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2.0 Guide: Guardian DPS for PvE Raiding


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Thanks for the help, Mattmonkey. Quick question- What relics should we use? Currently I have DG pre-2.0 Dark Radiance and Arkanian Boundless Ages.


any relic that procs power for 6 seconds out of every 20 is best in slot. i personally think this is best coupled with boundless ages because of the on use value. but some people are stacking 2 auto proc power relics.

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Hi i have some news! i've drop my 69 main hand and it's great ! I have a new parse :




2748dps, but i loose dps at the end of the combat , i was between 2770/2800 during the entire combat. I change my relic, i have two passive relics with 30% chance to have 510 power every 20 secondes and i think it's great like that !


I will try to make another test with a longer combat like 6 min but it's good like that, i will post a screen of my character .

Edited by uriaces
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So is PB still the top priority here? I've been prioritizing BS and OS over it since I don't want to waste stacks for the autocrit BS and OS does big initial damage. Sometimes I have to wait 1-3 GCDs until I use PB.


Also, I feel like I'm getting shafted on the MS procs since the higher dps parses I'm seeing are getting up to 50% more MS hits during the same time period. All other main abilities are within one or two of mine (which I attribute to my poor rage gen without the 2-pc set bonus). Are these guys just getting really lucky or am I doing something wrong? I'll post my parse at the bottom of the post. Matt, thanks for writing out the way you analyze parses.


I'm sitting at 20% crit with about 120 crit rating, and the rest is in power. I have the lower power enhancements because I'm not able to raid to get the drops with good enhancements so my power is at 909 rating (772.5 bonus damage). My accuracy is 98.92% which I know I need to get up a bit more. I have over 2600 mainstat so I feel like I should be doing more than 2230-2280 DPS.


http://www.torparse.com/a/230318/time/1368647373/1368647613/0/Damage+Dealt (I know my ravage % is atrocious, so I'm wondering if I just got RNG screwed here or what, but I've been around this number for a while.)

Edited by drummerinthesun
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Hi Mattmonkey!!!


1) LOVE your guide. THank you so much for helpign us all out.


2) OK, here is the best parse I've gotten so far http://www.torparse.com/a/234227/2/0/Overview. Here is my current gear list and spec- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/cadd0c3f-1315-4697-bd25-6e92f5ed1663. I would greatly appreciate suggestions for how I can improve. I know gear needs to get better but I guess that's more me getting rid of 66s.

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Hi Mattmonkey!!!


1) LOVE your guide. THank you so much for helpign us all out.


2) OK, here is the best parse I've gotten so far http://www.torparse.com/a/234227/2/0/Overview. Here is my current gear list and spec- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/cadd0c3f-1315-4697-bd25-6e92f5ed1663. I would greatly appreciate suggestions for how I can improve. I know gear needs to get better but I guess that's more me getting rid of 66s.


Vadess you should clip the last 5-7 seconds off of your parse to get a better reading. When I do that for your parse you gain 70 dps here http://www.torparse.com/a/234227/time/1368809797/1368810037/0/Damage+Dealt. Looking at your stats makes me hopeful that my gear is part of my problem when reaching into higher dps, but it seems that you're getting more ravage hits than me as well.

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Vadess you should clip the last 5-7 seconds off of your parse to get a better reading. When I do that for your parse you gain 70 dps here http://www.torparse.com/a/234227/time/1368809797/1368810037/0/Damage+Dealt. Looking at your stats makes me hopeful that my gear is part of my problem when reaching into higher dps, but it seems that you're getting more ravage hits than me as well.


Well, I guess ravage hits are the luck of the draw. I mean some parses rampage procs awesomely, and other parses I'm glaring at the darn move. Thanks for the suggestion. I should sometime.

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So is PB still the top priority here? I've been prioritizing BS and OS over it since I don't want to waste stacks for the autocrit BS and OS does big initial damage. Sometimes I have to wait 1-3 GCDs until I use PB.


Also, I feel like I'm getting shafted on the MS procs since the higher dps parses I'm seeing are getting up to 50% more MS hits during the same time period.

http://www.torparse.com/a/230318/time/1368647373/1368647613/0/Damage+Dealt (I know my ravage % is atrocious, so I'm wondering if I just got RNG screwed here or what, but I've been around this number for a while.)


