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Just me or is DPS merc a beast again?


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First of all, when you use the term "beast" in anything it just shows your complete inability to grasp the concept of maturity. I am tired of people who are allegedly intelligent enough to turn on a computer, log into software and use old and outdated vernacular to try and make their posts so much more important than it really is in reality.


lol what is this i don't even..



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And i hardly ever will i ever see a sorc do more damage in a warzone. Ever. As for your imput about "death field", it is false that it hits single-targets more than HSM


Then your server has crap for sorc dps. And lame strawman attempt to claim that I said Death Field does more single target damage than HSM. I didn't. But it's shorter CD and AoE effect make it a MUCH better ability than HSM, which is the best ability that Merc dps have.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, from what i've seen merc is currently has the most burst in the game if need be. Not saying that its heat-efficient, but take in account they now have TWO insta power surges. Our Aoe's are much better.


A month from now after you have been repeatedly owned by Assassin dps bursting you down, I will resurect this thread and laugh. Merc Arsenal does have decent burst now - better than VG/PT which got nerfed. Merc Pyro has pathetic burst. But Merc Arsenal isn't even close to the best burst in the game. A good Assassin can Maul twice in 10 seconds each for as much damage as your HSM.


I call complete BS on merc still being "the worst class in the game". And thats not from a bias standpoint.


Merc Arsenal is good for PvE and medioce in PvP. Merc Bodyguard is worst of the three healers for PvE & PvP. Merc Pyro is persona non grata in PvE & PvP. That's a terrible scorecard for the class as a whole. One still living up to its well known and well earned moniker as the WORST CLASS IN THE GAME.

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Then your server has crap for sorc dps. And lame strawman attempt to claim that I said Death Field does more single target damage than HSM. I didn't. But it's shorter CD and AoE effect make it a MUCH better ability than HSM, which is the best ability that Merc dps have.




A month from now after you have been repeatedly owned by Assassin dps bursting you down, I will resurect this thread and laugh. Merc Arsenal does have decent burst now - better than VG/PT which got nerfed. Merc Pyro has pathetic burst. But Merc Arsenal isn't even close to the best burst in the game. A good Assassin can Maul twice in 10 seconds each for as much damage as your HSM.




Merc Arsenal is good for PvE and medioce in PvP. Merc Bodyguard is worst of the three healers for PvE & PvP. Merc Pyro is persona non grata in PvE & PvP. That's a terrible scorecard for the class as a whole. One still living up to its well known and well earned moniker as the WORST CLASS IN THE GAME.


What are you the fun police? Calm down your getting spittle on your fedora.


No Mercs don't belong in RWZ but they definitely got better in 2.0. Sometimes it's just fun to shoot missiles like a psychopath and top the damage charts doing it.


The only builds truly underpowered in PvP are the ones that use the A, S, and D keys.

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awefull lot of people that dont understand that mercs stack abilities for combined DPS spikes. Obviousely HSM isnt as good as say a well critting smash but when you consider that that HSM is accompanied by a fusion or tracer missile and is being followed by a rail shot which will all hit at the same time as a pre fired explosive dart detonates... i think ive made my point here. a merc will do as much damage as it needs to when it needs to, something called versatility. Edited by HexDecimalUK
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played my merc and i was excited. Then i got back on my sorc.. then my marauder.... then my sniper...... yeah merc still suck -__-, Lol. Merc gear still looks the best in game but Im shelfing mine. Going to play sorc if I can get into rated as dps with it on good teams and sniper or marauder if not. dps merc is just flat out inferior to other dps classes and healing spec is a joke. 5 heals and im overheated, lolwut. sorc has pretty much unlimited heals rofl.


hexdecimaluk if you spend some more time on other classes, you will see that merc has no versatility in comparison... Im giving up on mine you can wait for 3.0 if you want to, Ima play sorc till I find out if rated teams want a dps sorc or not.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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hexdecimaluk if you spend some more time on other classes, you will see that merc has no versatility in comparison... Im giving up on mine you can wait for 3.0 if you want to, Ima play sorc till I find out if rated teams want a dps sorc or not.


