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Tracer missile in 2.0 and its Tracer lock


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Hi all,


can someone give clarification whether tracer missile applies one heat signature (2 with combination of other Light em up) and stack them upto 5 reducing targets armor?


I have played last night with my merc, and I havent noticed numbers that were present on target when you apply first one. No matter how much tracers I have fired, it stayed on normal icon, and at the same time i noticed that armor debuff applied on me is stacking upto 5 as it was before.


So my question is:

Does it really stack and graphics representing (icon on target) is wrong or its no longer getting stacked due to bug?

Edited by SettGirkkurn
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Tracer Missile now applies a full 20% armor reduction with a single shot, thus the Heat Signature no longer needs to stack and no longer has a number on it. Additionally, you get a full 25% bonus damage on Heat Seeker Missiles with just the one Heat Signature in place.


Tracer Lock, on the other hand, still has to stack up as normal (1 per shot, 2 if you have Light 'Em Up) and functions the same way it did in 1.7.


Essentially, this means our rotation has less build-up before the big hits. Mine is looking like:





TM x2

Rail Shot

TM spam til anything procs or comes off cooldown


Plus Electro Net thrown in there somewhere. Still working on that one. Obviously if Barrage procs then an Unload goes in the rotation when it happens, but that's what it looks like with no procs.


It gives us more front-loaded damage (be careful if you already pull aggro fast) but also spaces things out so it's not always HSM + Rail Shot together.


On a side note, HSM is doing a LOT more damage. Got a 7k crit on one at level 50 against a 51 or 52 mob, that's a new high for me I believe.

Edited by JimmyTheCannon
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