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Developer Update: Legacy Achievements


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Just out of curiosity, on my main I went full dark side to achieve titles, codex entries and obtain certain other alignment based items (like pets). Since then I have been working on my light side rep and have gotten up to Light IV, since I had already been full dark-side in the past, would this reflect in my achievements? Or is that something that is a little more complicated to verify?
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I for one will be enjoying doing this stuff, hell I've already busied myself maxxing out professions and republic/imperial characters so I have a slew of new titles to play with, I'll also be going back to planets to get achievements I'm missing since it's something that I happen to enjoy.


In case you're missing the point here, and it wouldn't surprise me if you are, this is something me and I'm sure quite a lot of others will enjoy, and there are those who wont care, but guess what? They can't please everyone in an MMO, you hate it? Door's that way make sure not to let it hit you on the way out. Otherwise accept the fact that stuff gets released/done that some will enjoy, others will not give a flying womp rat about.


What kind of enjoyment do you get out of it? I honestly want to know. Because to me it seems you are putting in a great deal of effort into it, and getting nothing to show for it. Oh except for all the time you wasted on getting said nothing. :confused:


*edit* I am starting to think I am becoming jaded by this game, and games like it. I see no point in half the stuff this game has currently, and I am waiting for something that will not ever come to pass. :(

Edited by Garanaga
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I'm a little underwhelmed by the companion achievements. From what I recall, they were just "Kill some enemies with this companion" and "Kill loads of enemies with this companion".


But then again, while I'd like to see cool stuff, like "Defeat the planet arc boss with so-and-so", it would mean that you could miss out on an achievement forever, unless you reroll that class.


That said, I'd still like to see some unique stuff for each character, like "Defeat a pyromech with M1-4X", or "heal X damage from Khem Val's shadow killer". Would make it a lot more interesting.

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Your claim has absolutely no basis and, frankly, I can't believe that anyone would seriously believe all the stuff on the Cartel Market was intended to be given away as legacy achievements. Also, you can re-post this 100 times in various threads if you want, but that doesn't contribute to the accuracy of your claim whatsoever.

I was accused of this several times when I posted, through my heteronym, that it was impossible for BioWare to have spent all that much money on voice-acting, and guess what.


I have no evidence, true, but considering that in its first conception on the PTS the achievement system had 4 slots for each and every single one of the achievements listed, it's a safe bet to assume that it was originally designed with more than title rewards in mind.

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What kind of enjoyment do you get out of it? I honestly want to know. Because to me it seems you are putting in a great deal of effort into it, and getting nothing to show for it. Oh except for all the time you wasted on getting said nothing. :confused:


*edit* I am starting to think I am becoming jaded by this game, and games like it. I see no point in half the stuff this game has currently, and I am waiting for something that will not ever come to pass. :(


*shrugs* I simply enjoy it, I'm the sort of weirdo who spends all day on a game to get that one little virtual achievement no one will ever care about, I do it to waste time and as long as I'm entertained doing it I don't think of it as a complete waste, also I do think you're just jaded, we all have our separate interests, I for one don't see what gives someone pleasure in ganking someone in world PVP, or playing BG matches, I always scratch my head at these people, yet it's what they enjoy and if that's what gives them pleasure, so be it they can go off ganking/ playing PVP and howling from the PVP forums X class is OP, Y class needs a buff and scissors is fine.

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So is this the precursor to Legacy wide Datacrons? Please, please say it is...


Better way would be to fix the whole buged codex entrys...Don't think, that reaching 100% is possible with bugged codex...e.g. places

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*shrugs* I simply enjoy it, I'm the sort of weirdo who spends all day on a game to get that one little virtual achievement no one will ever care about, I do it to waste time and as long as I'm entertained doing it I don't think of it as a complete waste, also I do think you're just jaded, we all have our separate interests, I for one don't see what gives someone pleasure in ganking someone in world PVP, or playing BG matches, I always scratch my head at these people, yet it's what they enjoy and if that's what gives them pleasure, so be it they can go off ganking/ playing PVP and howling from the PVP forums X class is OP, Y class needs a buff and scissors is fine.


Well the pvp is EASILY explained as to why people do it. When you play pve, it is very static. Once you learn the mechanics of a boss fight, it is very easy to kill. PVP however is a different story. Players are unpredictable. Fighting a player is never the same. Hence when fighting a particular pain in the arse, you get a mass adrenaline rush while fighting. Even more so when you stomp the little git into the ground and you celebrate the victory by dancing over his/her corpse.


Pretty much, my idea of fun is doing something that gets my adrenaline pumping. Fighting someone on equal terms and winning. Losing is fine, but winning.....you cannot beat that feeling. Oh and I will only kill someone out in the world if they are flagged in a neutral area. If they get flagged in an area that has both imps and reps, then they better get to there ship and wait for the pvp flag to come off, otherwise they are bantha fodder. pure and simple. :D

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So is this the precursor to Legacy wide Datacrons? Please, please say it is...


Good god, I hope so. It goes right along with the spirit of the Legacy system -- giving a boost to your low-level alts. Or if that were too OP, they could unlock for a character as he or she gains levels or chapters in the class story.


I reached all of the Imperial, Republic and shared ones between two characters in the hopes that this one day happens. I haven't bothered to datacron hunt since, because I'm really holding out for this to happen.

Edited by Felioats
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So is this the precursor to Legacy wide Datacrons? Please, please say it is...


