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2.0 Guide: Guardian DPS for PvE Raiding


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ugh, im getting so frusturated. I cant get past 2500dps, mostly 69 with 72 boots, legs, and off hand. Arkanian BA click relic, matrix cube aug'd with (66) might. I currently have the Sentinal 2 piece set bonus and i need 1 more piece for the guardian 2 piece.


Here's a pic of my stats http://i.imgur.com/mfnMNB3.jpg

Heres a video of me beating on my ops dummy for 10 minutes http://www.twitch.tv/tarurelm/c/2347706


here's the parse from that ops dummy fight http://www.torparse.com/a/256328


for the most part i stick to all the advice in your guide, yet i cant seem to break that 2500dps that i see so many other vigilance/vengance hitting... any advice will be GREATLY appreciated!


I agree with what the guy above said regarding the matrix cube and set bonus. also though your rotation needs some work. in this parse http://www.torparse.com/a/256328/time/1369818171/1369818351/0/Damage+Dealt i look at the first 5 min you have only 18.7% Master strike which is just luck but your combind bleeds are just over 17%... when MS is low bleeds should be 21+% because you will find it easier to keep bleeeds up when less space is taken up with Mastrer Strike.


Try taking slash off your bar - in the first 5 min you use slash 8 times and strike 8 times - i bet you find you sometimes use slash then have to use strike to get enough focus to hit your bleeds abilities. put your first MS infront of the bleed abilities after leap and then hit Overhead strike before Plasam Brand - you will probably find you slip more easily into a rythem with things comming off cool down in sequence and little down time on abilities - but yes the zero range saber throw helps a lot in establishing an easy rythem.


66 strength on the Matrix cube = 14.52 bonus damage while the Elite War Hero relic with 120 power = 27.6 bonus damage (& EWH was not even bis in last expansion). its just not even close.

Edited by Mattmonkey
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I agree with what the guy above said regarding the matrix cube and set bonus. also though your rotation needs some work. in this parse http://www.torparse.com/a/256328/time/1369818171/1369818351/0/Damage+Dealt i look at the first 5 min you have only 18.7% Master strike which is just luck but your combind bleeds are just over 17%... when MS is low bleeds should be 21+% because you will find it easier to keep bleeeds up when less space is taken up with Mastrer Strike.


Try taking slash off your bar - in the first 5 min you use slash 8 times and strike 8 times - i bet you find you sometimes use slash then have to use strike to get enough focus to hit your bleeds abilities. put your first MS infront of the bleed abilities after leap and then hit Overhead strike before Plasam Brand - you will probably find you slip more easily into a rythem with things comming off cool down in sequence and little down time on abilities - but yes the zero range saber throw helps a lot in establishing an easy rythem.


66 strength on the Matrix cube = 14.52 bonus damage while the Elite War Hero relic with 120 power = 27.6 bonus damage (& EWH was not even bis in last expansion). its just not even close.


I think I was getting some bad info on a new 2.0 type rotation, which is why my bleeds were pushed to the front right after my openers. Getting back to the Pre 2.0 method is how I am understanding. Ill take slash out of my quick are again, I really hate that ability, and hopefully this weekend ill get my guardian 2pc set bonus. I think that was bad advice in going with the sentinal 2pc first, then the guardian 2pc, I really miss saber throw in my rotation.


Ill parse the suggestions above tonight, what you have said makes complete sense and won't take anytime to adjust. I should have the tempest relic tomorrow so ill replace my 98str matrix cube with that and see. Back when I had the EWH, I parsed with that, then my aug'd cube and 5/6 parses I was doing better with the matrix cube.


Thanks for the help guys!

Edited by Tarurelm
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I think I was getting some bad info on a new 2.0 type rotation, which is why my bleeds were pushed to the front right after my openers.


I should have the tempest relic tomorrow so ill replace my 98str matrix cube with that and see. Back when I had the EWH, I parsed with that, then my aug'd cube and 5/6 parses I was doing better with the matrix cube.


Thanks for the help guys!


Actually opening with your bleeds is better DPS faster. you risk more chance to pull the boss while the tank is establishing agro - if i start this way i generally pull even when guarded. what you lose is 2x 30% chances to proc Master Strike - the problem comes later - once you go PB - OS - BS - Dispatch - MS you are 9 seconds into the fight but OS is still 1.5 sec from cooling down and PB 3 seconds.


