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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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I find it kinda humorous...


PvEers have no problem flaming casual PvE players that:

1) watch cut-scenes

2) aren't geared in all 63's

3) haven't done every FP/Ops thirty times and know the fights by heart


...yet if a PvPer flames a casual PvPer for not putting even the littlest amount of effort into gearing up by equipping the FREE armor, they're called "abusive".


I'm not condoning either, I just find hypocrisy funny.


If you check the pve forums, you'll find threads complaining about this very thing; calling this hypocrisy is a stretch. Unless I missed a post, no one here is talking about PvE, so why even bring it up?


In cases like failing to wear recruit gear, the message is fine - but the delivery is often counter productive.

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I thought of this thread tonight, when I spawned into Huttball, and instantly some loudmouth said "Four 15ks" followed by, in all caps, "GET SOME FRIGGIN GEAR." All I could think was, "We all gotta grind for it same as you did, so enjoy a cup of ****." But would good would saying it do?


In any case, we won the match 4-0, and I (one of the 15k) killed the ball carrier at least 4 times.

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Amazed was a poor choice of words, I find it funny is probably more correct.


I never claimed I was beeing a hero. Im saying that as long as people are acting like complete and utter morons, Im not going to do my part in trying to win us that warzone. Its clearly already lost, due to 'you're all morons / ******* <insert random insult>'. The keyboard warriors are -usually- not contributing in any way (most of the ones I see, just stand in a corner ranting at people). I don't call that contributing to your team. Maybe you do, I dont know. It's not about sugarcoating his words, its about displaying common courtesy towards your fellow gamers. As long as he's not gonna do it, I'm sure as hell not gonna do it. My reaction might be childish (heck, it is childish, no doubt about it), but as far as I'm concerned, a keyboard warrior ranting at random people over the internet because of his internet anonymity is at least as childish. I'm sick and tired of self-entitled, self-proclaimed keyboard warriors acting like they are the masters of warzones. I'm tired of watching people insult randoms. If people could just act with the common decency that applies everywhere besides online gaming, the community would be a lot richer for it, and pugging warzones would be a helluva lot more fun.



I exaggerated slightly in my first post, its not often I let it go this far, I usually send the dude a whisper, telling him to sod off, then most oftenly leave the warzone. Not to say I never just afk etc, but most often I leave. I exaggerated to emphasis my annoyance at keyboard warriors, and I probably shouldnt have.


I hate this kind of people much more than loud mouth-ers.

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I hate this kind of people much more than loud mouth-ers.


I honestly do not get why...I mean, it's not my way of handling it, but at least he's not going to just sit there and let people get away with acting out the way they do. He's showing them there actually is a consequence to being an A-Hole. If enough people responded this way, the Loud Mouths would have no choice but to stop.


They know people tolerate it, which is why they continue to do it.

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I honestly do not get why...I mean, it's not my way of handling it, but at least he's not going to just sit there and let people get away with acting out the way they do. He's showing them there actually is a consequence to being an A-Hole. If enough people responded this way, the Loud Mouths would have no choice but to stop.


They know people tolerate it, which is why they continue to do it.


Because he ruined the game for 6 people because of 1 bad mouther ? The bad mouther usually do not care about the match result but other 6 probably trying their best to win.


IMO, there are always 2 side of story, people bad mouth because they are A-hole, or because their teammate is clueless, best way of handling it is ignore the A-hole and trying your best and have fun.

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Look folks, they let 5 year old kids post on these forums, too! :rolleyes:


You must be one of the people who rage? Rage on....because while you are raging in game, it will be I who says..."lololololol".


You clearly are very mad.

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OP acts like its the whiners fault.


Many a time have the whiners been the skilled ones, able to easily kill 2 people at once.


Inb4 kills mean nothing:

If It only takes my team four people to kill your 8, you'd have to have a damned good strategy to win, since with 8 we'd be destroying your team. Yes, less extreme if it took us 6 people, but you get the point. I can guarantee you that if everyone were like me I'd seldom lose any WZ, and would only do so to like Inf Darkness, Physics, Resilience (Some people know who I'm talking about).


agree ...

