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Jet boos should do this.


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Fly backwards as far.


Arsenal stuns surrounding players for 2 seconds instead of extending distance.

Pyro vents heat and causes a heat field giving 2 seconds of immunity from being leaped on and breaking all movement increasing abilities within 10 meters during this period.


i don't have a commando but maybe they could shoot the ground knocking themselves back skidding on their feet kind of thing or throw down a distracting grenade and jump rolling back in one smooth movement.


this would theoretically remove the Jet boost's interrupting ability however a merc will often fill the resolve bar of an attacking player rendering that ability and the knock back useless before needing it. Instead it would offer the merc an opportunity to reposition themselves and a better chance to put a gap between them and their enemy/s perhaps to escape or use LOS and so on.


PS *boosT

Edited by HexDecimalUK
faulty T button miss spelt title
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Mercs have talked about an escape ability like that for quite some time now. While I'd love that ability, I don't think I'd want it to take the place of jet boost. But I support the ability itself! By the way, I love how you changed it up a bit for each skill tree, that's a great idea :D
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lol i wouldn't recommend you click my signature then :)


but yeah its not enough to just demand an ability there has to be a trade off and cojnsideration to other classes and skill trees etc i have been muling this over as ling as mercs have wanted it, almost


TY for reading:cool:

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