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am i the only one who thinks the double xp weekend was a bad idea?


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Well, I certainly wouldn't say I think Double XP weekends are bad ideas. On the contrary, since all the 'side-quests' are the same for every character in a faction, regardless of class choice, I think it's a great idea. After you've played through them a few times, it's nice to be able to just play the more class-specific story lines and skip over a good deal of the generic filler you've already done over and over.


That said, I have no problem with the idea of making the boost optional. Options are generally always good, and if it could be put in, everyone could be happy. Heck, even an option to completely toggle XP gain might be desirable for some.


Thank you. I don't know why some people have such a hard time grasping that concept. If you don't want to use it, it's not like it hurts you at all, and the reasons why other people want it should be pretty clear.

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If you had bothered to read my posts on the topic before opening your mouth you would realize that I said overlevelling because of 2x is no biggie for veterans who have done the same quests over and over. Expecting new players to skip entire planets is just not a good idea.


Sigh. As I said earlier...


Without double xp, it's actually pretty well balanced unless you literally do everything and then go off the beaten path killing extra things for more exp. As a sub I did the majority of every planets' quests my first time through (I did not do most heroic 2/4s and only did BT like once & that was my only FP all the way up), & I never outlevelled the game. As a newb, you're not going to overlevel the entire game, probably won't even with 2xp. As a veteran, if you really need to 'experience' Dromund Kaas every single time, hey go for it, but let's not pretend you're missing out if things go gray because you know the game now & it's a double exp weekend.




TOR is unique, among MMO's I have played by being a blatantly linear game. No other MMO would have this issue because in all other MMO's they are designed as open worlds to be explored and experienced at your pace and based on your decisions, not on a pre-determined script that follows a railroad track. Double xps in EQ (or UO, CoH, Vanguard, DaoC, etc) would just mean you spend half as long in dungeon A before you decide it's time to move to dungeon B, C, D, or E. In TOR it means you are getting ahead of the train that the game design forces you to ride from point A1 to point A2.


You must not have played many MMOs...the only thing linear about the progression is the class storyline. Other than the way you can choose to respond to various quests, and a (wonderful) lack of 'Collect X and give them to Y' quests, it's designed about the same as any other - you're here until around this level, you're there until around that level, you will get this around this level, you will get that around that level, etc. Level gaps/skips occur due to the other things that one can do, such as PvP, crew missions, FPs, whatever. WoW, Aion, Rift, Tera, all have similar things one can do that pushes one beyond the intended level range for a given zone.


TLDR: DoubleXP was fun, lots more enjoyed & took advantage of it than did find something wrong with it. EIther way, it's over now, and the poor newbs won't be traumatized by outgrowing DK this Saturday.

Edited by Astygia
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I swear I cant say this enough...


Without Double XP players are already


1. Over leveling the content to a point where they are doing gray quests.


2. Skipping content.


All these people that are crying that double XP ruined their game because now they had to skip quests because they were gray baffle me because if doing every single thing in the game. (class story, planetary story, side quests, heroics, bonus series, flashpoints, space) Even once a piece, on every planet as you level, you will be just as over leveled as you are during double XP doing the same thing. (since grey quests/mobs give nil XP)


The only difference is with double XP you get to that point faster.


The game was designed so you don't have to do everything to get to cap. double XP didn't change that at all. For those that want to experience all the content you still can while still being over leveled and for those that want to skip you could skip at a sooner point. That was the whole purpose.


EXACTLY. Omg I can't believe this argument is even still going. I don't do a lot of the side missions, often times don't worry about the bonuses if it's going to be a hassle and I almost never do the bonus quests line for the planets at the end and I still out level that planet and am ahead when I start the next one.


Double XP isn't keeping these people from doing anything they want to do or are already forced to do because of how fast you level in this game.


Absolutely absurd argument.

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i started playing again after almost a year and started a new empire warrior...

the thing is that i just arrived on balmorra (which is for lvl 15 minimum) being level 23...

which means that the quests are no challenge at all and i'll have to rush through to continue on nar shaddaa

next time you do a double xp weekend give me an option to switch it off please :)

You're not alone....

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  • 2 months later...
The point of double exp is to level. For me to benefit from double exp I should have a char I want to level and not to play my new republic char. (I've got 8 level 50 imps) Now I could play all the grey quest like all suggested but that would mean solo it all because I outlevelled also group content such as FP's before I could say "Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch Switch. Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss Swatch watch Switch?". Hey perhaps you guys like to play solo but I did not join a MMO to be an overlevelled char solo-ing stuff.