You may want to spend more time on the merc class. Especially if your merc is only lvl 30 as it says in your sig. Because everything you just said there isn't remotely true.

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No Mercs don't belong in RWZ but they definitely got better in 2.0.


You seem to have trouble with the concept of class and subclass. Merc is a class. When you say that the Merc class got better, you are being a fool. Two out of the three subclasses that constitute the Merc class fell further behind their healing and dps compatriots as a result of the changes in 2.0. One of the three subclasses got better in one of the two disciplines (pvp and pve). Taken as a whole your statement that "Merc definitely got better in 2.0" is asinine.

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Merc dps is still the worst class in the game.


LOL, keep thinking that while my 2650 RWZ rated merc destroys your team. if your playing the class right at the end of the game the other team should be saying, where the hell was that merc at?


Take that outcome, double it and you have what a sniper or sorc would have done in the same spot. (same positioning, same support, same enemies, same playerskill).

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Then your server has crap for sorc dps. And lame strawman attempt to claim that I said Death Field does more single target damage than HSM. I didn't. But it's shorter CD and AoE effect make it a MUCH better ability than HSM, which is the best ability that Merc dps have.




A month from now after you have been repeatedly owned by Assassin dps bursting you down, I will resurect this thread and laugh. Merc Arsenal does have decent burst now - better than VG/PT which got nerfed. Merc Pyro has pathetic burst. But Merc Arsenal isn't even close to the best burst in the game. A good Assassin can Maul twice in 10 seconds each for as much damage as your HSM.




Merc Arsenal is good for PvE and medioce in PvP. Merc Bodyguard is worst of the three healers for PvE & PvP. Merc Pyro is persona non grata in PvE & PvP. That's a terrible scorecard for the class as a whole. One still living up to its well known and well earned moniker as the WORST CLASS IN THE GAME.


This post, so much ignorance.


Arsenal is pretty fun and awesome in pvp now. I can set up burst to do a cumulative hit o 12-15k at once (Explosive Dart-TM-HSM. With the average pvp HP pool being 25k or so, this is 50-60% of a person's HP, only using a single casted ability. And then I can crit for 8-9k with HSM alone, kinda ruins a healer's day.


Your Assassin comment is just such a display of, I don't even know what. Any competent pvper knows to NEVER let an assassin get behind them. This has never been easier for mercs. We have hydraulic overrides which both prevents slows and lets us run faster and we have electro net which can negate their ability to vanish and use force speed. Hell, assassins are laughably easy to 1v1 now.


And on that same topic, arsenal mercs are so much better off in 1v1 now. I can actually take juggs and marauders 1v1 now. I destroy lesser skilled players and am able to kill better players. You can neutralize so much using hydraulic overrides alone, and then add the buffed power surge and electro net into the mix and you have solid 1v1 ability.


Now, I can't speak for bodyguard in pvp, but in pve I have no issues at all. I have easily healed anything thrown at me in this expansion so far. Not much more to say there. Pyro definetly is sub-par atm, not sure what the devs intended there but oh well, have arsenal.


Worst class in the game. Lol

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This post, so much ignorance.


Arsenal is pretty fun and awesome in pvp now. I can set up burst to do a cumulative hit o 12-15k at once (Explosive Dart-TM-HSM. With the average pvp HP pool being 25k or so, this is 50-60% of a person's HP, only using a single casted ability. And then I can crit for 8-9k with HSM alone, kinda ruins a healer's day.


Your Assassin comment is just such a display of, I don't even know what. Any competent pvper knows to NEVER let an assassin get behind them. This has never been easier for mercs. We have hydraulic overrides which both prevents slows and lets us run faster and we have electro net which can negate their ability to vanish and use force speed. Hell, assassins are laughably easy to 1v1 now.


Your post, so much BS.


Multiple subclasses can now deliver the same level of single target burst damage that the Arsenal can. The difference is that these other classes have more utility and more survivability. And if a healer gets killed by an Arsenal in a 1v1 situation where both start at full health, then that healer is just a bad.