I sincerely hope not. While I can understand some players do not enjoy grabbing these on each toon {or at all in many cases as players are lazy}, granting a lvl 1 player with the full stats from them all would, in my opinion, be unfair. I always get them all on every toon I make...and I do not feel any new toon I make should be entitled to them automatically. To me, this would trivialize them.


If you cannot be bothered to grab them per toon, then you do not deserve the stats for that specific toon.

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Well the pvp is EASILY explained as to why people do it. When you play pve, it is very static. Once you learn the mechanics of a boss fight, it is very easy to kill. PVP however is a different story. Players are unpredictable. Fighting a player is never the same. Hence when fighting a particular pain in the arse, you get a mass adrenaline rush while fighting. Even more so when you stomp the little git into the ground and you celebrate the victory by dancing over his/her corpse.


Pretty much, my idea of fun is doing something that gets my adrenaline pumping. Fighting someone on equal terms and winning. Losing is fine, but winning.....you cannot beat that feeling. Oh and I will only kill someone out in the world if they are flagged in a neutral area. If they get flagged in an area that has both imps and reps, then they better get to there ship and wait for the pvp flag to come off, otherwise they are bantha fodder. pure and simple. :D


Fair enough, but the thing is I'm fine with static encounters, not that I'm terrible at PVP, I'm decent, but nowhere NEAR the levels some people are, and it rapidly frustrates me when I meet someone way out of my league (or geared to high hell), true I enjoy a good adrenaline rush but I also don't want to go and get massively stressed out while playing a game to relax and PVP does that to me.


I however can see what you mean and can respect/understand what you're saying, however I'm not sure if you truly grasp that there are people out there who are perfectly fine with doing the same static fights over and over again.

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I sincerely hope not. While I can understand some players do not enjoy grabbing these on each toon {or at all in many cases as players are lazy}, granting a lvl 1 player with the full stats from them all would, in my opinion, be unfair. I always get them all on every toon I make...and I do not feel any new toon I make should be entitled to them automatically. To me, this would trivialize them.


If you cannot be bothered to grab them per toon, then you do not deserve the stats for that specific toon.


Simple fix for that, make them only activate at certain levels on a character.

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What kind of enjoyment do you get out of it? I honestly want to know. Because to me it seems you are putting in a great deal of effort into it, and getting nothing to show for it. Oh except for all the time you wasted on getting said nothing. :confused:


Does everything you do in life require a cookie at the end as a reward? Some people just like to do things to do them. You may have the illusion that you're accomplishing things in game by getting something at the end but it's all just a waste of time. None of the rewards are tangible, if the servers are shut down tomorrow you get nothing for all the time you spent playing.


You don't get anything for adding to your Xbox gamer score either, it just gives people another reason to play the game.

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I would like to know if there will be a way to make it so I can keep my "achievements" private? I was never into games of comparing and contrasting with other players. I do what I do in this game {as in the real world} for my own sense of accomplishment...not to impress others or to garner emotional reactions from others.


I already always hated how other players could examine me and see what I am wearing. I have always wanted an anonymous clicky so I can reveal as little about myself as possible. I realize these feastures exsist to encourage competition, foster ego and envy etc...and fit perfectly in this ultra commercial society. But I would truly like the ability to limit what others see in reguards to my characters.


Surely this would not be too difficult to implement...and is in no way indicative of a player being non-social.

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In life? No. In gaming? Most certainly.


What kind of rewards do you really get at the end of games? newgame+ maybe, a shiny OP as all hell weapon with infinite ammo to just go crazy with? Sure those are nice, but what about older games? What did you really get for beating the game? For the most part a simple "game over, you win!" message, but otherwise nothing.


Not everything needs to have something shiny tied to it, it can be there simply for the sake of being there.

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Another issue I remember was the Legacy Achievement System wasn't picking up the 16M HM TFB kills I had done on live servers so how sure can bioware be that this has all been corrected because I wasn't to pleased to see my 16M HM progression not being shown within my Legacy Achievements.
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So pretty much this will be used for Titles, and some that "may" give Cartel Coins. So very little use whatsoever? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this game. Seriously....If you are going to add content, add content that has inherent value, you know, something with ACTUAL in game use. I do not give a flying fig if I get some "so-called awsome-sauce" title. What frikkin good is that going to do except tell everyone in game how I wasted my time to get some stupid title? Am I the only person in this game that see's this?? :confused::confused:


No you arent. Legacy should be used for unlocks. Example:Max out (insert said crafting ability and the 2 needed to go with it) and get a slight increse on reverse engineering something. The more of these you do the higher it goes. But that would make sense. Instead we get...titles. Woo-hoo (deadpan face)

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Simple fix for that, make them only activate at certain levels on a character.


Perhaps, but then it would trivialize the accomplishment of having grabbed them all on a toon by lvl 33 {lvl 33 as this is the current prereq to land on Quesh to get those 3}. Yes, i am one of those player that at this point in time does things to increase my challenge....by grabbing datacrons on Corellia as a lvl 22 for example.


In the past, on my ancient toons I would of course do every possible mission and grab them as I went to each new planet. These days I lvl, usually through pure pvp, exploration {opening up the maps on a planets}, and getting stray codex entries and datacrons {things an underlvled toon can currently do without too much trouble}.


Your suggestion, while a possible solution, may indirectly harm what I consider an accomplishment.

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The name "Legacy Achievements" implies that achievements on one character (i.e. codex entries from boss kills and so on that will be converted to legacy achievements) will show up on another. Does that mean that Operation titles/rewards (the hard mode mount reward, etc) will finally be Legacy-wide and not just character-specific?
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