I don't want all my characters to level in the blink of an eye. So why are some people making such a big deal if I (and some others) want it optional for some characters. I prefer to level at a normal pace, explore all content (and yes I have 7 lvl 50 empire chars and made some fresh republic chars that really did not need the double exp).



Great that loads of people want double exp but it seems you and others prefer to force double exp for all while my suggestion would benefit everyone. Face it, not everyone likes double exp. I want everyone to enjoy their game the way they like to play it and not like you want them to play it and now have people attacking me and pretty much say I should not play at all.


So yes let there be more double exp and let it be optional so those who like to not join won't join in. It's pretty much the same suggestion as the rakghoul event where loads of people wanted an option for opt-out so they would not be forced to get infected. Not everyone wants to join everything EA throws at our way. Don't like people who don't want double exp, deal with it and don't tell them to quit the game or force double exp on them. The same way I deal with it and won't mind you having your double exp power levelling mode.


There are people here having serious issues with my suggestion since they are harassing me trough several media (not talking about this thread) on my optional suggestion. Grow up.




Wow that people here on this forum seek a person out in different places harrasing and being abusive, when this persons opinion is equally as valid as anyone elses is just sick, shows what kind of people are active on this forum, they THINK they are anonymous and can say and do things they wouldnt dare if they werent hiding behind their computer.

This entire topic is about players that want to play the game their own way, and i think everyone should have the CHOICE to do so!, if that means double xp 24/7 or if that means NOT wanting double xp at all that is fine to!.

Edited by Dezsa
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I wish I had an easy copy paste of my responses to "not wanting double XP" but I just don't feel like having it out AGAIN.


Long story short, any reason you have is invalidated by basic mechanics in the game that YOU can control.


I understand why Bioware doesn't toggle it for anyone. It's simple and effective, anything else requires additional work.

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No no you're not.

I absolutely hate it!

I outlevel the planets fast enough as it is. I don't need to have a ton of grey quest to do and enemies that dies as soon as you touch them with the point of your lightsaber.

Plz BW give us the opportunity to turn double xp of. As it is now you're forcing me to play with my lvl 55 main.

It's not boring to play with her but I would really like to continue my condulars story when I have time to play.

Yeah yeah dailies hm fp and op that I have done 10000 times before here I come. ..

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Thanks for the Double XP weekend!


1% - whinners about everything.

1% - selfish people who does not understand someone who don't care about story and want to play end-game.

98% - people saying thanks for the double XP.

99% of statistics on the Internet are made up on the spot.



On-topic, buck double XP weekends. Levelling is already too fast/too easy. Most people won't keep up their credits and commendations with their levelling pace. After each double XP weekend I see people in level 40 flashpoints with level 10 gear/mods, and without half of combat skills "because training is too expensive". Buck that. Give them time to gear, give them time to get credits for training.

Edited by Helig
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99% of statistics on the Internet are made up on the spot.



On-topic, buck double XP weekends. Levelling is already too fast/too easy. Most people won't keep up their credits and commendations with their levelling pace. After each double XP weekend I see people in level 40 flashpoints with level 10 gear/mods, and without half of combat skills "because training is too expensive". Buck that. Give them time to gear, give them time to get credits for training.


Nice exaggeration to make a point.

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Nice exaggeration to make a point.

Not an exaggeration. Literally had a Shadow try to tank Maelstrom Prison in unmodded Esseles parts. He didn't have mass taunt, he didn't have Resilience, he had level 19 relics (fine, could be alignment) and level 20 ears/implants. Happened during last pre-Makeb weekends. It was indeed the worst case, but there were a lot of others, not much better.


This weekend, I saw people in Athiss sporting some nice level 8-9 starter world greens.

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double xp is great for people who have lives and wish to keep up with the game


Oh please.


TOR is one of the simplest games ever made and easily the fastest-playing MMO ever made. If you don't have enough free time to play TOR, you have the wrong hobby.

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Not an exaggeration. Literally had a Shadow try to tank Maelstrom Prison in unmodded Esseles parts. He didn't have mass taunt, he didn't have Resilience, he had level 19 relics (fine, could be alignment) and level 20 ears/implants. Happened during last pre-Makeb weekends. It was indeed the worst case, but there were a lot of others, not much better.


This weekend, I saw people in Athiss sporting some nice level 8-9 starter world greens.


So I'll take you at your word because on the RARE occasion I have seen it as well.


Blaming it, however, on double XP weekend is s classic example of correlation without causation.

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So I'll take you at your word because on the RARE occasion I have seen it as well.


Blaming it, however, on double XP weekend is s classic example of correlation without causation.

