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New Beast Merc Hybrid Dps Spec


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Try this out guys, was messing around with skills and put this spec together with Rail shot as the main nuke.

Link to spec - http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/mercenary/15/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000223003202100212001000000000000003230302221200000230000000000000&ver=20


SS of damage - http://tinypic.com/r/29b0t21/6


Using HV gas as your cylinder you can hit some pretty big numbers since your rail shot will ignore such a huge % of armor

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Hey,i have been using this before the patch,and in my opinion,it is way better and more fun for me then ars...

and i agree it is better now after.....and we get an immune skill too,which i am very happy about....


EDIT: just looked harder at your post, your not using CGC, but HVS.......hmmmm ,so u have the mobility of incendiary,

and the heat skill of HVS,,,and the rail shot BOOMSKI.....but dont have the couple of CGC bonus`s....i will try this..and i will give my opinion when i have tried it a couple of times....




Edited by crelok
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Wont you overheat ? The build looks good I will give him a shot. Also I think this build can have 2 alternatives , 1 for every cylinder you use.


EDIT: with so much skills whats going to be your combo/rotation ?

Edited by Ogi-Wan-BG
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Have you actually tried running straight Arsenal in PVP yet? The damage numbers on it should be very good, with the buffs to HSM, no need to stack up Heat Signatures, and the Electro Net talent.


I'm not saying it's perfect now, just curious as to how it compares to your hybrid.

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arsenal is more dps, easily ,but while TM is going ,a good team will focus you and yeh....if your team can keep the enemy busy....TM ftw hands down,,but as we all know, doesn`t happen,
Its true that its enough if one melee from the other side decides to lock you down, your whole game will be vastly deflated.


But i feel i get alot of freedom with the new hold the line + chaff absorb + kolto overload :)

Does not make me OP or even great but its a vast improvement from our earlier level of viability.

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Its true that its enough if one melee from the other side decides to lock you down, your whole game will be vastly deflated.


But i feel i get alot of freedom with the new hold the line + chaff absorb + kolto overload :)

Does not make me OP or even great but its a vast improvement from our earlier level of viability.


With things like that and electro net, I think mercs will be able to find new ways to play so that we can mow down people like we were meant to without worrying about stupid melee classes.

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I get the idea behind the build, but your Rail Shots are going to be few and far between. You don't have anything that can proc it. People that play Merc Pyro know that Rail Shot isn't all that powerful. You are lucky if you get a 4k of damage on a crit. But at least you got to use it fairly often and had a reasonable crit chance.


With this hybrid build you don't get to use Rail Shot often. And your crit chance got nerfed in 2.0. And you just gave up Heatseeker, which does twice as much damage as Rail Shot on nearly the same CD timer. That's not good. The build also wastes 7 skill pts on Integrated Cardio, Gyroscopic Alignment and Infrared Sensors. That's really not good since you can no longer take Riddle and Target Tracking.. You need those skills badly since Unload is the one ability you can proc.

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What about this one with cgc?




you get 20% armor pen... 30% more unload crit damage... rocket punch root...


at the expense of the top of the pyro tree which stinks imho...

Edited by Choffware
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What about this one with cgc?




you get 20% armor pen... 30% more unload crit damage... rocket punch root...


at the expense of the top of the pyro tree which stinks imho...

This one works, i have used it pre 2.0 to great effect. It does lack killing power though, no real finisher (and tracer missile is pointless). You gain root, kiting etc. With the current buffs you will be very slippery but as i said, you lack killing power.

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This one works, i have used it pre 2.0 to great effect. It does lack killing power though, no real finisher (and tracer missile is pointless). You gain root, kiting etc. With the current buffs you will be very slippery but as i said, you lack killing power.


Pre 2.0 TM would be point less but now you only need one for 20% more armor pen on everything...

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i hit the 400k mark with just arsenal frequently now im hitting 5, 6, 700K and not even passed 50 yet,


listen. Mercs get their crazy dps scores from AOEs, and splash damage follow a fusion misile with a death from above and sweeping blaster with some misile blasts on a crowd and whach them numbers fly in. for mercs spec is realy more of a utility preference

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i hit 550k dmg with my lv12 merc... lol at 450k


Yeh you will get huge numbers with the new bolster system the way it is on a lv12 with noob gear but ofc you must know that already other wise you would make your self look pretty dumb , I'm talking about a lv50 full WH geared merc.


My lv16 commando does equally well maybe I should of posted that instead but then talking about a very low lvl merc/commando would be pretty pointless when discussing merc's current state in 2.0 when you have next to none of the ability's yet. :rolleyes:

Edited by nkitch
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i hit the 400k mark with just arsenal frequently now im hitting 5, 6, 700K and not even passed 50 yet,


listen. Mercs get their crazy dps scores from AOEs, and splash damage follow a fusion misile with a death from above and sweeping blaster with some misile blasts on a crowd and whach them numbers fly in. for mercs spec is realy more of a utility preference


Arsenal is still the best tree for this, roll in with both overrides (heat and insta cast) then throw in a fusion missile,TM (instant with new proc), heatseeker and rail shot and you will be hard pressed to find anyone in any PVP arena who can hold up to the quick combo. This is especially deadly if done around a large cluster followed by a death from above and finishing off any stragglers with unload (buffed or not). Really easy way to help your team clear out large groups, heatseeker and buffed unload are the keys though for finishing power.

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If Railshot is the main attack, why not take PPA from the Pyro tree to Proc/Refresh Railshot? Thats a HUGE skill.

Edit: I realized its because of the cylinder, but doesn't change my overall sentiment.


Also...I noticed you took Infrared Sensors. IMO this is the single worst box in the whole Pyro tree. Couldn't those 2 point be better spent in Volatile Warheads to give you an on-demand snare? Or if you don't want a snare...just anything else?


And I feel that the endurance skill box on the first row of Pyro is also a waste of points. Its going to give you like 400 HP for 3 skill points. Normally, Pyros need to put 2 points there to move up the tree....but since you are taking the Alacrity box, the endurance is not needed. (Also noticed HP skills taken in the Arsenal tree. Two skill points for 250 HP may not be the best use)


I feel like there are too many conflicts for it to mesh perfectly. Pyro tree is great for the cylinder, mobility with Thermal Det, DoTs, and refreshing railshot with unload. But the hybrid build benefits from none of this. And at the same time, it overspends skill points due to taking boxes that have no effect such as taking Superheated Gas just to take Superheated Rail. Thats 5 points for a 2 point skill box since the bottom 3 point box doesn't do anything.


Also, you are missing out on Heatseeker just to gain minor abilities from the Pyro tree.


Good luck and hope you work out any kinks you may encounter. This was an attempt at constructive criticism.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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First of all, when you use the term "beast" in anything it just shows your complete inability to grasp the concept of maturity. I am tired of people who are allegedly intelligent enough to turn on a computer, log into software and use old and outdated vernacular to try and make their posts so much more important than it really is in reality.


Beast? This spec is the excrement that beasts step in then either shake it off or lick it off their boots. Please, do better research.

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K,so i gave it a go a couple of matches,while i was very free and kiting alot,, i found that heat was an issue,

i do like hybrid build ,but im finding at higher level,theres not enough BOOM quick enough,which leaves you kiting alot and staying alive alot,but thats all.but in my opinion,early level i think it is very good, if it is working for you,you have a rotation-thats awesome.....


everytime i needed heat,it wasnt there.



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