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2.0 Guide: Guardian DPS for PvE Raiding


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I'm having a hard time hitting at least 3k sustained as a Veng Jugg usually around 2.8k, any input would help.


My stats



72.25% Surge

100.25% Accuracy

0 Crit/Alacrity

2pc vindicator 2pc weaponmaster


Here's one of my parses.



With your stats this is pretty much what you should expect.

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I'm having a hard time hitting at least 3k sustained as a Veng Jugg usually around 2.8k, any input would help.


My stats



72.25% Surge

100.25% Accuracy

0 Crit/Alacrity

2pc vindicator 2pc weaponmaster


Here's one of my parses.



Until you get a 78 MH and more str (which comes from more 78 gear) you're not going to hit over 3k sustained reliably without crazy luck in your crits. Basically, the guys pulling these numbers are usually in mostly 78 gear with good enhancements. Enhancements make a huge difference.

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Until you get a 78 MH and more str (which comes from more 78 gear) you're not going to hit over 3k sustained reliably without crazy luck in your crits. Basically, the guys pulling these numbers are usually in mostly 78 gear with good enhancements. Enhancements make a huge difference.


With 72 MH and full 78 mods (wich is very easy because it is only with distinctions), you can't hit lower than 3k, or you are doing something wrong. You can do more than 3k with full 72... .


Funky you have the right stats but try to clip your ravage at 2.7 sec , you will earn a lot of dps.


After im testing new stats ( im now full 78): 99.6 precision, 74.88 surge and 21.5 cri( 28 in force) and it is working VERY well.

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With 72 MH and full 78 mods (wich is very easy because it is only with distinctions), you can't hit lower than 3k, or you are doing something wrong. You can do more than 3k with full 72... .


Funky you have the right stats but try to clip your ravage at 2.7 sec , you will earn a lot of dps.


After im testing new stats ( im now full 78): 99.6 precision, 74.88 surge and 21.5 cri( 28 in force) and it is working VERY well.

Did you do what I suggested a few posts earlier? (One more Adept enhancement for an Initiative one and balance the the accuracy loss with an augment)

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Until you get a 78 MH and more str (which comes from more 78 gear) you're not going to hit over 3k sustained reliably without crazy luck in your crits. Basically, the guys pulling these numbers are usually in mostly 78 gear with good enhancements. Enhancements make a huge difference.


So true. No one in full 72 only, ie roughly your gear, can sustain 3k. Anyone claiming the opposite needs a reality check or didn't try parsing for 30mins. I won the Ark/UW Vigilance round on the DPS leaderboard before 2.4 hit, with 3090dps, in full 72 like everyone else and that took days of parsing to achieve.

You will be anywhere from 2750-3050 averaging somewhere in between if you're totally concentrated, so if you're doing 2800 in your gear I can assure you it's perfectly fine. Just keep at it and eventually you'll get the RNG on things to score a 5mins. 3k parse.


Like Kishekzun said though, you can try clipping your Ravage but someone mentioned that this is merely a function of your latency, which makes sense, I haven't tested it though. I do it myself but I suggest you only try getting accustomed to this if your latency is dead steady an not jumpy, otherwise your heading into a risky business as your DPS will drop hugely if you miss the last tick!

Edited by Quickglue
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As i said before, now im full 78( ro near) so im trying new stats for my guardian. I have a lot of power and Vig so i try to put more crit and surge and it's working very well.


here are my stats :




If you want to put thi king of crit you must put some surge and have more than 74%, it will be more efficient. (For you Quiglue, Elitran is using those stats ^^! ).


With those stats 80% of my test are above 3.3K.


I think that you must try it with 78 stuff ( Elitra does not have the main hand but he is full 78 gear for exemple).

Edited by uriaces
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As i said before, now im full 78( ro near) so im trying new stats for my guardian. I have a lot of power and Vig so i try to put more crit and surge and it's working very well.


here are my stats :




If you want to put thi king of crit you must put some surge and have more than 74%, it will be more efficient. (For you Quiglue, Elitran is using those stats ^^! ).


With those stats 80% of my test are above 3.3K.


I think that you must try it with 78 stuff ( Elitra does not have the main hand but he is full 78 gear for exemple).


Nice title bro! You finally decided to finish the quests in Gorinth Canyon? :-P hehe


Yeah I'd love to try with the 78 MH, please mail me one :-P

I'm afraid that at the rate I'm going I'm out of the leaderboards permanently. Besides, I don't play the game much anymore either, it's just not as fun as it used to be, I suppose I exhausted what I like most about it, story and I work too much too for me to have a lot of game time so I only play 2x3 hours pr. week now and that's for DF, DP SM. We tried Nefra on HM but as a team we're just not ready for it and we have trouble getting everyone together too so... I've had offers from raid guilds but I decided I wanted to do it with these guys or not at all. So it was fun while it lasted :-) I hope you and the other good guardians will continue to push the limits of this class and satisfy the guardian DPS skeptics :-)

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So true. No one in full 72 only, ie roughly your gear, can sustain 3k. Anyone claiming the opposite needs a reality check or didn't try parsing for 30mins. I won the Ark/UW Vigilance round on the DPS leaderboard before 2.4 hit, with 3090dps, in full 72 like everyone else and that took days of parsing to achieve.

You will be anywhere from 2750-3050 averaging somewhere in between if you're totally concentrated, so if you're doing 2800 in your gear I can assure you it's perfectly fine. Just keep at it and eventually you'll get the RNG on things to score a 5mins. 3k parse.


