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heroics should be soloable at night...


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you can solo them if you are geared well and a few lvls above them

people skip them cos they are useless for anything other than coms

regardless if you play at night or not they aint gana do what you ask lol

find a leveling partner that wants to do them or forget them and come back when you can solo them

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you can solo them if you are geared well and a few lvls above them

people skip them cos they are useless for anything other than coms

regardless if you play at night or not they aint gana do what you ask lol

find a leveling partner that wants to do them or forget them and come back when you can solo them


Pretty much this.

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I agree with the other posters. If you can't find someone to do the heroics with save them until right before you leave the planet. Usually by then, you'll be a few levels above and they shouldn't be too hard with just you and your companion. I've been able to solo most of the 4 mans if I waited to do them until I was ready to leave.
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I feel for you buddy. I had the very same problem with my first character. I had to skip pretty much every group quest after Balmorra because I couldn't find anyone that wanted to do them. This was back during Jan 2012. It hasn't improved much since then but a little when they merged all of the servers. The funny thing is there are always some people about but like the other poster said, they skip the group quests. I think it's a deeper problem with current mmo's but I won't go into it here. In my opinion, most people just skip group content leveling up whether it's during the day or night.
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And what would be the next step ?

By the same logic, flashpoints and ops and 16-man ops "should be soloable" at night ? :rolleyes:


There is solo content and there is group content. The maximum level can reached without ever getting into any kind of group play. That is enough.

Group content is for groups. You either bring a group, or you bring a solo overpowered player with their companion or you stay out of it.

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Most heroics I come across while leveling are easily soloable at-level if you're halfway competent, with the occasional use of LOS or kill a couple, leave the instance, kill a couple more.


A couple days ago I was on Belsavis, did every heroic solo, at-level, as a DPS with a DPS comp (and both of us in moddable gear with blues, most 3-10 levels under my current level).


Just takes some tactical thinking, is all. If you're a healer or a tank, though, whip out your tank/healer companion for easy-mode.

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And what would be the next step ?

By the same logic, flashpoints and ops and 16-man ops "should be soloable" at night ? :rolleyes:


There is solo content and there is group content. The maximum level can reached without ever getting into any kind of group play. That is enough.

Group content is for groups. You either bring a group, or you bring a solo overpowered player with their companion or you stay out of it.


Well, they could allow you to use more than one companion during Heroics, ie create a bot filled team. Then again if you were able to do that you'd almost never need to play with anyone. Like I could see how that would defeat the purpose of a multiplayer focused game.


Maybe it's something that could be limited to Heroics and not usable in FPs or Ops. Another possibility could be only allowing the player to do this when this mission is green or just about to turn grey.


I can understand the mentality or desire behind this, especially for those who like to play solo and/or want to experience the game's story. For instance the expansion pack has a focus on the Hutt Cartel and Dread Masters, which are two elements that are explored further in the Operations, but if someone never gets to play those Ops they miss that part of the story. Same goes for FPs like The Foundry.


Of course a solution for those people could be going to YouTube and watching the cutscenes there, but I noticed that while you can find pretty much every cutscene for all the class missions, romances, endings, etc, multiple times over it's difficult to find videos of Ops that aren't simply gameplay only, ie ones that feature the story elements.

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I skip a ton of heroics while levelling due to the fact that half the time it takes not only ages to get a group together and that group to actually get together you could have earned the xp or comms anyway.


I don't think they should be made more soloable but I feel there's too many heroics on each planet and only a few of them are actually worth doing as a group.

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you can solo them if you are geared well and a few lvls above them

people skip them cos they are useless for anything other than coms

regardless if you play at night or not they aint gana do what you ask lol

find a leveling partner that wants to do them or forget them and come back when you can solo them


Anybody here use punctuation much? Lol. This isn't your iphone... seriously.


Regardless, I think we're missing the point here. Heroics may be solo-able, but it's much more fun to run them with a friend, or at least another player. I'm truly sorry if you can never find a group to run them with, and therefore have to ask - what server are you playing on? It must be a truly unsociable group of people if that is truly your plight.


And contrary to popular opinion, I would argue that heroics are not useless in the least. Comms are quite useful themselves, this is true, however, as I mentioned, running with a group is quite fun - especially if you have a guild to play with... have you tried finding one? Teamwork is it's own reward. And as with all of TOR, I believe story is paramount, and the devs have bothered to write some sort of interesting story for things like Heroics, and even side quests. This, for me, keeps it interesting. Again, I am truly sorry if you find yourself on an unsociable server or haven't been able to find a guild... but, to each their own - if you prefer not to, that is your prerogative. I do not mean to offend, or insult in the least.


May the Force be with you all.

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since i often play at night i'd like to be able to solo them after a certain point...

theres never anyone around who does them and i mostly just end up skipping them which is driving me mad :mad:


It's always night somewhere, this is a MMO, people can play from virtually anywhere on the planet. The obvious solution is for you to play on a server for a different timezone so you can play with other people. Also on the Server I play on their is almost always someone about, haven't yet played at three in the morning but with Europeans and Americans on it almost all times are covered.

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Anybody here use punctuation much? Lol. This isn't your iphone... seriously.


Regardless, I think we're missing the point here. Heroics may be solo-able, but it's much more fun to run them with a friend, or at least another player. I'm truly sorry if you can never find a group to run them with, and therefore have to ask - what server are you playing on? It must be a truly unsociable group of people if that is truly your plight.


And contrary to popular opinion, I would argue that heroics are not useless in the least. Comms are quite useful themselves, this is true, however, as I mentioned, running with a group is quite fun - especially if you have a guild to play with... have you tried finding one? Teamwork is it's own reward. And as with all of TOR, I believe story is paramount, and the devs have bothered to write some sort of interesting story for things like Heroics, and even side quests. This, for me, keeps it interesting. Again, I am truly sorry if you find yourself on an unsociable server or haven't been able to find a guild... but, to each their own - if you prefer not to, that is your prerogative. I do not mean to offend, or insult in the least.


May the Force be with you all.


While I don't have an iPhone anymore I often post from my Android phone. Not saying it excuses really bad posting habits but I think more people than you would think post using a phone or tablet.

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