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Who made this terrible decision?


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IMO, the only truly valid complaint is that launcher gave no warning. personally i found out about early shutdown by accident.


that said... can I just say how amazing it is that I woke up... and the game was actually playable. having played "that other game" for a while, I have honestly been expecting the downtime to be extended at least to 12 hours, possibly more and even after servers went live, have unplayable lag, and other plethora of issues.


instead, I patched pretty quickly, logged in, got my early acess gifts and was ready to go.


nice job, bioware!

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Those of us who live in the Southern Hemisphere have to put up with the servers going down in prime time every time there is maintenance. I'm sure you can cope with it as a one off.


This, pretty much. I had no issue taking the night off from TOR to enable folks in other areas of the world to be thrown a bone for once.

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Servers going down at prime playing time for maintenance and update? Yet another reason other mmo's *cough*WoW*cough* have thrived on the subscription model ... they realize not to take the servers offline during prime time. What an incredibly bad decision... I actually called the first few people who told me the servers were going down in 90 minutes trolls because I mean really ... how stupid does a company have to be to take their game down for prime hours?


Who's prime time is it? The EU was asleep and Pacific was at work/school... :p


No matter when they take it down, it'll be someone's playtime. Doesn't mean they shouldn't though. They did it so that ROTHC went live at Midnight in California but for once, it was convenient for everyone else.

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So funny, first the Americans crying, then the EU laughing saying they get the shaft when they do NOT.

I am an Aussie, the last 7 hour maintenance went off for me at 6PM in Queensland, every maintenance is 8-9pm our time, 10am in England all in the morning in the EU while most are at work.

Neither of you 2 regions get screwed, we do, ALWAYS peak time maintenance, and at least you get your own servers, the Asia servers are being shut down, all 3.

No doubt better speeds too, 3 hours I have been downloading this patch, and I have 3mbs adsl.


I'm right there with you. I live in Japan so everything goes down right AFTER I get off work. But it works out. Maintenance days have become my laundry days.

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This is retarded, 8 hours to download a 3 gig file, now there is 580mbs, 40kbs download, that is right less than half of a mbs, beyond a joke.


I'm with you there. Why can't they provide installers so that fan sites can mirror the patch/expansion and 1) Save themselves some bandwidth and 2) not take forever and a day to download?

Edited by Bomyne
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Yeah I do not get it either, I mean what is the big deal, ok fair enough with security, but surely they can do it other ways, my isp iiNet have their own download mirrors so stuff like linux iso and even game patches, I think you can even download a legal copy of this game from them, so why not let isp mirror the files.


Its typical normal maintenance would still be going so I couldn't play, now it ended over 8 hours ago and I can not play because it is downloading at such ridiculously slow speeds.

Edited by AussieAlan
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Yeah I do not get it either, I mean what is the big deal, ok fair enough with security, but surely they can do it other ways, my isp iiNet have their own download mirrors so stuff like linux iso and even game patches, I think you can even download a legal copy of this game from them, so why not let isp mirror the files.


Its typical normal maintenance would still be going so I couldn't play, now it ended over 8 hours ago and I can not play because it is downloading at such ridiculously slow speeds.


What speed you got? Mine is currently downloading at 16.8KB/s. My net is capable of well over 150.... AT LEAST. :(

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This is retarded, 8 hours to download a 3 gig file, now there is 580mbs, 40kbs download, that is right less than half of a mbs, beyond a joke.


Dude... you need to check your connection. 8 hours? I downloaded the client right at launch in it took... maybe, 2 hours at the most.

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Servers going down at prime playing time for maintenance and update? Yet another reason other mmo's *cough*WoW*cough* have thrived on the subscription model ... they realize not to take the servers offline during prime time. What an incredibly bad decision... I actually called the first few people who told me the servers were going down in 90 minutes trolls because I mean really ... how stupid does a company have to be to take their game down for prime hours?


no matter what time they choose its going to be prime time for someone...


welcome to the planet earth and time zones.

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It is always prime time for someone if you can't live without the game for a few hours one day you may have an issue.


People are very geocentric it seems ;) That is exactly right, it is always prime time for someone, somewhere in the world. I was a bit annoyed at not being able to log-in last night but when I learned it was for 2.0 I understood and backed off. Went for a jog actually. Perhaps this decision saved my life and prevented a heart attack down the line.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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8 hour downloads sound just horribly wrong.


even with my crappy cable, it took me about 20 minutes.


so its something on a connection side, not bioware side.


