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Really Enjoying Makeb.


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I am really enjoying Makeb, but what is up with the crit rate on the advance crew skills? I have several 50s working the new advanced crew skills {all of them} with capped affection etc....and with more missions than i can count at this point all toons but one have seen zero "purples". I would like to start crafting some of the new stuff, but at the zero rate the artifact quality mats are dropping i guess i will never get to :-(.


Is the system bugged, or am I not doing something right....as in did they make major changes to how crew skills work now? I take no issue with things, perhaps, being a tad more rare....but with several ancient 50s crew skilling all day...and one as I adventure on Makeb {my main} not seeing any purples is a bit dissapointing to say the least.


I have had my fair share of bad luck crafting/REing etc over the past 2 years, but I am now beginning to think they turned off the ability to get crits on accident lol.


What gives?

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