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I think the OP is missing the fact that there are distinctly different people who rage in WZ.


You have the Rage who is full of rage and will call out the Re1ard or Idiots.


Then you have the rage who will explain simple strategy at the beginning, Mark healers and let people know to kill them. When this is ignored will become the 1st Rage and call idiots and morons (generally not Re1ard, as they are better educated!)


Then you have Rage like me, will explain strategy, mark healers and those that focus our healers. Then when ignored will shout at the screen :)


I personally think that the 2nd is the way to go, as people should know when they are doing something wrong! I don't as I'm not confrontational and I play for fun and a little shouting gets rid of the stress :)


As to the assertion that the rage'r is generally bottom of the table, that has never been my experience they are normally in the top 4.

As mentioned in another thread if your doing less than 70k Dam/healing you should assess your own ability. I said assess your own ability so you know if you have spent the match guarding!

About Node guarding that will always show up in Objective points and that players ability to call early incoming and numbers, so not everyone rushes there!


And the person who mentioned having your name and address above you, the person down the street would hear me shouting about how useless they are and why aren't they fighting at the objective....


So the OP wants to live in a nanny state where you can't say something bad to bad people!

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Understand that you're simply gimping yourself as well. It's your $15 of course, but not in the least very effective way to PvP, and again it's the nature of the beast. I understand some circumstanes where this is warranted, but ignoring anyone and everyone who throws a little subtle rage here and there is neither productive nor "taking the high road".




It all starts with the person raging. All you need to ever type in chat is incoming and position for passes. If someone is spending time typing in all caps how bad everyone is but him, then that is all he is doing the entire match. He is not, attacking healers, not calling incs, not capping a node, and not passing a huttball. So to get right to the point, the greatest offender here is the person who rages in chat, since he is doing absolutely nothing while he does that.


So no matter how great you think you are while you tell everyone they are bad, they aren't helping the 7 other people while they do that.

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Not in my experience. In my experience the one raging the most is the one typically on the bottom of the list in kills, damage, objective points and all out skill. I did not mention this before for the same reason you said, "Kills do not mean everything."


I partly agree with you, but on my server, that one person who rages is actually a good player, but is placed out of his element because he only runs with premades, and knows his team better than he knows pugs. It's not that the guy is noob, is that he normally wins with his premade, and believes that if he loses with pugs, it's not his fault.


The team iteself is likely to blame, but he's too proud and his belt is strangling his e-***** so he must keep his head up and call everyone else noobs.

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It all starts with the person raging. All you need to ever type in chat is incoming and position for passes. If someone is spending time typing in all caps how bad everyone is but him, then that is all he is doing the entire match. He is not, attacking healers, not calling incs, not capping a node, and not passing a huttball. So to get right to the point, the greatest offender here is the person who rages in chat, since he is doing absolutely nothing while he does that.


So no matter how great you think you are while you tell everyone they are bad, they aren't helping the 7 other people while they do that.


People can type whilst waiting to spawn on speeders, while running to Node. Just because you can't type quickly does not mean others can't. I'll often type during these times and from previous post I don't rage.

But I do think certain rage is necessary if constructive.

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ppl rage because they loose ... and 90% players dont know/want field respec and adapt ...i often see in pug 3 sorcerers, 1 operative and 1 mercenary .... all dps and ppl rage ... when i ask to use field respec and heal us they stay silent ...
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I rage all the time. I told my guildies last night if every team was as bad in CoD as they are in this game I would have returned it months ago but I like this game too much to stop playing it.


I'm not the best player in the world but I can handle myself. I make every attempt to win the game for the team and I have never quit a WZ because we were losing (that's how that's spelled btw). I'll guard/heal/peel for a player in recruit if they are at the objective. The only time I'll get mad for someones gear is if they are in PvE gear or have the wrong stats on it, strength for Scoundrel for example (which I have seen). When I'm in lowbies I give most people the benefit of the doubt. If they miss an opportunity by not using an ability I'll assume they don't have it yet or didn't have time to get to a trainer or maybe it was on CD.


