I'll be adding to the notes as soon as possible with the information, and I apologize that it was missed.

  • Crew Skill Missions above level 400 provide rewards as follows:
    • Moderate and Abundant missions no longer provide Artifact Quality crafting materials.
    • Bountiful and Rich missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials only on a critical success.
    • Wealthy missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials for both normal and critical success.


The missing note has been updated in all three languages for the web and launcher.


2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

  • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
  • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
  • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
  • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.


Of the four bugs listed above, all of them with the exception of the Slicing Lock Boxes have been fixed and are currently slated to be a part of Patch 2.0.1. In addition to them, we'll be fixing a bug with Armstech augments that I posted about here. We're also looking into reports we're seeing about the viability and usefulness of some of the new Prototype and Standard crafting materials that you're getting.


The reason we've not yet updated Slicing Lockboxes is because it's a lot more of a complex fix, and we want to be certain that any changes that we make are mindful to possible impact to the game's economy.


As always, anything above could change due to findings during testing. If so, I'll let you know.



Edited by AmberGreen
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The reason we've not yet updated Slicing Lockboxes is because it's a lot more of a complex fix, and we want to be certain that any changes that we make are mindful to possible impact to the game's economy.


As always, anything above could change due to findings during testing. If so, I'll let you know.




And when will 2.0.1 be released? :confused: Next week? A week from now, so ~3-4 weeks for slicing fix... :(

Edited by Glower
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Happy Monday everyone! Update time!




The missing note has been updated in all three languages for the web and launcher.




Of the four bugs listed above, all of them with the exception of the Slicing Lock Boxes have been fixed and are currently slated to be a part of Patch 2.0.1. In addition to them, we'll be fixing a bug with Armstech augments that I posted about here. We're also looking into reports we're seeing about the viability and usefulness of some of the new Prototype and Standard crafting materials that you're getting.


The reason we've not yet updated Slicing Lockboxes is because it's a lot more of a complex fix, and we want to be certain that any changes that we make are mindful to possible impact to the game's economy.


As always, anything above could change due to findings during testing. If so, I'll let you know.




So you still need to 'look into reports' concerning materials we receive which serve no purpose, even though this was reported on the PTS over and over, and even though these materials are blocking players abilities to actually get usable materials while costing them time and credits?


And still no updates or clarification as to why all the crafted items besides mods have had their mat requirements significantly increased while the yields on missions and from nodes has been significantly decreased, nor any updates or clarifications on why grade 6 nodes even exist on Makeb?


Are the devs responsible for crew skills just incompetent, just don't care, or even worse, do they just not exist?


I know the above sounds harsh, but the bugs and problems within crew skills that made it live are just inexcusable.


Please get someone assigned that can make crew skills worthwhile and not just some kludged up afterthought full of bugs and multiple frustration points.

Edited by DawnAskham
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WHILE we are WAITING for the magical 2.0.1 patch can we are least get the DROP RATE increased?


I mean really? This is a SIMPLE change and shouldn't require another 1-3 weeks to make the correction. People are spending credits left and right and don't even realize they are getting shafted. I can't RE some Orange gear my Armormech (450) made because it requires Armormech 450 AND Sythweaving.. (What? Yes... Screen shot even)


Bioware - Do your DEV's just hate the crafting profession? I mean the terrible drop rates, crazy times and cost don't exactly scream "Upgrade" to me, but "Prepare to Nerf Crew Skills & Credits" instead.


Sorry.. I'm getting really tired of the lack of PAYING ATTENTION TO PTS FEEDBACK! What exactly do the DEVS do with those forum posts? Just delete them and pretend they didn't happen?



  • PTS TTK in PVP is way LOW (Result - no change and "INFO is still being collected")
  • PTS Bolster in PVP allowed Naked PVP better stats (Result - no change and now an emergency patch)
  • PTS Drop Rates in Crafting terrible (Result - no change and drop rates are not only broken, but really low)
  • PTS Smash Monkeys have Auto-Crit still and nerf across board not as effective (Result - small increase main issues remains on the Auto-Crit of several classes)


QUESTION: Are we going to see RETROACTIVE awards from all the missions that have been run? IE: I ran 200 missions and missed like 400 dropped items and/or paid xxx Credits.

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The reason we've not yet updated Slicing Lockboxes is because it's a lot more of a complex fix, and we want to be certain that any changes that we make are mindful to possible impact to the game's economy.


The mission boxes...drop...an insufficient amount of credits? How is this a lot more complex? I mean it's not like the lockboxes are also being used to calculate Pi with trillions of digits, right? Make them drop more credits, boom done, no?


Again, since crafting is a pretty important part of the game and people are unknowingly pissing credits away, couldn't this be hotfixed and not delayed until 2.0.1 at an undetermined time?

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I ran a scavenging mission and an investigation mission (450 rare crew missions), but I should have looked here first. I got:


Scavenging mission - 6 Hollinium

Investigation mission - 4 Permacrete, 6 Reinforced transparisteel, and one schematic.


The investigation mission is much as I expected but the scavenging return was pure crap.

Edited by poypoyking
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