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am i the only one who thinks the double xp weekend was a bad idea?


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If you feel you're leveling too fast, skip all but class quests - after a planet or two, mob levels will catch up pretty quick.


If your complaint is that you are 'forced' to skip things due to graying out and thus missing out on something... you're not forced to skip a thing if the sidequests are that important to ya.


Complaints about 2x Exp weekends = proof that some people complain about anything & everything. Crying wolf over stupid crap like that makes it that much harder for the dev team to take genuine concerns seriously.

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i dont know what others have said but I have found the 50s pvp bracket to be most annoying and i attribute that to all the fresh 50s due to the increased exp Edited by Rewte
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I disagree. The double XP weekends got me back into the game and playing. I wish they were a more common occurance. I gained some levels on a couple of alts i want to get up for RotHC. Repetitive leveling is a boring grind. Anyone that shorterns this grind has my full support. Definitly a plus. Edited by Nemmar
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yes. it was awful.


Giving away basically free 50s to people who dont know how to play them only leads to trouble for any and everyone who has the misfortune to play with them down the road.


I have already seen this multiple times with missions as easy as Black hole dailies, I imagine seeing them in real HM/OPs must be incredibly frustrating. If you go 1-50 in 2 days the chances of you knowing how to use half your buttons is minimal.

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If you feel you're leveling too fast, skip all but class quests - after a planet or two, mob levels will catch up pretty quick.


If your complaint is that you are 'forced' to skip things due to graying out and thus missing out on something... you're not forced to skip a thing if the sidequests are that important to ya.


Complaints about 2x Exp weekends = proof that some people complain about anything & everything. Crying wolf over stupid crap like that makes it that much harder for the dev team to take genuine concerns seriously.


When the solution to balancing the game's level progression is to not play large chunks of the game, there is a problem with the game.

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When the solution to balancing the game's level progression is to not play large chunks of the game, there is a problem with the game.


Originally Posted by Astygia


If your complaint is that you are 'forced' to skip things due to graying out and thus missing out on something... you're not forced to skip a thing if the sidequests are that important to ya.


Reading comprehension, brosephina. You even quoted it.

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Reading comprehension, brosephina. You even quoted it.


It's a linear game. When the level path can't be balanced for an arrow-straight linear game, there is a problem somewhere. Any subscriber who does the majority of planet and class quests will outlevel the game by Nar Shadaa, and that's not counting double xps.


I can never figure out the apologists who will one day write off all complaints about the game because "Story is what it's about" and then the next day say the solution to what ails the game is to "skip the story!".

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When the solution to balancing the game's level progression is to not play large chunks of the game, there is a problem with the game.

I swear I cant say this enough...


Without Double XP players are already


1. Over leveling the content to a point where they are doing gray quests.


2. Skipping content.


All these people that are crying that double XP ruined their game because now they had to skip quests because they were gray baffle me because if doing every single thing in the game. (class story, planetary story, side quests, heroics, bonus series, flashpoints, space) Even once a piece, on every planet as you level, you will be just as over leveled as you are during double XP doing the same thing. (since grey quests/mobs give nil XP)


The only difference is with double XP you get to that point faster.


The game was designed so you don't have to do everything to get to cap. double XP didn't change that at all. For those that want to experience all the content you still can while still being over leveled and for those that want to skip you could skip at a sooner point. That was the whole purpose.

Edited by Emencie
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It's a linear game. When the level path can't be balanced for an arrow-straight linear game, there is a problem somewhere. Any subscriber who does the majority of planet and class quests will outlevel the game by Nar Shadaa, and that's not counting double xps.


Without double xp, it's actually pretty well balanced unless you literally do everything and then go off the beaten path killing extra things for more exp. As a sub I did the majority of every planets' quests my first time through (I did not do most heroic 2/4s and only did BT like once & that was my only FP all the way up), & I never outlevelled the game. As a newb, you're not going to overlevel the entire game, probably won't even with 2xp. As a veteran, if you really need to 'experience' Dromund Kaas every single time, hey go for it, but let's not pretend you're missing out if things go gray because you know the game now & it's a double exp weekend.


Doesn't matter though. With or without 2xp, once again you are not forced to skip a thing unless you just get bored and move on. If you automatically feel that gray = go away, that's on you.


I can never figure out the apologists who will one day write off all complaints about the game because "Story is what it's about" and then the next day say the solution to what ails the game is to "skip the story!".


I can never understand the whiners that only find reasons to complain. Show me an MMO similar to TOR (be it WoW, Rift, whatever) where each and every zone is perfectly balanced so that you will be exactly level x by the time you leave, without exception? (Hint: there isn't one worthy of mention, because if there is it's most likely incredibly boring).