However there is some things I see that are people just being bad. In AH last night people kept abandoning the node. Just leaving it alone.


People who obviously don't even have pass ball on their bar never mind bound to an easy to reach key. For the longest time I thought rescue pull had to be specced for because most Sages never use it in HB. Sorcs however use it all the time. People fighting in the end zone while the other team repeatedly gets the ball and scores.


No calls. Or more just straight up node abandonment. Had a guy last night 50 CW totally abandon the node in a close game because and I quote "I'm a healer why do I have to do this ****." So his solution was to leave the node unguarded.


People get leaped to all the time in the goal. All. The. F*****g. Time. That happened to me once and I learned my lesson. In January. Of 2012. I hate when I see a Mara/Jugg ball carrier run through the pit in HB. It's not because they have someone in stealth it's because he knows some dumba** is going to stand there and allow him to get up there. And 9/10 times he is right.


So maybe when you see someone raging in a match, and I'm not defending everyone some people are just jerks, maybe you need to look around and see what is going on. Maybe you aren't doing something you should be.

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I will admit that I have complained before but only when I tried my best and saw people doing absolutely ignorant things.

Couple of things, your performance directly affects my gear grind on my alts, and directly affects every single member of your team and

if you're solo supermaning (here comes sins saying something that justifies not contributing to teamwork- get your medals but help your team win),

running over fire with a ball (without a break or low health ),

not calling anything until after you die (how hard is it to type while stunned?),

leaving a healer on point or door alone (so smart do your job dmg/tanks).

You deserve more then ridicule cause you have 1-50 to pvp to learn.

Edited by eightohtree
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In AH last night people kept abandoning the node. Just leaving it alone.


Were you in that game!? I was in that game. There's no way there are there are enough "bads" that there were two AH games last night where 3 people capped the node and then all 3 left to go back to mid, right? :D


People get leaped to all the time in the goal. All. The. F*****g. Time.


I believe you are right, and the vast majority of the time people should know. But I did see this in a lowbie imp-v-imp HB match last night... We went down 1 to 0, when a Mara leapt up from the pit to someone just standing there looking down at him. Chat then went, "don't f***ing ever do that again!" "Do what?" "Stand on the ledge" "Don't stand on the ledge" "Never stand on the ledge". I saw that Mara jumping around in our pit several times after that, and you know what... no one ran up to the ledge to provide a leap target for him after that! So have hope! Sometimes people do learn! And we won that in a 1-to-1 tie breaker. (Come to think of it, we also kept the ball for the tie break win because people were paying attention to chat and following directions - maybe I dreamed the whole thing? :) )

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I partly agree with you, but on my server, that one person who rages is actually a good player, but is placed out of his element because he only runs with premades, and knows his team better than he knows pugs. It's not that the guy is noob, is that he normally wins with his premade, and believes that if he loses with pugs, it's not his fault.


The team iteself is likely to blame, but he's too proud and his belt is strangling his e-***** so he must keep his head up and call everyone else noobs.


This is dead on. I do not think this is always the case, but I would say at least 50% of the ragers out there are just as you describe here. You can not go in to a PUG and expect premade quality. PUGs are made up of young boys and girls ages 5 and up, new players who have never played in an MMO a day in their lives, skilled seasoned players, and people who just live for PvP all together. When you join a PUG, you get all the above.


Most players who are raging have no idea who it is they are even raging at. There was a guy once who was raging at a player, when I defended that player and jumped all over the rager, suddenly it was me that was at fault...when in fact, it was not me, but since I was the one who spoke up against the rager, he automatically assumed it was me that he was raging at.


This happens quite often and this alone is what proves to me that half these ragers out here have no clue what is going on around them, when they can't even see or realize who it is their rage is supposed to be directed at.


