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lol bolster


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This isn't a bug. It is a feature. If it were a bug, they'd have fixed it by now. Since I will not penalize myself for going into WZs with the armor I worked so hard for, I go naked, weapon only. My stats are higher that way. I have encouraged others, in chat on the fleet and in WZs to do the same after I surprisingly found this bug not fixed yet.


Therefore it is now a feature. The end.

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There should be no god dam bloster in level 55 wzs period. It should not exist in the elite wz catagories.


Not only should there be no bolster, only brackets, but there should be no expertise stat at all, for pve or pvp. Expertise is the only reason they messed with bolster apparently, and broke it. It actually did scale people up BEFORE! and quite well, I might add. The ONLY adjustment that would need to be made on entering WZs with low lvl characters is to adjust level up so they don't miss 100% of the time on people 5 lvls above or higher.

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So what do toons do that only have recruit gear because they dinged 50 right before the expansion? What should we wear?


or buy/"find" some high-tier PvE stuff from previous build. I guess I should have kept those molestabs...

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Gear vs. Skill•Pre-2.0 PvP was all about your items. Being ‘the best’ meant you had EWH with augments and no one could touch you. This situation was unfortunate because it made the PvP game too harsh on the ‘have nots’ and made the grind to EWH much more bitter because of getting your face pushed in the mud day after day. The gear gap was too big and some players became non-contributors quickly because of the gear gap. It wasn’t fun for the majority of players. In 2.0 we don’t want to totally get rid of PvP gear progression, we still want a gear gap but we want to tone down how overpowered the top tier gear is versus the lower PvP gear so that the moment to moment gameplay is more enjoyable. We want everyone you group with to be contributors from a gear standpoint (them not responding to “inc grass 3” calls or not throwing you the Huttball when they are immobilized is something we can’t help :p). We have seen the argument of Skill vs. Gear throughout the existence of MMO PvP and we are of the opinion both are good for an RPG, falling on one side of the scale (gear has no purpose in PvP vs. gear is the only thing that matters in PvP) is not desirable. It is a balance act, sometimes it will slide too far on one side or the other and we will correct it but this methodology, the balance between skill vs. gear, will result in the most healthy PvP game and community possible for the long term.


I have been trolled by a Dev.

When is the "gear gap" in PVE going to be addressed? I went into S&V yesterday in my 48 greens and I got owned, TALK ABOUT UNFAIR!!!! WAH WAH WAH. Gear matters in an mmo, but only if its an NPC your killing because if it is another player you get your feelings hurt. You guys are HORRIBLE.

tl:dr If you want to compete in an mmo you should have to earn gear. Dont carebear it bioware, make the gear easier to get. Dont remove any need to get it.

Edited by Crawelc
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I have been trolled by a Dev.

When is the "gear gap" in PVE going to be addressed? I went into S&V yesterday in my 48 greens and I got owned, TALK ABOUT UNFAIR!!!! WAH WAH WAH. Gear matters in an mmo, but only if its an NPC your killing because if it is another player you get your feelings hurt. You guys are an ASSCASSEROLE


That last part may need to be quoted for future reference... :D

Edited by Azarai
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tl:dr If you want to compete in an mmo you should have to earn gear. Dont carebear it bioware, make the gear easier to get. Dont remove any need to get it.


The progression will still be there, and Bolster in 55 will be changed come tued.


Other than that the good guilds will still be good, and the ones still trying to catch up will have to work at it.


TBH nothing really changed besides the brackets and the Bolster in pre 55. :)


I know what you mean you don't want a carebear like game where all the crybabies get what they want, but we both can agree the gear gap in this game was horrific since this game launched.


Least its my opinion. ;)

Edited by Caeliux
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I know what you mean you don't want a carebear like game where all the crybabies get what they want, but we both can agree the gear gap in this game was horrific since this game launched.


