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No bonus to Kolto Bomb?


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When 2.0 first hit the PTR KB had had a nice and very much needed boost in the form of a larger initial AOE and well as a boost HoT, but the latest notes don't mention it? did Bio pull it from the launch? If so I don't think my CM is gonna be my main any longer. theres no point considering how gimped our heals are relative to the other healing classes. did I miss something?
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ya I couldn't remember if it was a skill improvement or not and won't really pass judgement till tomorrow but there's no mention of any improvements to heals at all, thats what has me a bit worried.
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It was in the healing tree and therefore has been left out of the patch notes. I wouldn't worry the skills should be there. See you on the other side, happy healing :D


ty for the clarity. I retract most of my OP.

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It IS in the game and working as intended. Very nice and welcome upgrade, however, I'm still not sure why all specs of commando get KB now.


Properly because Bioware PvP designers were seeing how easy it is to waste a Commando and thought having a instant Heal/Hot would help with survivability.


In one on one's it certainly helps with tipping the balance.


I managed to drop two in my rotation yesterday when one on one with a Juggernaut. Im sure he got a surprise when I managed to kill him. The best part was he was smash and now they really cant fit that knock back immunity into their specs, he wasted his first smash because I concussion charged him as soon as he leaped, where he then tried to smash, but was out of range to hit me. I dropped the first Koto bomb then and one just after it wore off.


In PvE, it will be a handy aid when the DPS can throw down the odd cloud.

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