Other people have been finding that delaying Plasma Brand does not hurt to much and this seems to be true if you look at this 2500 parse from the guide http://www.torparse.com/a/209496 plasma Brand+bleed is around 21% in you parse you get around 20% so you dont lose too much in the delay - on the other hand if you look at this parse of mine ive got over 15% in both BS and OS as well so i catually gain that 1% without losing output from BS or OS.


On this prase of yours thou the place you are losing DPS is Master Strike. 15% is lousy. one factor is that you miss 6% of the time which is bad luck and when each tick is 3k avarage missing is expensive.


My suggestion is to try a couple of things. Run a parse where you use MS immedialty when it procs regardless of bleeds - my guess is your dps will go up quite a bit. Then run some more parses where you get used to using MS within 9 seconds while getting your bleeds up first. if you got MS rdy to go and you dont use it it cant proc so your out put from MS goes way down. if you use it without the bleeds up your dps is lower becase the bleeds add quite a bit - and being able to use OS and BS as soon as they cool down matters most - so you got to balance these three factors.


The other major factor is that you use assult 54 times. thats a huge number and suggests you need to play around with your priority a little. read the post i wrote a while back about there your focus comes from you get 1 focus from a lot of places and it adds up - also while using assult 54 times you use Slash 4 times - if you think about this thats 12 focus from slash that you could have saved and lowered your assult by 6 to 48 uses. I think slash is pritty bad because so often it gets used and then 10 seconds later you are focus starved. if you got 9 focus sitting in your focus bar dont use slash when you know your about to hit PB OS and BS because together they use 13 focus and refund 3 so actully you gotta have 10 focus in your bar to do that. Only use slash when you would be getting more than 12 focus if you dont so that the extra dosent get wasted.


but also low MS procs means you need to get more focus from assult because you lose the 3 from the proc... and yes i agree with you 3 focus from saber throw set bouns is really huge - i used campain armourings from the last expansion rather than lose this because of the changes to skillu se not having it makes.

Edited by Mattmonkey
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Hi Mattmonkey!!!


1) LOVE your guide. THank you so much for helpign us all out.


2) OK, here is the best parse I've gotten so far http://www.torparse.com/a/234227/2/0/Overview. Here is my current gear list and spec- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/cadd0c3f-1315-4697-bd25-6e92f5ed1663. I would greatly appreciate suggestions for how I can improve. I know gear needs to get better but I guess that's more me getting rid of 66s.


You should be able to put out around 2500 with 870 bonus damage 22% crit and 99.9% acc The guy above is right take the best 5 min clipping the start is worth while too.


I got your parse to show me 2381 - but I dont know how to cut and paste that into here thou. Can someone help me out with How to do that Please - what do i do?

Edited by Mattmonkey
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You should be able to put out around 2500 with 870 bonus damage 22% crit and 99.9% acc The guy above is right take the best 5 min clipping the start is worth while too.


I got your parse to show me 2381 - but I dont know how to cut and paste that into here thou. Can someone help me out with How to do that Please - what do i do?


You should be able to link it by copy and pasting the link next to "Link to Current Fight". What changes should I make to get it to 2500DPS? And my damage bonus is over 1000 now with strength plus power.

Edited by vadess
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For those of you without the Guardian 2 pc. bonus it still makes some sense to run out, Saber Throw, and Leap back in.


The only time I consider using Slash is if I'm literally at 12 Focus and the only other options are Focus builders (Sundering, Strike, Force Sweep, Dispatch, Saber Throw). Force Push is awesome for those "filler" moments, when you have a GCD or so before something good comes off CD.


In the parsing I've done it hasn't made much difference whether or not I prioritize PB over OS or vice versa. In general, if you look at most of the Guardian/Juggernaut parses out there; PB, OS, and BS all end up delayed by 1 GCD on average. As long as you don't delay any of them by more than 1 GCD average you'll be fine.



Doing this, plus the things already discussed, you should definitely pull off 2500+ DPS as soon as you're geared to do so (mostly 69 gear should do the trick). In order to get the HUGE parses though, you're gonna need RNG luck on MS resets. The bigger parses all have at LEAST 20% of the total damage coming from MS.