Least its my opinion. ;)


Not at all actually. It took less than a week with minimal effort to get full WH and if you were prepared from the lowbies bracket, you could have it nearly itemized. If you were lazy about it, you got punished and had to work a whole two weeks for gear that wasn't even 2% worse than EWH. The system was already carebear-centric, now it's just gone to a completely whole new level of catering to the masses.


EDIT: I thought the miniscule difference between WH and EWH was the way the game was going, with no more than a few percentage difference between the different gear sets which was on a WHOLE different level from the previous systems and was a helluva improvement. What was wrong with that system? Was it really that difficult to not have full WH for less than a week that BW had to roll out this mess of a system?

Edited by Azarai
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The system was already carebear-centric, now it's just gone to a completely whole new level of catering to the masses.


Problem is lack of content for more PVP warzones, for instance a Arena and Open World. A system built only for 8 man ranked will get boring and repetitive.


But, Bolster has provided balance to classes, I think we should be happy about that.

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Hey everyone,


Our combat and PvP teams have been hard at work addressing the issues of naked Bolster and the itemization issues attached to it (like War Hero gear). Here is some very detailed information on everything we are going to be doing to address these concerns right from Alex Modny. If you want the basic info here is a quick synopsis, read on for the full debrief:


TLDR: Going into a Warzone completely naked will now be worse than wearing gear. War Hero and Elite War Hero gear is viable again.


Our current plan is that you will see all of these changes after our scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, April 16th. Note that these changes are NOT to address the time to kill issues. We are still actively investigating that and will get back to you as soon as we have more information.






This is confusing and I'm not totally clear on what will happen.


So basically, WH and EWH will become PvE gear. Since there is better PvE gear than WH/EWH, wouldn't they be better than WH/EWH for PvP? And what then, is the point of having expertise on PvP gear at all (meaning Partisan/Conqueror) if full expertise is going to be added by bolster anyway?

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Wow. 3 yellow posts from BioWare in a single thread...I may keel over and die of shock. :eek:


The more warzones I queue up for, the more apparent it becomes just how broken the new bolster system is. Yes, closing the gear gap is a good thing. Nicely done. However, a naked level 30 Commando shouldn't be wtfpwning level 54's. Yes, it truly is that bad. Guess I didn't believe it until I experienced it for myself.


I'd like to see a hotfix pushed out for this instead of waiting until Tuesday because goodness knows you guys will be busy fixing all the things that RotHC breaks.

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I will say this. I totally agree with bolster pre 55. I think its great, and the problems that people are having with WH/EWH and Recruit are going away eventually wether bioware does anything or not. You cant get it anymore so any toon that was sub 50 doesnt have this to worry about it.

In level 55 with pvp gear as the person above me said it takes 2-3 days to get Partisan gear which is good enough to compete if you know how to play. So the ONLY thing bioware is accomplishing is to allow people that never pvp to come into our side of the game and compete whenever they want. I would like the same courtesy applied to me. I only pvp, so when is my Partisan gear going to be bolstered when I zone into an operation?

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The ranking you will see in effectiveness is WH < EWH < Partisan < Conqueror.


I dont get it... If WH/EWH becomes to PVE gear, and we got this:


WH < EWH < Dread Guard < Arkanian < Underworld < Partisan < Conqueror.


WH < EWH < Green crap < Dread Guard < Arkanian < Underworld < Partisan < Conqueror.

or even

WH < EWH < Green crap ~ Partisan < Conqueror < Dread Guard < Arkanian < Underworld.


*red is bolstered


No? Am I wrong? :confused:

Edited by Glower
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As we all know, Pre 54 PVP Bolster is broken <can't comment on lvl 55 yet>

After playing 2 of my characters, lvl 40 Sniper and lvl 51 Sorc and doing some experimenting <not much... I'm too lazy :p>... I have discovered the following -

- My lvl 51 <now 53> Sorc has better stats ,nearly <except crit> than when she's wearing her elite WZ gear or is naked... BUT when I put on lvl 35 -39 blue armor <no relics, no implants> my stats go up again slightly above being naked... and my bonus damage doubles.