Also, the class quests are the story, and nobody suggested skipping those - quite the opposite, skip the sidequests, and again only do that if you're that sensitive about doing a green/gray quest.


Do you not read posts before responding.... or think before opening mouth :rak_02:

Edited by Astygia
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No one thinks 2x xp is a bad idea for the simple fact that you get people who are leveling way too fast and DO NOT learn the mechanics of their class roles?! I don't know about the rest of you, but I hated logging in during these weekends because warzones and flashpoints were mostly filled with leechers. These are usually the idiots who queue for flashpoints as an important role like tank or heals and just end up getting the group killed over and over again because they are too busy dpsing or standing around not knowing what to do. Not to mention that most NEED on everything regardless if they can use it or not. And as for warzones, some of these guys just stand around not contributing to the objectives or knowing what to do. "I'm just here for xp so win the wz for me! I'm going to stand over here and reverse eng stuff..." This to me is not fun.


Hate to sound bitter but there's a lot of newbish folks out there power leveling and have no clue what they are doing. But they are the first people to complain they aren't getting everything handed to them when they actually have to play harder for it. Just sayin.

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Those bonus quests were worth a ton of XP though. I remember turning one in on Quesh and the damn thing was worth 53K plus the other 30K or so for the actual quest. Managed to get two tokens to 50 by the end of Belsavis leaving me able to hit Voss and Corelia once 2.0 hits to get some levels off of and then hit Makeb to finish out my run to 55 or at least get me close.


Exactly :)


Bonus grinding is necessary with regular XP, because if you don't do them you will come up short on levels - they're such a big part of the XP you earn, both from the quest rewards and XP for killing stuff. But with double XP you can skip right past them and get to the fun stuff. I found that just by skipping those I stayed more or less on track with XP, never getting overlevelled for a planet.

Edited by SleepyKing
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Without double xp, it's actually pretty well balanced unless you literally do everything and then go off the beaten path killing extra things for more exp. As a sub I did the majority of every planets' quests my first time through (I did not do most heroic 2/4s and only did BT like once & that was my only FP all the way up), & I never outlevelled the game. As a newb, you're not going to overlevel the entire game, probably won't even with 2xp. As a veteran, if you really need to 'experience' Dromund Kaas every single time, hey go for it, but let's not pretend you're missing out if things go gray because you know the game now & it's a double exp weekend.


Doesn't matter though. With or without 2xp, once again you are not forced to skip a thing unless you just get bored and move on. If you automatically feel that gray = go away, that's on you.




I can never understand the whiners that only find reasons to complain. Show me an MMO similar to TOR (be it WoW, Rift, whatever) where each and every zone is perfectly balanced so that you will be exactly level x by the time you leave, without exception? (Hint: there isn't one worthy of mention, because if there is it's most likely incredibly boring).


Also, the class quests are the story, and nobody suggested skipping those - quite the opposite, skip the sidequests, and again only do that if you're that sensitive about doing a green/gray quest.


Do you not read posts before responding.... or think before opening mouth :rak_02:


If you had bothered to read my posts on the topic before opening your mouth you would realize that I said overlevelling because of 2x is no biggie for veterans who have done the same quests over and over. Expecting new players to skip entire planets is just not a good idea.


TOR is unique, among MMO's I have played by being a blatantly linear game. No other MMO would have this issue because in all other MMO's they are designed as open worlds to be explored and experienced at your pace and based on your decisions, not on a pre-determined script that follows a railroad track. Double xps in EQ (or UO, CoH, Vanguard, DaoC, etc) would just mean you spend half as long in dungeon A before you decide it's time to move to dungeon B, C, D, or E. In TOR it means you are getting ahead of the train that the game design forces you to ride from point A1 to point A2.

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Exactly :)


Bonus grinding is necessary with regular XP, because if you don't do them you will come up short on levels - they're such a big part of the XP you earn, both from the quest rewards and XP for killing stuff. But with double XP you can skip right past them and get to the fun stuff. I found that just by skipping those I stayed more or less on track with XP, never getting overlevelled for a planet.


Exactly... too.


And the "side" quests, otherwise known as 90% of each planet's content, are integral to the story, well done, interesting, and the only feature of TOR that sets it apart from other MMO's.


They story (class and otherwise) are the best feature of the game. They are the game's only distinguishing feature. Apparently though, the best feature of the game becomes completely disposable when disposing of it is the only way to blow the Bioware trumpets.

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i think it should be a Legacy Unlock to enable accelerated experience.


It should be a buff that can be enabled/disabled as needed.


I understand why they did it, but I don't think it should be something newer players have access to. It should be something you earn via your legacy.


Once you've done a class story, any future legacy toons doing that class story should have the ability to level faster, but ONLY if they want to...

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i think it should be a Legacy Unlock to enable accelerated experience.


