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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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EDIT : Before I start and before you decide to post, I would like you to watch this video that I ran in to earlier today. This video is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about. It may not be exact, but the rage and the crap that rolls out of people's mouth are from the same mindset. This video also includes some ways to fix the problem...even has suggestions to fix the problem that sound real close to the ones I have suggested....


You know the story...Pug match starts, your team make-up is far inferior to the team you are up against. You all are just simply destroyed by the other team with no contest. Yet there is *always* that one guy who calls everyone, "Retarded idiots!" or "Scrubs!" or "Uninstall, you guys suck!" or whatever he has to say to throw the blame off himself and on to his team.


Typically I just ignore the guy and move on. They are obviously raging morons who love to live behind anonymity where there are no consequences to how they talk to people and I am 100% positive if they ever actually had to face half the people they scream at in real life, they would become human punching bags real quick.


This is not my point though, my point is, ignoring these idiots does not make the problem go away. Placing them on ignore does not guarantee you that you will never be paired with them again in PvP. Placing them on ignore only hurts your team in the long run when you can't see the moron scream for help when he has incoming on a node.


So here you are, in this PvP match, where communication is a must, yet you have to sit there and watch this idiot put everyone down around him, because somehow it is NEVER his fault that your team is losing. Yet the idiot has a megaphone to voice his opinion...in which nobody could care less what he has to say outside of "incoming!"


I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones. Perhaps give them a set command list to chose from once they have been deemed A-Holes?


These guys are abusive and need to be stopped one way or another. Their behavior is totally unacceptable even on a PvP server...and to be honest, being on a PvP server does NOT excuse their behavior. These people ruin the fun for others and they chase away the attraction to PvP to players who are new and trying it out to see what it's like for the first time. Enough is enough. After 10 years of playing MMOs, I think it's time to finally put this kind of crap to an end.

Edited by Wraiven
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I talked trash in a wz today for the first time I can remember. I Am Legend group with a 50 in lowbies, meaning they had 9 people in huttball and they barely won. I talked trash the whole time or the game may have been tighter.
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OP acts like its the whiners fault.


Many a time have the whiners been the skilled ones, able to easily kill 2 people at once.


Inb4 kills mean nothing:

If It only takes my team four people to kill your 8, you'd have to have a damned good strategy to win, since with 8 we'd be destroying your team. Yes, less extreme if it took us 6 people, but you get the point. I can guarantee you that if everyone were like me I'd seldom lose any WZ, and would only do so to like Inf Darkness, Physics, Resilience (Some people know who I'm talking about).

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The biggest trash talkers, or at least the most entertaining to me personally, are the pugs that land on the same team as a really good premade. They get absolutely carried by the premade, but point and laugh or boast in /say as if they are the reason they're winning. Usually run into them again a match or two later, without the premade, and they are suddenly less talkative.
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OP acts like its the whiners fault.


Many a time have the whiners been the skilled ones, able to easily kill 2 people at once.


Inb4 kills mean nothing:

If It only takes my team four people to kill your 8, you'd have to have a damned good strategy to win, since with 8 we'd be destroying your team. Yes, less extreme if it took us 6 people, but you get the point. I can guarantee you that if everyone were like me I'd seldom lose any WZ, and would only do so to like Inf Darkness, Physics, Resilience (Some people know who I'm talking about).


Not in my experience. In my experience the one raging the most is the one typically on the bottom of the list in kills, damage, objective points and all out skill. I did not mention this before for the same reason you said, "Kills do not mean everything."

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I talked trash in a wz today for the first time I can remember. I Am Legend group with a 50 in lowbies, meaning they had 9 people in huttball and they barely won. I talked trash the whole time or the game may have been tighter.


I AM LEGEND is one of the best guilds on the server






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OP acts like its the whiners fault.


Many a time have the whiners been the skilled ones, able to easily kill 2 people at once.


I've seen occasions where the 'whiners' appear to be skilled, but I don't think that's the issue. The problem, imo, is that berating your teammates does nothing to improve the current situation, and it does nothing to help that terrible player (in cases where they really are terrible) improve. Providing useful guidance to an under-performing team will produce better results in every case, short term and long term.


And I have to emphasize the already mentioned point that this behavior turns away new players with alarming efficiency. That's not just being a jerk to one unfortunate; that's robbing your faction of a potential pvp player-base (perhaps not an issue on pvp servers).

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I berate my team in an attempt to get some of the badies to stop queing. That being said, I offer good advice during the match and then digress to insults as we loose. The guy that does 70k damage and doesn't listen really deserves it. Edited by Frostbyt
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I berate my team in an attempt to get some of the badies to stop queing. That being said, I offer good advice during the match and then digress to insults as we loose. The guy that does 70k damage and doesn't listen really deserves it.


Hypothetical question. If you and every player in the game had to wear above their head their real life name and home address, and the player you were ripping in to lived down the street from you....would you be so quick to act like this?