Had a guy the other night, typical rager, have him on ignore on several characters, who threw a fit because I pulled a target he was attacking. I sat at a node guarding it, while watching my team chase the opposing team far and away from the node. So basically they took the battle far outfield, leaving me open to a duel stealth attack/cap.


I said in chat, "Fight on the node" and instead of responding with the proper action, they just continued to fight elsewhere. So I got sick of it and pulled a guy to me that was being attacked by another player, in order to try and force the fight to the node instead of outfield.


The Rager on the team who was fighting that guy instantly went crazy and started telling me that I was the worst player he has ever teamed with. Called me a bad and everything else he could come up with, then asked me, "Why would you pull my target away from me in the middle of ravage!?!?" I thought it funny he called it "Ravage" because he was playing on a Sentinel, so it's not Ravage, it's Master Strike...but whatever.


Well, after listening to him call me everything in the book, I no longer felt the need to explain it to him, so I responded with, "You were too slow"


Needless to say, this threw him in a whole new tangent and at the end of the match, he was far below me in objective points, kills, and damage. He wasn't at the bottom of the list by any means, and he wasn't all that bad a player, he just made a few common mistakes when players get caught up in the moment of a fight. But because he wanted to rage, I started treating him like the way he was acting, like a snot nosed kid.


Funny ending though, very next match we were on opposing teams, he instantly went straight for me and killed me...I guess to prove a point. Little did he know, I was laughing so hard at the fact that he was still raging so hard that he took a vendetta out on me, I could hardly hit the proper keys to fight him back.



Their team was far superior to ours, so keeping him at bay was tough without outside interference from his team. Also, like I said, he wasn't a bad player and he knew his class (Level 43 Sentinel) and I was on a lower level Vanguard (At the time, level 30) who did not have the ability yet to go head on with a well specced and played Sentinel, so pretty much, with his Sent being at a high level advantage and having a well rounded team, verses my Vanguard being at a low level with a sub-par team, a 1v1 was not in my best interest. So he got his little revenge, although I did manage to snuff him out a few times here and there.


So even after he got his little revenge, a day later he joined a PUG I was in...and he was still so mad about our incursion the other night, he actually left the team before the match even started. That is true rage, and that was pure comedy.

Edited by Wraiven
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Were you in that game!? I was in that game. There's no way there are there are enough "bads" that there were two AH games last night where 3 people capped the node and then all 3 left to go back to mid, right? :D


Oh there are plenty. I partially blame BW for this due to not getting defender points when the WZ was first launched.


I believe you are right, and the vast majority of the time people should know. But I did see this in a lowbie imp-v-imp HB match last night... We went down 1 to 0, when a Mara leapt up from the pit to someone just standing there looking down at him. Chat then went, "don't f***ing ever do that again!" "Do what?" "Stand on the ledge" "Don't stand on the ledge" "Never stand on the ledge". I saw that Mara jumping around in our pit several times after that, and you know what... no one ran up to the ledge to provide a leap target for him after that! So have hope! Sometimes people do learn! And we won that in a 1-to-1 tie breaker. (Come to think of it, we also kept the ball for the tie break win because people were paying attention to chat and following directions - maybe I dreamed the whole thing? :) )


I find it extremely difficult to believe that every time I play HB there someone in there for the first time. Especially in 50 PvP. I absolutely lose my s*** if a Sent/Guardian gets leaped to.

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Oh there are plenty. I partially blame BW for this due to not getting defender points when the WZ was first launched.


*Sigh* I know. I was just trying to live in my own little fantasy world there for a minute. :) Actually, if I were to rage, this "leaving a node defenseless" is probably the thing that would drive me to it. There's just no way that can be a mistake. You can see all the little purple icons on the map, and that you are the last one leaving. You have to purposely think, "I don't give a s**t about my team, I only care that I'm bored standing here and I want to go fight someone." Yes, BW makes stupid WZs that require someone to stand around doing nothing for much of the time - but your 1/8 chance (roughly) of having to fill that role is what you signed up for when you clicked the button to queue. Suck it up.

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