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Other people have been finding that delaying Plasma Brand does not hurt to much and this seems to be true if you look at this 2500 parse from the guide http://www.torparse.com/a/209496 plasma Brand+bleed is around 21% in you parse you get around 20% so you dont lose too much in the delay - on the other hand if you look at this parse of mine ive got over 15% in both BS and OS as well so i catually gain that 1% without losing output from BS or OS.


On this prase of yours thou the place you are losing DPS is Master Strike. 15% is lousy. one factor is that you miss 6% of the time which is bad luck and when each tick is 3k avarage missing is expensive.


My suggestion is to try a couple of things. Run a parse where you use MS immedialty when it procs regardless of bleeds - my guess is your dps will go up quite a bit. Then run some more parses where you get used to using MS within 9 seconds while getting your bleeds up first. if you got MS rdy to go and you dont use it it cant proc so your out put from MS goes way down. if you use it without the bleeds up your dps is lower becase the bleeds add quite a bit - and being able to use OS and BS as soon as they cool down matters most - so you got to balance these three factors.


The other major factor is that you use assult 54 times. thats a huge number and suggests you need to play around with your priority a little. read the post i wrote a while back about there your focus comes from you get 1 focus from a lot of places and it adds up - also while using assult 54 times you use Slash 4 times - if you think about this thats 12 focus from slash that you could have saved and lowered your assult by 6 to 48 uses. I think slash is pritty bad because so often it gets used and then 10 seconds later you are focus starved. if you got 9 focus sitting in your focus bar dont use slash when you know your about to hit PB OS and BS because together they use 13 focus and refund 3 so actully you gotta have 10 focus in your bar to do that. Only use slash when you would be getting more than 12 focus if you dont so that the extra dosent get wasted.


but also low MS procs means you need to get more focus from assult because you lose the 3 from the proc... and yes i agree with you 3 focus from saber throw set bouns is really huge - i used campain armourings from the last expansion rather than lose this because of the changes to skillu se not having it makes.


I'm used to getting my bleeds up before using MS. I'll definitely parse some more when I get back to my desktop. I'll definitely get the campaign set bonus, too. I didn't even think about that. Thanks for the tips.

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What about old Elite war hero?


Im using the Elite War Hero till i get the power proc one. but it was not Bis in the last expansion.


any power proc is good the pve onces are best (look at the passive stats) - i think at present the pvp ones stack with the pve ones but apparently its a bug - so ive heard its best to go power proc + boundless ages unless you dont mind getting 3 and using 2 once they fix the bug.

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If you can manage a reasonable proc rate, the damage proc relics are actually higher DPS than the Boundless Ages relic. By reasonable proc rate I mean once every 6 seconds or so. Unfortunately I seem to only be able to average a proc every 7 seconds or so, which makes the relic slightly worse than the Boundless Ages relic when used on CD.


If you aren't sure about being able to get yourself using a Boundless Ages relic on CD, or timing it properly with other CDs, the damage proc relic is something to keep in mind.

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Matt, you've helped me a lot and all. However I'd like to ask for abit more clear rotation outline! :)


not sure what exactly your after mate. there are quite a few posts from me and others on the thread discussing various aspects of the rotation.

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Im using the Elite War Hero till i get the power proc one. but it was not Bis in the last expansion.


any power proc is good the pve onces are best (look at the passive stats) - i think at present the pvp ones stack with the pve ones but apparently its a bug - so ive heard its best to go power proc + boundless ages unless you dont mind getting 3 and using 2 once they fix the bug.


The PvP SA relics stack only with themselves, more specifically you need 1 conq and 1 partisan to have them stack.

All others don't stack, e.g. underworld and arcanian SA don't stack and they don't stack with the PvP ones either.

The stacking on the PvP SA relics will be fixed in the next patch, so don't bother.


That's why I'm currently using 1 underworld SA relic and one Dark Radiance (which deals internal damage).

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2637 is a good dps :) ! I have a question : what about the bo nus set ? I only have the first guardian bonus set and im looking for the first bonus set of the sentinel to have 8% bonus damage on the master strike .


Do anyone did that ? I will test this soon because i need only one more piece to have the 2 bonus .

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