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As an Arsenal Merc ..


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Which companion would you recommend levelling with? I have recently started playing my merc again and am getting back into the swing of it, but am unsure which companion would suit me best. At the moment I'm using Blizz (am about to pick up the companion on Belsavis) but he seems to be a bit squishier than I would like for a tank. Would I be better off using Mako perhaps, or maybe even Gault just for the damage?
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Which companion would you recommend levelling with? I have recently started playing my merc again and am getting back into the swing of it, but am unsure which companion would suit me best. At the moment I'm using Blizz (am about to pick up the companion on Belsavis) but he seems to be a bit squishier than I would like for a tank. Would I be better off using Mako perhaps, or maybe even Gault just for the damage?


I dinged 50 with my arsenal merc just a week ago and leveled from 1 to 50 with Mako with no problem. Mako's personal story running at the side is also fun to do while leveling.

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I used Mako until I swapped to healing at about Level 40, when I also swapped to Blizz (and now I run with HK). But that was my first character. Now, when running dps, I usually dual-dps unless I'm soloing a heroic or in some boss battles, when the healer comes out - I personally find it faster to melt the opposition and self-heal, although others will say its faster to use the healer and have little downtime.


I can't speak for Gault's damage, since I didn't gear him until recently (as soon as I found out the 6:1 tionese conversion ratio), but Torian did ok with damage once I got him in some gear. I would go with either of them or stick with Mako - you have little need for a tank when doing your standard quests, and since you have both dps npc's by then, they should give better dps than either tank can.

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