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Welcome to the Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy


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And what about us that was unable to preoder before jan. 7th because of ur neverending lockout on our accounts??? My account was on lockout from early december 2012 untill mid-late february 2013....And because of this I wont get in on the early access...
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i havent received the notifying email saying to downlaod the expansion, but anyways i go to my account and i see i have registered the ROTHC expansion, should i be able to download it and play even if i didnt receive the email?


currently i am at work and cannot check if the expansion is in order to download.


crap lol


i hope all wents smooth when i get home :)


Don't worry, I did not get an email either, I just downloaded it and it looks like I am good to go. So you can relax and look forward to your game.

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I just hope one thing won't happen. I hope that the old planets won't become deserted like it happened in WoW. There should still be something to do on these planets and not only Makeb, Makeb, Makeb and Makeb.
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Look on it in a possetive way it'll allow you to learn your skills properly.


Troll much?


If you would have paid attention to what I said and meant it would translate to.


I already knew my skills and rotations, etc... I KNEW my character. I promise you that you didn't know where every point was placed or is placed in your tree WITHOUT having an SS or a guide to build it from! The problem here is I had my ish setup from before the 1.6 update I think. Came back after almost a year and respec'd got used to it and have been playing for a few weeks, and now I have to do it again? That is the part that I'm pissed about.




And how in the hell are people at 55 already? 10 hours and 5 levels?

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I downloaded the new Game Update 2.0 and have noticed that I now can get XP. What happens when I max out my XP before I get the expansion will I be able to level or do I have to have the expansion to level? Also can I assume classic comm have replaced daily comm for buying implants and ear pieces and some gear?
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The only problem is that the patch is 2,4 GB big and it will take "some" hours to download, thanks to my "not so fast" connection :D


Anyways, it would be so much fun and a big relief to get an official announcement from BW about the issue. Do we need to get "an invitation mail" to gain the early access to Makeb or is everyone who purchased the expansion before 7th of January automatically allowed in even without an email?


I pre-purchased 25th of December as I already said and if I'm not allowed in today I definitely will start breaking things...


I am at 3GB downloaded and it shows half done...:mad:

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Is there a reason for the cut off date being jan 7th for pre-order access? I seem to have missed that date by 2 days which is a bit annoying considering there was no cut off date announced when you made the pre-order. At least none that I remember.


I was trying to figure out why my account said i purchased it but the game was telling me to go purchase, very confusing. So I see my purchase date was Jan 9th so missed it by 2 days as well. Bleh! Don't understand the cut-off on that date either. January seems like an eternity ago...

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I'm very pleased that this game is continuing to do so well and that it's continuing to expand.


My only two complaints are:


1.) I don't care for the removal of Savage Kick and Pommel Strike on my marauder. I used them all the time. I have 3 other classes that have (well HAD now) the same type skills, but I never used them really..like the Merc Shoulder Slam..but I used those two Marauder abilities whenever possible. But this is an adaptable change, and I did not RELY on these skills, just my opinion on the choice for removal.


2.) I'm PRETTY pissed that I put in the man hours and effort building up almost max daily comms and they took them away on a 4:1 spread..if I put in the time and effort in your game to earn 857 daily comms, I want 857 NEW comms..not a fraction of what I earned.


Otherwise, I'm a HUGE Old Republic fan, and love this game and will continue to sub for it, just voicing my opinion

Edited by Xaldynn
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Very nice release, the servers came up approximately 2 hours before scheduled and so far I have not seen any glaring issues.


The bits of Makeb I have so far seen look well done and the changes to the skills and stat balancing will take a little while to figure out.


Special thanks to W. Wallace on the new achievements, very well done sir <tipofthehat to you>

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I just want to say thanks. Seems it took forever to get my Sin to 50, but I made it in time for Makeb. And then I started the DL well early as some in my guild warned patches are always available early, and was able to log in for a few hours and still nap before work!


