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Alacrity for Gunnery?


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Hello all,


Looking at the changes to alacrity, I wondered if people felt that it might be worth stacking alacrity on augments to reduce channel times and GCD? I was thinking of augmenting my level 31 commando with 14 alacrity augs, which I think will take me in the region of 8-10% alacrity overall.





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i capped accuracy, had one enhancement with surge on it, and put the rest into alacrity. went with 5/36/5 and had around 8-10% alacrity and did more dps that way (this was all on PTS mind)


i didn't use a point in first responder because i had very little crit, but i may end up changing my mind on that once i level on live.




ammo was not a problem at all no matter what i build was. i'm honestly not sure why people keep saying there are ammo issues. on live before 2.0, i felt like gunnery had too much ammo. now with the 100pt system, ammo management is infinitely easier than it was before.

Edited by oaceen
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Alacrity makes you to regenerate energy faster with 2.0 ;)


But it doesn't scale with the ammo spent rate. You'll still spend ammo faster than you regenerate it (and at a quicker pace than no alacrity at all which is the main point).


While you're still using your old set bonus, there are no serious ammo issues. In fact it's even easier, even though HiB now costs 2 ammo even with old set bonus.


The question will be how ammo management is without that bonus. Just got a 69 Chest Piece armoring last night before I logged so we'll see how it goes.


Personally I'll be stacking surge once I get accuracy where I want it. I want the crits I get to crit freaking hard.

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Alacrity makes you to regenerate energy faster with 2.0 ;)

Cell Charger doesn't scale with Alacrity, so far as I know.


We'll know a bit better once people have had some time to break everything down and thoroughly analyze life, livingness and the pursuit of theorycrafting, but many people on the PTS got more gains from power than anything else.


I for one am not planning on rushing out and spending Arkanian tokens on dps gear with alacrity unless some compelling in-depth analysis shows it is actually worthwhile.

Edited by Khevar
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  • 5 weeks later...

Rather than start a new thread, I figured I'd bump this one since it's not that old.


Is alacrity worth losing surge for now? I'm at the point where I can just about start min/maxing my gear and I've been looking at Verpine mods and enhancements to fill in where I have 69s until I can get the Underworld armorings. I have the 2 set bonus but not the new 4 set one.


My accuracy is 109% And my surge rating is 302, as is crit. I'm willing to take a slight dip further in crit if I can find alacrity/surge stuff, but only if alacrity is worth it for Gunnery.

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So far, running with around 7% total alacrity and have no problems, I still have the old set bonus though.


I'm around 180 crit , 150 surge/150 alacrity (roughly), and I find the balance satisfactory. In most real situations I barely have to use hammer shot at all, this will probably change once I get rid of the old 4 piece bonus, but in the end I find the new setup decent.


Tbh, from the numbers I've seen, the differences in dps from going full power, going power plus crit, varying amounts of surge/alacrity, are so minuscule it's not worth worrying over (as in, 10dps difference, with +-3 dps variance in runs, between different build). Just don't use too much crit (I wouldn't go over 300, and less is probably safer) and remember to cap accuracy before anything else.

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Min/max to the follwing:


Accuracy 100% (Tech 110%)

surge 70%

crit ~28%

alacrity ~6%


I prioritized in that order and it works great.


2 piece set bonus, all at least 69's with a couple pieces upgraded to 72.


Aug's all 66's of various flavors to get my % right where i wanted them.

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