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Who made this terrible decision?


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Tell us about it. Unfortunately, because the world does something as silly as rotate in space, we can't have nice things like a simple, single universal time.


I know right? How inconsiderate of Earth to inconvenience us like that.

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Sorry that your ability to quit WZs or leave Heroics has been inconvenienced for a couple of hours

I'll admit, I found this humorous. Mostly because I'm waiting for the game to finish downloading and am both bored and really tired. ;)

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Servers going down at prime playing time for maintenance and update? Yet another reason other mmo's *cough*WoW*cough* have thrived on the subscription model ... they realize not to take the servers offline during prime time. What an incredibly bad decision... I actually called the first few people who told me the servers were going down in 90 minutes trolls because I mean really ... how stupid does a company have to be to take their game down for prime hours?


It was to ensure that early access wold start at exactly 12pm (west coast) on the 9th for. people tend to complain when stuff is promised to them and BW misses by even a fraction of a second on timing. Did this to ourselves tbh.

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and again a worthless thread of one of the trillion ever complaining guys out there. Woo we have different timezones on this Planet? I am not the middle of the universe? This cant be! Must be hard to wake up in this harsh bad world:cool:
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So I get that this is the internet, and people somehow have come to believe that they don't need to keep up the social niceties on the internet ... but yet I still find it interesting how many people responded by name calling, implying that I'm a neckbeard without a life, hurling racial slurs at me, and such.


I mean ... I read all the time in chat in this community about how we're supposedly so much better and more enlightened than the unwashed masses that play that other game that we don't mention ... but here some of you are calling names, suggesting that I have no life, making racial slurs, and such. So I have to ask myself ... is this community really any different?


I expressed an opinion that the downtime window was ill timed. Feel free to disagree, by all means. But I somehow don't think name calling, insults and racial slurs belong in any sort of reasoned discussion.


In any case, my download finished, and I bought the expansion the day it was announced (contrary to one reply which assumed I wouldn't have early access) so I'll see you all in game.

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You other countries whine every other downtime. Go play a game from your countries, if you can find one worth playing.


We never whine, we deal with it. And if it's positive for us, we welcome it. You on the other hand start whining over every single maintenance that might be slightly inconvenient for you, as if you're the only ones playing the game.

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So I get that this is the internet, and people somehow have come to believe that they don't need to keep up the social niceties on the internet ... but yet I still find it interesting how many people responded by name calling, implying that I'm a neckbeard without a life, hurling racial slurs at me, and such.


I mean ... I read all the time in chat in this community about how we're supposedly so much better and more enlightened than the unwashed masses that play that other game that we don't mention ... but here some of you are calling names, suggesting that I have no life, making racial slurs, and such. So I have to ask myself ... is this community really any different?


I expressed an opinion that the downtime window was ill timed. Feel free to disagree, by all means. But I somehow don't think name calling, insults and racial slurs belong in any sort of reasoned discussion.


In any case, my download finished, and I bought the expansion the day it was announced (contrary to one reply which assumed I wouldn't have early access) so I'll see you all in game.


It's one day, ONE DAY.

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So I get that this is the internet, and people somehow have come to believe that they don't need to keep up the social niceties on the internet ... but yet I still find it interesting how many people responded by name calling, implying that I'm a neckbeard without a life, hurling racial slurs at me, and such.


I mean ... I read all the time in chat in this community about how we're supposedly so much better and more enlightened than the unwashed masses that play that other game that we don't mention ... but here some of you are calling names, suggesting that I have no life, making racial slurs, and such. So I have to ask myself ... is this community really any different?


I expressed an opinion that the downtime window was ill timed. Feel free to disagree, by all means. But I somehow don't think name calling, insults and racial slurs belong in any sort of reasoned discussion.


In any case, my download finished, and I bought the expansion the day it was announced (contrary to one reply which assumed I wouldn't have early access) so I'll see you all in game.


You complained about necessary downtime. Bioware has its reasons for picking the time they did. Since you don't work at Bioware, its safe to assume you were not privy to those reasons.


Did you expect sympathy from people because you're annoyed that you missed one day of your prime-time playing?


You came here complaining like a spoiled kid, then some of the other kids called you a few things.


What a surprise.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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So funny, first the Americans crying, then the EU laughing saying they get the shaft when they do NOT.

I am an Aussie, the last 7 hour maintenance went off for me at 6PM in Queensland, every maintenance is 8-9pm our time, 10am in England all in the morning in the EU while most are at work.

Neither of you 2 regions get screwed, we do, ALWAYS peak time maintenance, and at least you get your own servers, the Asia servers are being shut down, all 3.

No doubt better speeds too, 3 hours I have been downloading this patch, and I have 3mbs adsl.

Edited by AussieAlan
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So funny, first the Americans crying, then the EU laughing saying they get the shaft when they do NOT.

I am an Aussie, the last 7 hour maintenance went off for me at 6PM in Queensland, every maintenance is 8-9pm our time, 10am in England all in the morning in the EU while most are at work.

Neither of you 2 regions get screwed, we do, ALWAYS peak time maintenance, and at least you get your own servers, the Asia servers are being shut down, all 3.

They have computers in Australia?

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Its always someones prime time, yet everyone it happens to acts like Bioware came to their house kicked in the door spat in the faces while smashing their computer


And if they did that there would be threads complaining that the spittle was the wrong consistency.

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Servers going down at prime playing time for maintenance and update? Yet another reason other mmo's *cough*WoW*cough* have thrived on the subscription model ... they realize not to take the servers offline during prime time. What an incredibly bad decision... I actually called the first few people who told me the servers were going down in 90 minutes trolls because I mean really ... how stupid does a company have to be to take their game down for prime hours?



Ppl, meditate, think a bit and if u are not stupid STOP with this *********** annoying threads about "prime times"...

Can be prime time for you but for others NOT.

Tired of stupid threads like this :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure what I find most amusing... that people are defending a prime-time downtime for where (presumably) the majority of the playerbase resides (aside from Eastern MMO's, the US is pretty much the vast majority of mmo players afaik. There was actually a very long and detailed research project that someone did over the course of years ... should be easy to google if you're actually interested in all the breakdown of mmo players and such)




That people actually believe the patching will go off without a hitch and servers will actually be up for a Midnight (PDT) / 3am (EDT) launch.


Your own post explains the timing, if the Majority are in North America and they want the game released on the 9th April it makes perfect sense to do the patch so this is released on the 9th in your time zone. As you are the Majority!

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It's always prime play time somewhere. Stop being so self-centered. ;)


This time, EU catches a break. As an American, I am fine with that. And I'll be enjoying early access... EARLY.


Yeah, me too. No big deal.


However, I can't help but think that they, once again, caved to the whiners on the boards. ;p

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I could care less about when they went down. I'm annoyed that the launcher didn't give notification that they were going down in advance. Had plans to play last night only to be surprised by the game staring to update....every other update they have done was Tuesday mornings....
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