Like Kishekzun said though, you can try clipping your Ravage but someone mentioned that this is merely a function of your latency, which makes sense, I haven't tested it though. I do it myself but I suggest you only try getting accustomed to this if your latency is dead steady an not jumpy, otherwise your heading into a risky business as your DPS will drop hugely if you miss the last tick!


It's still pretty disappointing that I could hit numbers with my faceroll-marauder in lower gear that I would have been super thankful for on my jugg at that level. 72 geared marauders would laugh at 2800 dps. But it's alright. I take pride in people saying I'm a great jugg dps. We take what we can get and we make the most of it.

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As i said before, now im full 78( ro near) so im trying new stats for my guardian. I have a lot of power and Vig so i try to put more crit and surge and it's working very well.


here are my stats :




If you want to put thi king of crit you must put some surge and have more than 74%, it will be more efficient. (For you Quiglue, Elitran is using those stats ^^! ).


With those stats 80% of my test are above 3.3K.


I think that you must try it with 78 stuff ( Elitra does not have the main hand but he is full 78 gear for exemple).


How much crit did you add to your gear and does this 23.42% crit include the Smuggler's buff ?

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As i said before, now im full 78( ro near) so im trying new stats for my guardian. I have a lot of power and Vig so i try to put more crit and surge and it's working very well.


here are my stats :




If you want to put thi king of crit you must put some surge and have more than 74%, it will be more efficient. (For you Quiglue, Elitran is using those stats ^^! ).


With those stats 80% of my test are above 3.3K.


I think that you must try it with 78 stuff ( Elitra does not have the main hand but he is full 78 gear for exemple).




can you please post an AMR-Profile which belongs to this stats?! Thx.


Best Regards.

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So how many parses did you run to get the avg of 3166 and 3049?


You said your best was a 3166 parse whereas before that you did a 3049. So I'm just wondering how much legwork you did. Considering how much has been done by those of us on this thread so far. Your crit % also is still well within the range of the no crit builds.

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So how many parses did you run to get the avg of 3166 and 3049?


You said your best was a 3166 parse whereas before that you did a 3049. So I'm just wondering how much legwork you did. Considering how much has been done by those of us on this thread so far. Your crit % also is still well within the range of the no crit builds.


One parse with 3166 (didn't have time for much when I answered) and 10 to 15 at ~3094 :rolleyes:


Yesterday's evenning ran 4 more Dummy sessions and I was between 3140 and 3160 but with errors in my rotation :o

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Hey I just started playing SWTOR again, and was wondering what the spec is for the Vig guardian nowadays? I logged in today and saw that all my points were refunded and wasn't sure what to spec into now for PVE/PVP and what was considered BIS today.


Any help to a spec for PVE and PVP and the BIS for PVE would be super helpful. TYVM!

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Hey guys, i would like to ask, what are the best relics at the moment? I am running with Dread Forged power relic, and yesterday i got lucky and won another DF relic, but now i cant decide. Because I noticed that the power relics do stack, but after reading some of the posts I am not sure if combination of power-main stat relic isn't better. All my augments are main stat based and with +6% bonus to strength I can't decide. Any advice would be mostly appreciated. Edited by ReclaimerDonar
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First of all if your going to come in with the BS attitude that guardians can't dps, leave.


We are perfectly viable, and there are groups (including my HM ops group that has cleared before dread council) with TWO guardians and NO sentinels.


Both parse 3.2k.


Are we better than sentinels? no. Are we viable? Certainly. Stick that FOTM bs somewhere else.

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First of all if your going to come in with the BS attitude that guardians can't dps, leave.


We are perfectly viable, and there are groups (including my HM ops group that has cleared before dread council) with TWO guardians and NO sentinels.


Both parse 3.2k.


Are we better than sentinels? no. Are we viable? Certainly. Stick that FOTM bs somewhere else.


My first post in this thread was exactly two months ago, directly after maining a Juggernaut... for two... full... months...


Can I just point out that, if I understand your poorly-enunciated point correctly, your team of two Guardians has failed to clear the only fight with a significant DPS check?


Good luck explaining how that disproves my point...



On a separate note, if your group hasn't beat the council and thus has no 78 mainhands, I seriously doubt either of the guardians can break 3.2k DPS in a real parse.


1. Must be combat logged on the level 55 Operations Training Target MK-5.

2. Must be combat logged over at least a 5 minute duration. Endings may be cut out as long as the parse time remains over 5 minutes still. Beginning CANNOT be clipped: logs must state something like "Claimed enters combat." Actual logs may NOT be editted. Use Torparse's drop down tool to do so.

3. Class buffs/stims/adrenals are permitted.

4. Another player is not allowed to assist with Bloodthirst/Inspiration, armour debuff, etc during the logging.

5. Nightmare Pilgrim buff is not permitted.

6. No use of Legacy abilities or cybertech grenades, etc.

7. Only combat logs from http://www.torparse.com/ will be accepted. All claims must be accompanied by a link to their parse.

8. When posting please use the following format: Character - Class - Spec - xx/xx/xx - DPS.

Example: Treehugger-Guardian-Focus 5/5/36-2000

9. Prestacking buffs using in-combat related moves is not allowed. However, buffs that can be replicated in an operations setting is permitted. For example, scoundrels respeccing from scrapper to dirty fighting to preload flachette round is permitted.


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