If you go OS - PB - BS - Dispatch - MS - OS now you have a smooth transition back to OS and since you used dispatch you can now hit BS - Sunder - PB (now you hope that the second use of PB and OS has procced MS). I quite often start this way you start faster and dont really lose much in terms of MS procs - the down side is if the fight continues on and the second uses of OS & PB dont proc a MS you get into spamming stike more often that when starting with MS.... so when the second uses of PB and OS do proc an MS its the top DPS start..... but its more about what creates a smooth rotation and avoiding a flat patch.

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Heres Mogal



http://www.torparse.com/a/257495/time/1369779641/1369779941/0/Damage+Dealt 2620 DPS

He has the 550 power prco relic from HM TFB - 2 pc bonus (saber throw) - 66 main hand & 69 off hand - nano sitm and adrenal.


Heres Lyrik



http://www.torparse.com/a/257584/time/1369782405/1369782824/0/Damage+Dealt 2547 DPS

He has Dread Guard Relics - 2 pc bonus (saber throw) - 66 main hand & 72 offhand - nano stim. He has 58 more bonus damage than mogal because he has the 72 ear and implants.


So it seems that the power proc relic + Adrenal together are better than 58 bonus damage & 72 off hand by 50+dps.

Although Mogals Parse has 23% Master Strike damage so thats another significant variable.


The operator is the same


Lyrik i hit 36 APM

Mogal i hit 36.36 APM



Lyrik 20.57

Mogal 19.53 (more Ravage makes it harder to keep bleeds up)


I don't understand, how can u have partially underworld gear but u gimp around with a 66er mainhand on both chars???

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I don't understand, how can u have partially underworld gear but u gimp around with a 66er mainhand on both chars???



Its the same Gear - i use two toon the same and build up 1 gear set using full gree set + Saber. in terms of my crappy saber duno ask my raid groups - i got bad luck with rolls this expansion :(


I did finally get my 4pc bonus last night and re parsed - it makes about 100+ DPS difference.


So with main hand and relic to go and maybe 6 or 8 69 mod still to change - should hit 2900 - 3000 depending on the differnece they make.


One thing i have reslised as a result of testing is that guardians are not very gear dependent - we dont scale so well with gear - or conversly you could say we are not too gear dependent. i think its because we get 20% of our damage from bleeds which dont improve much with gear.

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Its the same Gear - i use two toon the same and build up 1 gear set using full gree set + Saber. in terms of my crappy saber duno ask my raid groups - i got bad luck with rolls this expansion :(


I did finally get my 4pc bonus last night and re parsed - it makes about 100+ DPS difference.


So with main hand and relic to go and maybe 6 or 8 69 mod still to change - should hit 2900 - 3000 depending on the differnece they make.


One thing i have reslised as a result of testing is that guardians are not very gear dependent - we dont scale so well with gear - or conversly you could say we are not too gear dependent. i think its because we get 20% of our damage from bleeds which dont improve much with gear.

Maybe u just buy one hilt of the gtn for 1000k or find someone who crafts against mats(~500k)? ;-)


On a other note i just finished copying my character to amr:



If i change stances in amr my primary and bonus dmg chances according to the skill description. where as my stats in game don't change when cycling through stances. Whats up with that?

Edited by lazerxxx
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So, ive put some of the advice to practice:


and here is one i broke 2500 dps :)


Just need to get the guardian 2pc(1 more piece) then good to go on that.

I did replace my matrix cube with the Conquerer Reil of Serendipitous Assault, and have modified my rotation. Once i get the rotation down a little more smoothly, ill be bustin 2500 for sure, thats without adrenal. Thanks for the advice! Now back to the dummy!

Edited by Tarurelm
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he is a screen of my stuff :




With this full power stuff im full 72 WITHOUT MAIN HAND. So i think that with main hand i can reach 1800 of primary damages.


I've equiped my old pvp relic with 141 power intsted of my +350 power over 30 sec and it's better. I can easily reach 2770 dps and my top dps is 2825 with this stuff. I think i can reach 2900 with the main hand .


For the bonus set i have the fisrt of the guadian and the first of the sentinel and its the best for me .

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Pas du tout je montre juste les stats de mon perso et ce que ça peut donner, je fais pas de concours car je sais que je ne suis pas le meilleur dans cette classe , je pense qu'il y a une confusion. J'essaye juste de montrer ce qui est à mes yeux le stuff le plus opti etc....


PS: Juste pour clore sur le kiki , je sais que ce n'est pas un concours, mais le but d'un dps est quand même de le memer dans ses retranchemants, c'est plutôt comme ça que je le voie.