It should be a buff that can be enabled/disabled as needed.


I understand why they did it, but I don't think it should be something newer players have access to. It should be something you earn via your legacy.


Once you've done a class story, any future legacy toons doing that class story should have the ability to level faster, but ONLY if they want to...


That's a perfectly reasonable and logical alternative.

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i think it should be a Legacy Unlock to enable accelerated experience.


It should be a buff that can be enabled/disabled as needed.


I understand why they did it, but I don't think it should be something newer players have access to. It should be something you earn via your legacy.


Once you've done a class story, any future legacy toons doing that class story should have the ability to level faster, but ONLY if they want to...


There are already Legacy unlocks to earn experience at a faster rate . . .

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I like the the Legacy Level unlock option that's been mentioned here and in other threads, however, I don't think it should be a lvl 50 unlock. I think it should be a gradual increase for all xp gained that would stack with whatever other unlocks you've acquired. I don't recall what legacy you have to have at the moment to get the top level for class stories, exploration, or fps, but you could unlock an all xp of like 50% (that would stack with the others) at say 25, 75% at 30, 100% at 35 and so on until there was a cap in place.


That would be the basic idea anyway. I don't think I would extend it to legacy xp though as the last several weekends have because I think Legacy should have something in place to keep it relevant, and boosting it would defeat this purpose by making it cheap. I also don't pvp at all, so have no idea how that would affect their system, so maybe it would be better to come up with something different for that.


As to the numbers of players that don't know how to play their class or general game ettiquette, this was already true before the double xp and I wouldn't expect it to change. I think tying the whole thing to legacy would fix a lot the "power-leveled to 50" problem here.


Anyway, that's my two cents just thinking of what I'd like to see off the cuff. I'm sure there are flaws in it and I'm sure they'll be pointed out.

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Since I havent really taken advantage of it, I just can't get myself to suffer through the same stories again. I'd say that it was a bad idea. It completely ruined warzones.


I actually had a guy with 10.2K HP in a 50 match. I had more HP than that as a level 40. That's an extreme though but 4 people with 15K HP isnt.

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i started playing again after almost a year and started a new empire warrior...

the thing is that i just arrived on balmorra (which is for lvl 15 minimum) being level 23...

which means that the quests are no challenge at all and i'll have to rush through to continue on nar shaddaa

next time you do a double xp weekend give me an option to switch it off please :)


No, I think the point was to help people get to 50 so they could jump right into the new expansion. Of course many of us already have several toons there already, but what *I* did was skip the side missions. I pretty much did the class story and the main planet mission line and left the rest. It made gearing a bit of a challenge, but at 50 you get all new gear anyway.


I got a sentinel to 50 and left every mission on Correlia doing it besides the class missions. So when the new expansion starts, I can always go back and finish those for XP as a bit of a head start. I hope anyway.

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I don't think the double xp was a bad thing at all. For people who have multiple alts, running the same planetary missions over and over can get tedious. The double xp basically let these players focus on the parts of the game they enjoyed the most.


However, I do think it was a bad idea to not let us turn it off. Take myself for instance, I only hit 50 with my Sentinel a few weeks ago, and I've only got one other alt - an Agent that I'm still leveling up. Since the Agent is my first Imperial character, I haven't done any of the planetary missions yet, so I kind of wanted to go through all of them at least once. However, with the double xp, I found myself skipping missions because I was already overleveled and chronically short of cash. Hell, I had to log on to my Sentinel and buy a speeder off the GTN because there was no way my Agent was going to afford one at level 15. It would have been nice to be able to turn off the double xp and enjoy the game at the pace I wanted to, rather than be forced to fly through the content because I was leveling up so fast.


And to those who say you can still play grey missions - yes, you might be playing for the story, but it is still a game, and as such, there is still a certain degree of difficulty expected. Going around one-shotting every mob in sight while not taking any damage is boring as hell.


I don't get why some people are so opposed to letting others enjoy the game the way they want to, as long as it doesn't affect them in any way. I'd go so far as to say there should be a toggle for ALL xp. If someone finds they are getting near the upper level for a planet, let them turn their xp gains off if they want to, so they can enjoy as many of the missions they want without it becoming stupidly, trivially easy. It's not like the OPTION to do that would hurt anyone else.

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Well, I certainly wouldn't say I think Double XP weekends are bad ideas. On the contrary, since all the 'side-quests' are the same for every character in a faction, regardless of class choice, I think it's a great idea. After you've played through them a few times, it's nice to be able to just play the more class-specific story lines and skip over a good deal of the generic filler you've already done over and over.


That said, I have no problem with the idea of making the boost optional. Options are generally always good, and if it could be put in, everyone could be happy. Heck, even an option to completely toggle XP gain might be desirable for some.

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