There *is* a direct correlation between the number of such encounters and the presence/absence of a double XP weekend. Unless there are other factors at play that I'm unaware of, the number of such "encounters" is directly proportional to the amount of XP received on those accursed weekends. One of the reasons I choose to do stuff on my 55s, lay low, or pvp casually on alts whenever this plague hits the server.

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There *is* a direct correlation between the number of such encounters and the presence/absence of a double XP weekend. Unless there are other factors at play that I'm unaware of, the number of such "encounters" is directly proportional to the amount of XP received on those accursed weekends. One of the reasons I choose to do stuff on my 55s, lay low, or pvp casually on alts whenever this plague hits the server.


Lol...the plague that packs the server?


You can't blame people's refusal to gear properly on double XP weekend. Double XP weekend is just a means to collect XP faster. I've seen stupidity all over the game and it has nothing to do with double XP.


Blaming it on double XP is the same as blaming video games for violence. You might see some kind of correlation but no causation exists.



Double XP weekend doesn't force people to wear level 10 greens at level 40. Class stories are enough to keep adequately geared (even if its not optimal). I have several characters that run class stories only.

Edited by Arkerus
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Lol...the plague that packs the server?


You can't people's refusal to gear properly on double XP weekend. Double XP weekend is just a means to collect XP faster. I've seen stupidity all over the game and it has nothing to do with double XP.


Blaming it on double XP is the same as blaming video games for violence. You might see some kind of correlation but not causation exists.



Double XP weekend doesn't force people to wear level 10 greens at level 40. Class stories are enough to keep adequately geared (even if its not optimal). I have several characters that run class stories only.


Heh... yeah.... I agree with Arkerus here.


The accusation that double-xp is causative of bad players or bad play, or gear deficiency is premium quality silly-sauce IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Heh... yeah.... I agree with Arkerus here.


The accusation that double-xp is causative of bad players or bad play, or gear deficiency is premium quality silly-sauce IMO.


To be fair it does make sense.


If players are rocketing through the levels then they're not spending enough time at each level (or planet, more generally) to develop there character properly. I rolled a Knight the other day and ended up hugely undergeared after about 4 hours due to the massive amount of XP you're getting. Any attempt to grind out decent gear in FPs levels you up even more so by the time you have a set of lv 10 (for example) gear you've ended up at level 20.


I'm not saying I'm against double XP, but there is a clear causal link between boosted XP and undergeared characters. Or perhaps "overleveled" rather than undergeared. It's not just TOR, there's quite a few other MMOs that do this and it's a "problem" in all of them.


It's not like the landscape content is such that you'll be hamstrung in Pv(casual)E if you're not keeping your gear up so there's nothing stopping people from screaming through the levels this weekend then sitting back to consolidate gear/comms/whatever else when the XP returns to normal. Perhaps it'd be nice if people refrained from running Athiss with Tython gear, for example, but you can't really blame people for that if they don't know any better.

Edited by SwoopingLion
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Lol...the plague that packs the server?


You can't blame people's refusal to gear properly on double XP weekend. Double XP weekend is just a means to collect XP faster. I've seen stupidity all over the game and it has nothing to do with double XP.


Blaming it on double XP is the same as blaming video games for violence. You might see some kind of correlation but not causation exists.



Double XP weekend doesn't force people to wear level 10 greens at level 40. Class stories are enough to keep adequately geared (even if its not optimal). I have several characters that run class stories only.



i also agree with this!


in addition, please don't ask bioware to add an on/off option for the dbl xp they might accidentally break something completely unrelated and then never fix it lol

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To be fair it does make sense.


If players are rocketing through the levels then they're not spending enough time at each level (or planet, more generally) to develop there character properly. I rolled a Knight the other day and ended up hugely undergeared after about 4 hours due to the massive amount of XP you're getting. Any attempt to grind out decent gear in FPs levels you up even more so by the time you have a set of lv 10 (for example) gear you've ended up at level 20.


I'm not saying I'm against double XP, but there is a clear causal link between boosted XP and undergeared characters. Or perhaps "overleveled" rather than undergeared. It's not just TOR, there's quite a few other MMOs that do this and it's a "problem" in all of them.


It's not like the landscape content is such that you'll be hamstrung in Pv(casual)E if you're not keeping your gear up so there's nothing stopping people from screaming through the levels this weekend then sitting back to consolidate gear/comms/whatever else when the XP returns to normal. Perhaps it'd be nice if people refrained from running Athiss with Tython gear, for example, but you can't really blame people for that if they don't know any better.


People being lazy and not gearing up has NOTHING to do with leveling. You could instant ding from 1 to 55 and if you refuse to gear up, that's not the game's fault.


