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Pyro 2.0?


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missile blast might be your prob then, from what i'm reading it's too much heat to have in your priority system (unless maybe if you're at close to zero heat with nothing else better to fire off), use rapid shots instead, i didn't use any missile blasts in my parse. As far as AoE goes, you need to save Vent heat if you know AoE is coming up soon, or if its not up, cycle in rapid shots...sustained DPS over entire fight will go up this way and will compete with any spec in the game. This is assuming that Pyro gets a 6% raid damage buff due to armor debuff and final 30% damage boosts, which I haven't verified but am told from respected pyro specs it's true.


Heat mgmt is the toughest thing to get used to in 2.0 but it's combatable if you stay disciplined cycling in rapid shots when necessary.


MBs proc the CGC which is vital for survivability while the burns take effect, considering what other classes can proc and what they can do to stay alive i fail to see the balance or the benefit of HO vs a fast enemy. EG a sorc can proc chain lightning/crushing darkness and 2 crits on any force attack as well as a crit on TB, then survive in a spartan 3 armour lock while all their kiting tools reset. Pryo merc can proc a 30 slow effect which instantly over heats them, doing mediocre damage. (arsenall merc cant proc anything BTW oh you didn't get your 1 in 5 chance crit on heatseekers? GG for you then XD


furthermore the damage produced by the shield and jet boost has to be the biggest troll in this game and blatant waists of skill points, why even bother with that? as if the 4% alacrity wasn't stupid enough for an 80% instacast tree.


It says in the dev blog that they buffed the merc, they don't know what buff means because MY pyrotech merc has been nerfed. the took away all that was crucial and gave mediocre survivability half of which i cant even use because the biggest flaw in the class was not even touched. Prove me wrong!

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MBs proc the CGC which is vital for survivability while the burns take effect, considering what other classes can proc and what they can do to stay alive i fail to see the balance or the benefit of HO vs a fast enemy. EG a sorc can proc chain lightning/crushing darkness and 2 crits on any force attack as well as a crit on TB, then survive in a spartan 3 armour lock while all their kiting tools reset. Pryo merc can proc a 30 slow effect which instantly over heats them, doing mediocre damage. (arsenall merc cant proc anything BTW oh you didn't get your 1 in 5 chance crit on heatseekers? GG for you then XD


furthermore the damage produced by the shield and jet boost has to be the biggest troll in this game and blatant waists of skill points, why even bother with that? as if the 4% alacrity wasn't stupid enough for an 80% instacast tree.


It says in the dev blog that they buffed the merc, they don't know what buff means because MY pyrotech merc has been nerfed. the took away all that was crucial and gave mediocre survivability half of which i cant even use because the biggest flaw in the class was not even touched. Prove me wrong!


Again we're not on the same page...I'm trying to discuss PVE not PVP. I have zero knowledge of pvp since I don't play it. I'll just wait for someone more PVE-minded to reply to my post if it happens.

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Again we're not on the same page...I'm trying to discuss PVE not PVP. I have zero knowledge of pvp since I don't play it. I'll just wait for someone more PVE-minded to reply to my post if it happens.


And what do you PvE against? a practice dummy? last time a checked NPCs fight back to.

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And what do you PvE against? a practice dummy? last time a checked NPCs fight back to.


I immediately regret my decision for posting anything on your thread. If you have little knowledge of PVE and how it's different than PVP, I dunno why you bother to reply at all to a question about PVE that wasn't initially directed towards you in any way.


I'm sorry but I'm not responding to you from this point forward unless you start actually contributing meaningful info to the question I had. I'm not looking to pick fights on the forums, it's a waste of time.

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I immediately regret my decision for posting anything on your thread. If you have little knowledge of PVE and how it's different than PVP, I dunno why you bother to reply at all to a question about PVE that wasn't initially directed towards you in any way.


I'm sorry but I'm not responding to you from this point forward unless you start actually contributing meaningful info to the question I had. I'm not looking to pick fights on the forums, it's a waste of time.


Im just trying to avoid sitting here typing out 16 different scenarios where the heat ceiling will trip you over in PVE, but what would you rather? spam tracers or auto attack? because thats basically the trade off PVP or PVE, endless missiles that you can double instacast, loads of shielding and an enormous burst, or dot and auto attack with mediocre DPS added to utility's that are meant to defend you with no decent CQC DPS to fall back on. Against strong NPCs and mobs you are going to suffer the same basic issues as you will in PVP. But of course its alot more complex and there's more to it. i could go on all night long and write you a noval going into more detail but i assume you are familiar enough with the mechanics of the sub class.

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The main reason I had trouble in RWZ was that I couldn't stand still long enough to get my DPS ramped up and was way to easy to kill... 2.0 addresses that both pretty well. KO and HO are pretty darn good defensive cool downs...


HO is good. KO is not. With Assassins hitting for 8+k on Mauls, KO is of little value as presently constructed. And the buff from HO is counterbalanced by the bug/nerf to Sweltering Heat. This is the problem with Merc Pyro - it can't kite effectively. Merc Arsenal can kite despite not having snare tools (Unload is not a kiting strategy as it requires you to stand still). The reason Merc Arsenal can kite is that it has a root (Pyro has none), a bigger knockback, a longer lasting HO and most importantly two mezzes (via Concussion Missile and a mezz grenade). These tools far outweigh a lightweight snare that doesn't work a third of the time (Sweltering Heat). What, you may ask - Merc has access to those same two mezzes? Not really. Since the Merc is DoTing his target, his mezzes buy him nothing. This is why the Thermal Detenator change particularly hurt Merc Pyro. Previously Merc Pyro could actually finesse a way to use one mezz as it could still remain active and attacking for a couple of GCDs with TD and ED. Now it can't. The only way it can use a mezz is simply not to do anything until attacked. That is not a viable strategy. And Merc Pyro is not a viable subclass for PvP.

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Well in general I was never looking for Mercs to shine in every situation. But I'm starting to see why pyro is now the lagging spec. I switched to arsenal about 5 days ago and it seems superior in every way... I hate to use the word viable but I'm starting to get cautiously optimistic about it. If that's the case I really don't care what pvp spec is viable for merc dps as long as we have one, when before we had none. I play my Marauder so much I feel I haven't mastered all the new arsenal tools... but I'm starting to like it more than my Marauder. Edited by Choffware
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