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Hi there Guys


I have decided to hang up my boots.


The South Pacific servers are being shut down and my lag on Harbinger is quite high. its been a blast.


Im sure this thread will remain a place to support each other in the quest for MOAR DPS.


heres the leader board for 2.0 expansion some of you can prolly do more that the 2950 thats currently top http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6305959#post6305959


Catch you around Lyrik

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Switched out my augments from power to strength, and no longer needing accuracy augments, I was able to hit 2691 during a 5 minute parse.


Here is a link to my updated stats for PvE: Here


Here is the parse: 2691



I am still running with three (3) surge augments so I can stay above 70% surge. Should I remove those surge augments and just go all strength? Or keep a couple?

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Switched out my augments from power to strength, and no longer needing accuracy augments, I was able to hit 2691 during a 5 minute parse.


Here is a link to my updated stats for PvE: Here


Here is the parse: 2691



I am still running with three (3) surge augments so I can stay above 70% surge. Should I remove those surge augments and just go all strength? Or keep a couple?

I mentioned the last time u posted your parse that i found your dps is way to high for your gear. I finally figured it out. You're hitting the wrong target dude!!! Go parse on the ops dummy, lol.

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I mentioned the last time u posted your parse that i found your dps is way to high for your gear. I finally figured it out. You're hitting the wrong target dude!!! Go parse on the ops dummy, lol.


Whoops. lol. I'll do some new parses this weekend. What do you think I'll be hitting around with my current stats? 2200-2300?

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I mentioned the last time u posted your parse that i found your dps is way to high for your gear. I finally figured it out. You're hitting the wrong target dude!!! Go parse on the ops dummy, lol.


I dunno... Sometimes it's nice to hit the PVP dummy. Makes me feel better about my DPS.

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i've made some changes on my stuff.


First i've tried to replace a MOD with 52power/79surge by one with 52crit/79 surge. I gain 1% physical critical chance and more with force critical chance, but my dps was lower...


Second i've tried ALACRITY.... and it's not bad at all! 52power/79 alacrity. So i lose 79 surge ( i had 68.8% for the parse i will post later). I don't know if it's realy the alacrity thats make this parse good or just my proc during my test but for the moment it's my record .




Aekon youre dps is not bad but i can't see your stuff on tyour previous post link, can you make another screen ?

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Aekon youre dps is not bad but i can't see your stuff on tyour previous post link, can you make another screen ?


Yes, here are my updated stats: Here


Also, I went and picked up all the Willpower datacrons I missing yesterday just to maximize my DPS with Force attacks as much as I could. I don't expect any significant improvement to my DPS, but every little bit helps for someone like me.

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You can test with a bit less critical. try with 20% critical and replace it by power, i think it's better.


EDIT: hmmm i think that 100% acc is not necesary. I have 99.10% and in a 10 min fight missed 2 hits so i think it's nice to have between 99/99.5% acc but not more , because you can earn power. You can try with 99% and more power and tell me the results.

Edited by uriaces
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i've made some changes on my stuff.


First i've tried to replace a MOD with 52power/79surge by one with 52crit/79 surge. I gain 1% physical critical chance and more with force critical chance, but my dps was lower...


Second i've tried ALACRITY.... and it's not bad at all! 52power/79 alacrity. So i lose 79 surge ( i had 68.8% for the parse i will post later). I don't know if it's realy the alacrity thats make this parse good or just my proc during my test but for the moment it's my record .




Aekon youre dps is not bad but i can't see your stuff on tyour previous post link, can you make another screen ?


I have a few questions for you:

1. Can you tell me what opener and rotation you use?

2. Your stat without buff and stims?

3. What relics you use?

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HI , for youre questions :


1) My opening cycle is : sabre throw, jump, master strike , plasma brand, overhead slash, blade storm.


2) I don't know how you want my stats without buff and stims because during a raid you always have buff and stim.....

I have a screen with my new stuff ( all 72 , i have the 72 main hand now):




3) I have a relic wich i doing +550 power every 20 sec and an old pvp relic giving me 141 power .

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You really need to try several tests if you're going to swap mods in and out, I think if you do a few more tests you'll find alacrity isn't where those gains were coming from. At least from what I have seen you don't really want any extra crit other than from strength at the moment. For your second relic I would almost use the clicky (DG is fine) or the dmg on hit. I don't know what augments you're using, but I'd go with STR if you're not already.
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