And as far as Assassins go, use of HO as a preventative measure to prevent an Assassin from getting behind you is simply stupid. All you did is delay his opener by 6 seconds. What a waste of an ability. But then again, predictable given that you also think that Electro Net is some kind of voodoo magic that prevents them from using stealth. Electro Net is the easiest of the new abilities to counter. A good Assassin will never die to an Arsenal in a 1v1. All he has to do is save his cc breaker and his stealth. There is no way for the Arsenal to finish.

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A good Assassin will never die to an Arsenal in a 1v1. All he has to do is save his cc breaker and his stealth. There is no way for the Arsenal to finish.

To be fair, a good Assassin will not die in a 1on1 at all, no matter which enemy.

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Well I'l say this... pvp 51-54 merc got much better. I also play a marauder. The marauder also got much better but the gap between them that was in 1.7 has gotten a lot narrower. So what I'm saying is yes both classes got better but my merc seems to be more on par with my marauder at least in this braket. Of course their roles are different But mercs now can do their job much better. Mercs can escape much better and can burst much better than before, their dps does not take a huge windup anymore and are much harder to shut down. If a merc is caught in melee range now they can escape and still dps fairly well. They are still at a distint disadvantage at melee range but they seem to have a much better fighting chance...


If you play them as a hit and fade class... they can be effective... basically they cause enough damage to force the other side to overextend now... and if they overextend to take out the merc they can get countered more easily. Before a merc would just do marginal burst and then get taken out in seconds. At least now they can play a role of "spoiler" if played properly.

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This is true.


This is also why Assassins badly need a nerf.


Sorry I high jacked the thread.


indeed they have so much CC and DPS its unreal and as soon as you get them on the ropes they stealth, mind trap and seethe technically making them invincible 1vs1

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indeed they have so much CC and DPS its unreal and as soon as you get them on the ropes they stealth, mind trap and seethe technically making them invincible 1vs1


Cowards the lot of them. Only way for them to win is to stab a knife in the back and hiding in the shadows. Dishonorable.

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I can some times beat assassins on my merc. It's not easy it's always better to run. The only way I can get them is if you can beak the initial stun... jetbost and start kiting him... HO when he charges you... interupt when he starts the ranged slow down cast ( the rock thing on shadows) . In pyro it's slightly easier because you can keep a dots on him. And arsenal you can do a little more damage if you have power surge. But basically if you can't get away in the first 4 seconds or any of your defensive cool downs are not up... you're basically toast. The best way to kill an assassin is to hit them when they are attacking someone else... that's our role anyway... not 1v1
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I can some times beat assassins on my merc. It's not easy it's always better to run. The only way I can get them is if you can beak the initial stun... jetbost and start kiting him... HO when he charges you... interupt when he starts the ranged slow down cast ( the rock thing on shadows) . In pyro it's slightly easier because you can keep a dots on him. And arsenal you can do a little more damage if you have power surge. But basically if you can't get away in the first 4 seconds or any of your defensive cool downs are not up... you're basically toast. The best way to kill an assassin is to hit them when they are attacking someone else... that's our role anyway... not 1v1


I think this is about right. One can definitely use greater player skill to compensate for the situational disadvantage and beat an Assassin. You need the Assassin to make a mistake. For example today in Voidstar the other team's best player, an Assassin tank, got overconfident and charged to the red power up when his side was on defense. I hit him first not with TM or a stun, but with Rocket Punch. He's surrounded by a ton of enemies, so rather than eat the 2 sec root, he immediately used his cc breaker - a mistake. Electro Net right away and then I could take my time to use TM-HS-UL and it was shortly over. But if the Assassin has the first sequence, then he should get the kill.

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In regards to INCORRECT comments posted by Macroeconomics, here is the tooltip for Electronet.


Clearly you should make sure your information is correct b4 making accusations about anything that you have no clear knowledge or understanding of.


Electro Net ensnares a single target, reducing its movement speed and dealing periodic Energy damage which increases over time if the target is moving. While Electro Net is active, the target is also hindered and unable to activate high mobility actions and escapes, such as speed boosts, vanishes, and charges.

Edited by Sandsz
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