- My lvl 40 <now 42> Sniper is still wearing her "twinked" lvl 36 gear and her stats are still rising as she is increasing in lvl's... I expect that to stop soon, although I'm not sure at which point it will

So in conclusion, if you are lvl 50 - 54, my experience is telling me to wear lvl 33-39 blue gear...

If below lvl 44, wear the best twinked gear below your lvl... not sure how this works below lvl 40... but my guess would be Bolster ups your stats more <can anyone confirm>

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There should be no god dam bloster in level 55 wzs period. It should not exist in the elite wz catagories.


this tbh, what's the point in grinding PVP gear in the new system? It's not even visually unique, same models as PVE gear...

Edited by ViciousFett
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Alex Modny - If you see players in PvP playing Naked from now on you should expect them to be underperforming stat wise and over performing cojones wise.


Haha. Good stuff.



You do realize that you have been selling +41 expertise crystal on GTN too, to people in levels 10-49? There are WAY MORE people than just the ones using wh/ewh who have these crystals, and now you tell things some people have bought with REAL MONEY are a disadvantage? Couldn't you give us an option to corvert our crystals to endurance/critical rating/power ones of the same colour? I just want to keep my level 27 operative shooting pink bullets without buying huge amount of cartel market items/buying one from the GTN for over 100k.


This is a legitimate concern. The way I read Alex's explanation is that, even after Tuesday, Crystals will still be handled problematically by Bolster. I read the recommendation to swap your crystal as a temporary solution until they fully resolve the issue.



So if we put it into customized gear we dont get the change? That is great that is.


I don't think that is what he said, albeit wasn't entirely clear. heh


Pretty sure what he said is that the system identifies the type of Bolster buff an item will receive based on whether it has any Expertise or not. A mixed item (with both PvE & PvP mods) actually gets identified by the system as a PvP item because it has some Expertise.


So I read his recommendation as being put all PvP mods back in a PvP item. Likewise, only have all PvE mods in a PvE item. This would certainly impact my Sniper since he rolls with two PvE Skill Armoring 27s, even in all min/maxed PvP gear. Then again, I could have misinterpreted everything.


There is still a question of whether min/max stat increases will be impacted (negatively/positively). I believe this may be what you meant by "customized." One would hope that the Bolster mechanic isn't simply basing it's stat boosting norms on a standard mod configuration for the standard set piece of PvP gear.



There should be no god dam bloster in level 55 wzs period. It should not exist in the elite wz catagories.


I'm in partial agreement here. Bolster should definitely be removed from Rated WZs. I think it's fine in 55 Regz though.



So what do toons do that only have recruit gear because they dinged 50 right before the expansion? What should we wear?


A full set of the best PvE Mods/Gear you can find. ;)


I luvz me a Jaiyne!

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Это Извините Пиздец. Полный! Биовары Убирайте Эту Хрень нафиг. ВОВ умер из за подобных аддонов Edited by Grossier
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So WH will be stripped of expertise and buffed ever so slightly.


Then.....why would anyone use WH? Why not use DG or some of the 55 PvE gear instead?


good lord man.. how can people seriously be this dense......




wh gear is obsolete in terms of pvp effectiveness.


PVE gear is BiS in WZs from 10-54, JUST LIKE IT WAS pre 2.0 in the 10-49 bracket.


WH is being converted to pve gear because expertise does not need to be on gear until 55, where end game pve and pvp gear ACTUALLY has to be itemized so pve players are at a disadvantage vs those that pvp in end game gear. (none of this should have to be explained tbh...)


It has already been said that bolster will only bring you up right below partisan/conq statistically.


" Why not use DG or some of the 55 PvE gear instead?"


Your absolutely right... why not use the highest item level gear you have in WZs, that is a silly question.... and at 55? well good luck finding pve gear at 55 with expertise on it, captain...

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