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Force Choke and PVP


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Huttball, the flag carrier is crossing fire vents while theyre off, force choke, scorched, win :D


How about other classes can do this too and not have to stun themselves as well. Force choke is nice, just other classes stuns out class it.

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How about other classes can do this too and not have to stun themselves as well. Force choke is nice, just other classes stuns out class it.


I agree certainly, and I love to see the bounty hunter waiting at the edge of the vents while the ball carrier continues trudging along only to get whipped back to him and flash fried :D


Still though, when you catch someone on em its pretty satisfying heh

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Using it to set up a ravage or Force Push into env is nice. To interrupt a healer close to death spamming those big heals and cd's.


first part can only be done if you are immortal spec which turns it into a true stun.

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I find that force choke is an amazing interupt if nothing else, along with force push and our actual interupt (and back hand if immortal), you can pretty much keep someone locked down for a pretty decent amount of time.


Interupt (8s cd)

FC (1min cd)

interupt (8s cd)

force push (1min cd)

interupt (8s cd)

Backhand (1min cd)

interupt (8s cd)


now you can toss in at the end the aoe stun that you get at 44 I think it is, but non the less if you get this kind of situation happening where you can stay on someone (pc or npc), you can control the fight the entire time.

Edited by Traison
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I really love Force Choke in Huttball as an Immortal Juggernaut, first push enemies into the acid and then keep them there with Force Choke kills full enemies without a problem, holding someone who runs over the deactivated flames almost always lets them get a few ticks of fire before they can get out.


It also helps in keeping enemies away from misson objectives in the other flashpoints, just keep an eye out on the enemies resolve bar, don't use choke when it is full.

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How about other classes can do this too and not have to stun themselves as well. Force choke is nice, just other classes stuns out class it.


Noth, you take nay-saying to a whole new level, you really do. Other classes stuns also don't deal a good chunk of damage while providing resources at the same time. In short, different classes are different.


As for uses in pvp, the obvious peel-and-control usage is the most common. The rage gain is secondary, but can be nice as preparation to unleashing some burst damage (i.e. Smash/Scream/Impale combination or something).


It's also nice as a ghetto interrupt when Disruption is on cooldown. Between Choke, Disruption, Push, and Charge, you keep a single target locked out of a move for quite some time.

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Noth, you take nay-saying to a whole new level, you really do. Other classes stuns also don't deal a good chunk of damage while providing resources at the same time. In short, different classes are different.


As for uses in pvp, the obvious peel-and-control usage is the most common. The rage gain is secondary, but can be nice as preparation to unleashing some burst damage (i.e. Smash/Scream/Impale combination or something).


It's also nice as a ghetto interrupt when Disruption is on cooldown. Between Choke, Disruption, Push, and Charge, you keep a single target locked out of a move for quite some time.


Gotta agree.


I think Juggs could use a little attention, but as DPS spec I have no problem with the current design of Force Choke for PVP or PVE.

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Noth, you take nay-saying to a whole new level, you really do. Other classes stuns also don't deal a good chunk of damage while providing resources at the same time. In short, different classes are different.


As for uses in pvp, the obvious peel-and-control usage is the most common. The rage gain is secondary, but can be nice as preparation to unleashing some burst damage (i.e. Smash/Scream/Impale combination or something).


It's also nice as a ghetto interrupt when Disruption is on cooldown. Between Choke, Disruption, Push, and Charge, you keep a single target locked out of a move for quite some time.


Again, all that can be done by a real stun to a much better degree. There stuns don't need to do good damage they can hit you for 3k crits twice while you are stunned (our choke certainly doesn't hit for that much).

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If your team is planting a bomb or capping a turret, choke is a nice way to keep an enemy from interrupting them.


EDIT: Well, obviously that falls under the CC part. It's also a decent rage builder if you need it.

Edited by Lymain
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Again, all that can be done by a real stun to a much better degree. There stuns don't need to do good damage they can hit you for 3k crits twice while you are stunned (our choke certainly doesn't hit for that much).