Truth be told...leveling is just a generic counter for gameplay purposes. You could, technically, do away with leveling and only be powered by your gear. (You'd have to remove the poultry stats from leveling but you get the point.)


And by the way, all the complaints about double XP are pretty much invalidated by that point. Level number could technically be removed.

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People being lazy and not gearing up has NOTHING to do with leveling. You could instant ding from 1 to 55 and if you refuse to gear up, that's not the game's fault.


Truth be told...leveling is just a generic counter for gameplay purposes. You could, technically, do away with leveling and only be powered by your gear. (You'd have to remove the poultry stats from leveling but you get the point.)


And by the way, all the complaints about double XP are pretty much invalidated by that point. Level number could technically be removed.


But as it stands progression through this (and other) games is measured by "level". At level X a lot of people will feel encouraged to move on to the next zone or planet, or leave out quests or missions that are below their level.


In a situation where you're advancing faster than would otherwise be the case (and in terms of the game's layout should be the case) your arbitrary level number takes you to places that your character won't be ready for.


Yes, experienced players will realise this and gear appropriately but less experienced ones will put all their energy into levelling (as they always would). In normal circumstances the levelling process equips and guides players to a certain extent but if you're levelling "too fast" a lot of this is skipped.


You're right to say people can remain geared easily enough but realistically it's not going to be the case. You could remove level number, but they haven't. As long as that metric is in place, people advancing too quickly will result in people at higher levels than their gear is good for.


A "level 20" FP will be undertaken by players at level 20 (however meaningless that number may be). If they've reached level 20 by doing nothing more than level ~15 content (complete with only the gameplay experience, guidance and gear that provides) they're not going to be prepared for the content.


I'm not saying that without double XP that everyone would be perfectly geared all the time since that isn't the case, but clearly rushing people through this arbitrary level metric results in "lower quality" higher level characters. The obvious solution is to ensure everyone understands the value of gear over level and actual gameplay knowledge over experience points but clearly that's not going to happen. The concept of "levelling" is hardcoded into a lot of gamers' minds (cheers, Pokémon..) so as long as XP and levels are present in a game people are going to focus on them over everything else, regardless of how important they actually are.

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But as it stands progression through this (and other) games is measured by "level". At level X a lot of people will feel encouraged to move on to the next zone or planet, or leave out quests or missions that are below their level.


In a situation where you're advancing faster than would otherwise be the case (and in terms of the game's layout should be the case) your arbitrary level number takes you to places that your character won't be ready for.


Yes, experienced players will realise this and gear appropriately but less experienced ones will put all their energy into levelling (as they always would). In normal circumstances the levelling process equips and guides players to a certain extent but if you're levelling "too fast" a lot of this is skipped.


You're right to say people can remain geared easily enough but realistically it's not going to be the case. You could remove level number, but they haven't. As long as that metric is in place, people advancing too quickly will result in people at higher levels than their gear is good for.


A "level 20" FP will be undertaken by players at level 20 (however meaningless that number may be). If they've reached level 20 by doing nothing more than level ~15 content (complete with only the gameplay experience, guidance and gear that provides) they're not going to be prepared for the content.


I'm not saying that without double XP that everyone would be perfectly geared all the time since that isn't the case, but clearly rushing people through this arbitrary level metric results in "lower quality" higher level characters. The obvious solution is to ensure everyone understands the value of gear over level and actual gameplay knowledge over experience points but clearly that's not going to happen. The concept of "levelling" is hardcoded into a lot of gamers' minds (cheers, Pokémon..) so as long as XP and levels are present in a game people are going to focus on them over everything else, regardless of how important they actually are.


At the same time there is an influx of good experienced players running alts who otherwise wouldn't bother making the whole group leveling process e.g flashpoints much easier.

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Not an exaggeration. Literally had a Shadow try to tank Maelstrom Prison in unmodded Esseles parts. He didn't have mass taunt, he didn't have Resilience, he had level 19 relics (fine, could be alignment) and level 20 ears/implants. Happened during last pre-Makeb weekends. It was indeed the worst case, but there were a lot of others, not much better.


This weekend, I saw people in Athiss sporting some nice level 8-9 starter world greens.


You don't design a game around the brain-dead lowest common denominator. That makes a brain-dead game only FOR the lowest common denominator.

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You don't design a game around the brain-dead lowest common denominator. That makes a brain-dead game only FOR the lowest common denominator.


I know it's super annoying to play with ppl thats have way utdated gear and cause wipe after wipe after wipe, but of this I just must say LOL :p It made me laugh hard :p Thx for sharing :)

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