Everything looks good. Sure I'm not 100% thrilled about skill tree changes, or the loss of some skills, but MMO's change, we adapt or we quit, and I'm not going anywhere!!

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I am at 3GB downloaded and it shows half done...:mad:


1. The update is ~2.4GB. If you're showing that much data, you must be downloading more than just the 2.0 expansion.


2. Agreed with others regarding the lost abilities - they weren't vital, but they were a whole lot of fun. I used Tumult every time it was available. Some of the other ability adjustments, such as Low Strike, losing their damage while retaining stun.... Huh? How could something get struck with a light saber and not suffer some damage!? Sad.


3. The achievement system looks to be very well done. I like that you can gain cartel coins through this mechanism (allows a non-monetary approach to gain modest amounts of coins), and also that it encourages thoroughness for those of us who like the immersion of the worlds and the stories.


4. Overall, I think the simplification of commendations will work out well, but OH, what a painful transition!!!! We literally received a pittance for our existing commendations. A useless, infuriating pittance. Had I any clue just how badly this new system would fleece the old commendations on hand, I would have found occasion to use them post-haste. Worst of all, I had recently achieved level 50 and received my "reward mission" for Tionese commendation gear on Monday. I had the comms, but hadn't committed them yet in order to do a little research. Bad move on my part, because any chance to get decent gear is now G-O-N-E, and after all that time spent to get to this level in the first place.


5. Non-early access folks: Yes, you can gain more XP, but only enough to take you to level 51. Also, surprise (for those at level 50)... you don't have any rested XP now, either. The final five levels, as well as access to 401-450 in the crew skills, is not available until Monday. A little perspective: That's less than six days away!


From what I can see so far, I really like it. I lament what is lost and welcome what is gained. Kudos to Bioware's team!

Edited by -Wes-
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sorry that extended the subscription 2 days ago. a desire to find a more interesting to do. lack of support for Russian language and German language support makes me think that someone is a misconception about the geography of the planet. Sorry for the Google translation: (
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I'm a little annoyed with how I have to respec Dual Wield Mastery again and my plans to increase slash's crit to 15% is pretty much FUBAR now since I have to put some points into skills I don't need in the combat tree to compensate for the Dual wield. What really bothers me is the cost of things now. I don't know if it's due to the fact that the Cartel is now starting to "make a huge impact on the market" but personally, it just feels like an emulation of the wonderful tax increases we're going to see and are already seeing in reality. Now we get a virtual experience of it, fantastic! Higher costs to travel between planets, higher repair bills, higher commission costs on the GTN, more then likely higher costs for skills (don't know yet though because I'm playing my 50 and doing my usual farming credits routine to spec my char since I've been out of the game for a while). I know how to make money fast and all, but it worries me that outside of having my 50 sending creds to my sister's char, for example, since she's just 31, are new chars going to be able to save and manage well like before? Maybe, but it just seems a bit more difficult now.
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I really liked the Columi and Rakata gear look. Its look was better and still is better than all the gear, going to miss it. It would be really cool if bioware added like rakata gear to makeb space station or even just added the skins of the armor to the cartel market and made it so it could be modified. Think that would be a really nice sorry if you didn't get the armor you still can but that's never going to happen...
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I am sorry, I've spent only an hour with 2.0 and I am extremely disappointed. Where are the PVP vendors? All I see are vendors for lvl55? What happens to all of those who where in the middle of the very long grinds that it took to get elive pvp gear?


Why are lowbies in lvl 50 WZ? Let me guess, I am going to find lvl 50s in my lowbie WZ?


The new artwork is terrible. Where did you come up with that splash page? It looks like a 3rd grader painted it up. Why are these two chars depicted? What happened to the jedi council?


I was addicted to this game, now it looks like a huge waste of over 1 year of my time.


Disney, I suspect you had a major hand in destroying a perfectly good game. Maybe I'll change my mind in time, but I won't hide my sincere disappointment. You broke it and it sucks.

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