It's both. Australia has a terrible uplink to the rest of the world. Those players with 200-600 average pings you see in FPS games? Yup. That's us.


What Bioware should do in my opinion is mirror the download on a server in Australia. Heck, they don't even have to do it. Make an installer (EXE or MSI) or just a zip file and let fan sites mirror the patch out.


What you call crappy cable would probably be heaven for anyone in Australia to use :)

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It's both. Australia has a terrible uplink to the rest of the world. Those players with 200-600 average pings you see in FPS games? Yup. That's us.


What Bioware should do in my opinion is mirror the download on a server in Australia. Heck, they don't even have to do it. Make an installer (EXE or MSI) or just a zip file and let fan sites mirror the patch out.


What you call crappy cable would probably be heaven for anyone in Australia to use :)


damn... yeah, it would help if they used mirrors. that said, my cable is crappy because it tends to go out at least once a day at the worst possible moment usually (sometimes more than once, even just for a few seconds, but enough to DC me from whatever I may be doing) and I actually got lucky with timing of my download. other time, it may have taken me 2 hours instead of 20 minutes. but 8 hours is still way too long.

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I'm always amazed at how people flip their noodle over their game being down for maintenance. GET A LIFE! Holy crap! Clean your house, read a book, do some homework, go outside, hang out with your family and friends that haven't seen you in months because of your hiding in your room and gaming...


I cleaned my bathroom and living room and made supper for a friend that visited...

Edited by Glowrod
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Its just for the expansion, it means that RotHC early access launches as soon as the 9th arrives which means no complaints about the early access not being a full 5 days. Considering that we will not see this again until at least the next expansion its a petty thing to complain about.


this is about what the OP want's not what early accessers deserve let's not feed this troll!

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Dude... you need to check your connection. 8 hours? I downloaded the client right at launch in it took... maybe, 2 hours at the most.


No I do not, you need to check the forums, I am not the only one who had horrible speeds downloading it.

I know it was not my connection, after the 10 hours it took to download this I went to bed and downloaded stuff elsewhere at full speeds.

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No I do not, you need to check the forums, I am not the only one who had horrible speeds downloading it.

I know it was not my connection, after the 10 hours it took to download this I went to bed and downloaded stuff elsewhere at full speeds.


so, what do you think the problem is when half a million people download without problems and 1000 have issues?

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Southern Hemisphere has the same time zones as the Northern Hemisphere.


Umm AEST is at least 14 hours ahead..so its always our prime time when servers go down for any US based game.


I have yet to see a server, even an Australian based server like Dalbora, go down in off-peak time for us Aussies.

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OP is acting as if he/she is a baby and a troll. This thread is useless and if the servers have to go down, they have to go down. Gaming prime time? Who cares, go get a beer and catch up on a TV series or say hi to your kid, wife, family , friends or the dog.


Just another QQ thread about absolutely nothing integral to survival or anything relevant to actual gaming.


Now, if the servers went down and you logged in with everything you ever earned wiped out. Raise a fuss, tell someone who needs to know. Otherwise, you're just another one of these people who come on here to say negative crap and throw in a free advert for another game.


That right there pegs this off as a poor troll thread. So now I have a few questions completely relevant to this thread.




  1. Do you throw a fit when your pop-tart burns?
  2. If you, a doctor and a goat enter the thunderdome, who walks out alive?
  3. If you were a ninja turtle, which turtle would you be?
  4. When you stub your toe, do you scream at what you stubbed your toe on?
  5. If you asked for no pickles and you get pickles, how do you react?
  6. There is one cookie left, and you have a choice, eat the cookie or give it to whatever is behind the curtain. what do you do?
  7. You lost in pvp, badly, the same guy is ganking you every match, what do you yell at your monitor?
  8. You're playing cod, because the servers never go down and you like that, but you keep getting teabagged, what do you say into your headset?
  9. Potato or potato?
  10. Is getting 2-6 hours of time to do something with life such a bad thing?
  11. Don't you have anything better to do when a server goes down?


Now before you start pointing fingers at me! This super awesome person that I am!

I play two nights a week, completed my raid gear sets from tfb HM on that schedule. I post on the forums while I commute to work, because the company I had on this commute is about as sharp as a trout. I am also sexy, married to a model and we are having our first child this July. So yes, I even have sex and have often ditched a raid for some wife loving.


Sometimes you need to be forced out of a game and you shouldn't be all butthurt about it. Because the only person who made a terrible decision, was you.



P.S. the goat walks away.

Edited by Eurynamous
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