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Merc =/= sorc healing?


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I hope?


I'm not sure how much I'm into the heat thingy for healing. My sorc was dropped at 24 cause....duh...dual pistols!


But can mercs really keep up end game? Just seems a Force (mana) pool is easier to heal with. Please tell me I didn't make the wrong choice? Considering my Merc is 36 and hopefully 45 this weekend?

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I don't have heat issues healing at all. Because I've been so traditionally arsenal-focused, the mobility bodyguard gives me while using Kolto-missile and rapid-shots healing tends to end up with me running in circles for absolutely no reason.


The alacrity benefits on fast rapidscans/healing scans and UBERCHARGED versions of it and how easy it is to ubercharge make everything a breeze. Using your TSO/PO Cooldowns to immediate a Rapidscan+Emergency Scan routinely heals people for 60%+ if they take spike damage.

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I run a commando healer in PvE and am doing fine, the heat (ammo) management is fine once you get used to it and I find that the quick cast times and the big heals are great. Come 2.0 our aoe healing will be slightly better with the redesign of the kolto healing in the healing tree. I prefer my commando to my sage for healing PvE, but PvP I would look at the others as the poster above me stated
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If your not perfectly geared your going to have a bad time but merc healers have to approach pvp differently, for a start never use your cgc to heal, youl give yourself away and before you know it youl be healing yourself and you think the free-cast shield will help guess again because CCs will lock you down despite the shield's protection from interrupts.


My advice is if your going full heals only charge you cylinders by firing at enemy's so your not putting out snot rounds or, hybrid spec to arsenal for the passive heat vent and just spam-cast your heal/rapid scan it works a treat and you get left alone more because its not obvious and if you follow a rapid scan with your AOE heal it does a Farly nice spike on a single player.


Currently the biggest problem with the merc healing tree is heat management even as a hybrid and there is no real way past it but we will see what 2.0 brings.


but long story short sorcs are far better for pvp heals

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Yea, on 2xp I spam WZ's all damn day long for the boosted xp. Healing WZ's is kinda taxing, but my merc is mostly for PvE once Mondays begin again. lol


I'll get my Emergency Scan by tonight. Sitting at 36 (37? idk. One of the two) at the moment, so we shall see what the evening brings :)


Just worries me I guess, being used to a mana pool more so than anything.

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...for a start never use your cgc to heal, youl give yourself away and before you know it youl be healing yourself and you think the free-cast shield will help guess again because CCs will lock you down despite the shield's protection from interrupts...


...My advice is if your going full heals only charge you cylinders by firing at enemy's so your not putting out snot rounds



You're joking, right?

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If your not perfectly geared your going to have a bad time but merc healers have to approach pvp differently, for a start never use your cgc to heal, youl give yourself away and before you know it youl be healing yourself and you think the free-cast shield will help guess again because CCs will lock you down despite the shield's protection from interrupts.


My advice is if your going full heals only charge you cylinders by firing at enemy's so your not putting out snot rounds or, hybrid spec to arsenal for the passive heat vent and just spam-cast your heal/rapid scan it works a treat and you get left alone more because its not obvious and if you follow a rapid scan with your AOE heal it does a Farly nice spike on a single player.


Currently the biggest problem with the merc healing tree is heat management even as a hybrid and there is no real way past it but we will see what 2.0 brings.


but long story short sorcs are far better for pvp heals




a-are there really people who do this?


my favorite? "Currently the biggest problem with the merc healing tree is heat management even as a hybrid." because merc hybrids are going to have -fewer- heat management problems without a free, instant heal.

Edited by Satedbuffalo
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Merc healing is fantastic in PVE and I do it in PVP as well. I understand Merc DPS is much better in PVP now than it was, but in the past Bodyguard was my spec of choice for PVP (full Bodyguard, not some silly hybrid).


As for not using CSC to heal in PVP - uh, no. You need to. If you don't want to shoot people with it to build stacks - you can still build stacks from casting Rapid Scan. But ultimately you'll have to to keep from overheating, to throw heals on the move, there's many reasons.


All that aside, Merc healers can take a heck of a pounding in PVP. Part of the job as a healer, IMO, is drawing attention from the enemy so the DPS can do their job. In a sense, healers "tank" PVP because other players see them healing and try to kill them, and it's the job of a tank to keep the healer alive (instead of the reverse as in PVE). If I'm not marked in a PVP match I'm not doing my job right because I'm clearly not throwing out enough heals... or the other team is absolutely clueless.


In any case, whether you use CSC or not you're going to get marked by any observant players anyways. It's not a good enough reason to be a less effective healer.

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