And, again, different classes are different. Electrocute is great for SI's, but SA's have to be careful managing their force energy in order to ensure they can use it when they need it. I'm sure a number of sorcs would just love it if Electrocute was channeled but also restored 1/4 of their total force bar.


Grass is greener blah blah blah. Point being, different classes are different. Different skills are different. Is Jug suffering in pvp? Not that I've seen. Maybe at 50 with a bunch of min/maxing going on things will be different, but I found that highly unlikely given the number of tools the class has at its disposal.

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And, again, different classes are different. Electrocute is great for SI's, but SA's have to be careful managing their force energy in order to ensure they can use it when they need it. I'm sure a number of sorcs would just love it if Electrocute was channeled but also restored 1/4 of their total force bar.


Grass is greener blah blah blah. Point being, different classes are different. Different skills are different. Is Jug suffering in pvp? Not that I've seen. Maybe at 50 with a bunch of min/maxing going on things will be different, but I found that highly unlikely given the number of tools the class has at its disposal.


SA have many ways of regening their force. never met an SA in PvP that couldn't use it on damand. the class only has a lot of tools as a tank. Otherwise we have lesser form of tools the other classes have.


It's almost as bad as the people saying it's ok for us to be crit for 3k plus 2-3 times in a row but for use to not be able to do that. Having that happen to a dps jugg is a death sentence as they don't have the mitigation to survive against the rest of the other classes dps.

Edited by Noth
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Force Choke has turned many battles in my favor 1v1. It gives you that extra time to pull off a few moves and hit them where it counts.


When it is channeled like in any spec that is not immortal It does not allow you to do anything but channel. thus you don't get to do a few moves.

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SA have many ways of regening their force. never met an SA in PvP that couldn't use it on damand. the class only has a lot of tools as a tank. Otherwise we have lesser form of tools the other classes have.


It's almost as bad as the people saying it's ok for us to be crit for 3k plus 2-3 times in a row but for use to not be able to do that. Having that happen to a dps jugg is a death sentence as they don't have the mitigation to survive against the rest of the other classes dps.


Because getting hit for 3k+ 2-3 times in a row is just fine for other classes? It sucks for everyone. We happen to be quite a bit tankier than other classes, even as Marauders (who have four damage reduction cooldowns). We also have easily the best baseline mobility of any class in game. Charge gives us immense power in pvp, and specced deep Rage of Vengy both have great damage moves.


Essentially what I'm seeing from you is basically more "grass is greener" stuff. Yeah, it would be *nice* if Choke was an unchanneled stun, but how would that change the overall balance of things in pvp? Until we get lots of end-game testing going on, there's no point in complaining about what we may or may not lack.


In short...let's keep the thread on topic. If you want to make a post complaining about Force Choke, go right ahead.

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Because getting hit for 3k+ 2-3 times in a row is just fine for other classes? It sucks for everyone. We happen to be quite a bit tankier than other classes, even as Marauders (who have four damage reduction cooldowns). We also have easily the best baseline mobility of any class in game. Charge gives us immense power in pvp, and specced deep Rage of Vengy both have great damage moves.


Essentially what I'm seeing from you is basically more "grass is greener" stuff. Yeah, it would be *nice* if Choke was an unchanneled stun, but how would that change the overall balance of things in pvp? Until we get lots of end-game testing going on, there's no point in complaining about what we may or may not lack.


In short...let's keep the thread on topic. If you want to make a post complaining about Force Choke, go right ahead.


Leveled to 50 as vengeance, regularly at the top of Warzones in both damage and protection. We can be played well and I have fun with the class, that however does not make me turn a blind eye to problems with the class, the problems have been there since beta when there was lots of 50s playing. We are not a bit tankier than other classes when specced as dps. Heavy armor is not that much of a protection boost at all and other classes tend to have cooldowns and even heals to make them more tanky than us. Marauders as dps hit harder than a dps spec jugg and are tankier than dps spec juggs, have more CC than dps spec juggs (they can get an additional root on their mortal strike).


I really don't think you get what the problem with us being able to be hit for chains of 3k+ while hitting for much less. We do not have an HP advantage nor much of a mitigation advantage as dps. That is a major issue.

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