You realize that calling people names, and acting like a fool *could* get you banned, right? Not saying it is likely, but it's not unheard of. I question the mentality behind your actions, when the end result is ALWAYS a negative one, regardless of the outcome.

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I berate my team in an attempt to get some of the badies to stop queing. That being said, I offer good advice during the match and then digress to insults as we loose. The guy that does 70k damage and doesn't listen really deserves it.


The guy/gal who does 70k or less dmg is probably sitting on a node defending. In that case, you should step back and be a little more understanding. You probably spend more time typing in chat than fighting, huh?


So who's to blame more, you for taking time out of face-rolling on your keyboard or the guy/gal who may not have had an attacker while sitting on a node, being a team player while the medal hounds are farming?


Introspection, ever?

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The guy/gal who does 70k or less dmg is probably sitting on a node defending. In that case, you should step back and be a little more understanding. You probably spend more time typing in chat than fighting, huh?


So who's to blame more, you for taking time out of face-rolling on your keyboard or the guy/gal who may not have had an attacker while sitting on a node, being a team player while the medal hounds are farming?


Introspection, ever?


Your argument is invalid, if he was defending the whole game he would have Platinum Defense medal + atleast 1 Attack medal. With 70k damage he would have one 2.5k and maybe 5k hit medals, 1 last hit medal. Also with 5k more damage he would get 75k Damage done medal. A player who does this usually ends up on top. Just saying.


And to whoever said yelling insults is not the way to go, i agree, but i also do it on a regular basis. Like the guy said i offer helpful advice at the start, one **** goes down hill REALLY REALLY fast for some stupid reason that's when the insults come out, but i also add in things they should be doing. It might sound like i'm demanding, but i find that this way works better than trying to be nice. PUGs respond better this way. ;)

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I was yelled berated yesterday for not healing anyone. I told the guy that is all I have been doing all match. At that point, I stopped healing him. I went out of my way to avoid helping his butt. So by him going out of his way to call me all sorts of names, it made me want to work less. At the end of the match, the scoreboard showed that I healed the MOST out of both teams. The guy didn't say anything and quickly left.
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Yet there is *always* that one guy who calls everyone, "Retarded idiots!" or "Scrubs!" or "Uninstall, you guys suck!" or whatever he has to say to throw the blame off himself and on to his team.


Dont you just find it funny that those same people are always the ones with the lowest Damage, Kills and Objectives in the match at the end, then try and excuse themselves out of it in whispers after :-P

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Dont you just find it funny that those same people are always the ones with the lowest Damage, Kills and Objectives in the match at the end, then try and excuse themselves out of it in whispers after :-P


What I find even funnier, is when I finally get sick of it and rip in to him for being an a-hole toward another player, I quickly find he had no idea who it was exactly he was griping at to begin with. Because then he assumes it was me and starts in on me...until the end of the match when I am sitting at top with most objectives, most kills, most DPS, while he is saying the reason he was at the bottom, was because he was actually trying to win rather than farm for medals. Funny thing is, when I PvP, medals are the last thing I am concerned with.


Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

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OP you are far too much sensitive.You are clearly new to mmos or the internetz in general. :p

Reply to him with some abusive words of your own or troll him for some fun instead.

Or just don't pay attention to him.I mean really don't pay attention,because you clearly do , if you decide to create a thread about this.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I was yelled berated yesterday for not healing anyone. I told the guy that is all I have been doing all match. At that point, I stopped healing him. I went out of my way to avoid helping his butt. So by him going out of his way to call me all sorts of names, it made me want to work less. At the end of the match, the scoreboard showed that I healed the MOST out of both teams. The guy didn't say anything and quickly left.



This is what i do if they start abusing in chat . I just go at my pace and if we loose so what. I wont bust a gut while being abused.

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Sorry but lately on Harbinger, especially on the days just before server reset for weeklies.


I have seen nothing short of epic stupidity in the highest order.


I keep seeing the same ******* doing the same **** over and over and costing WZ because they dont want to put in effort in trying.


Which begs the real question is that if we were to allow this, then give me the functionality to report people just wasting people's time in WZ. Cause frankly I dont give a too hoot anymore about being kind and telling people repeatedly for the 100th time to not do the following:


- GO to the mid of Pylon if we are behind by 50 points and we're not able to really win mid anytime soon.

- Dont start heading west in Novare coast to 3 cap when we get ninja capped.

- DITTO on Civil War when taking sides.

- Try to Hero Ball in Huttball instead of passing and going through fire because that **** is fun to do.


I mean you think common sense prevails or that people do WZ at 50's would WANT to win. But NOOO PUGGERS wanna do stupid ****. Thats the problem. Now if you were a controlling the match you can do whatever, but if you are not CONTROLLING the match then you SURE damn well you do your best to try to win. Premades get away with this because they dominate and control before farming your candy ***. Puggers that can synergize that well can do the same.


But at that point giving up and being a ***** isnt going to make your WZ alot funner.


EDIT: Being undergeared is no fun I understand that, I stay with the lowbies and I find that most of them are trying to fight it even against impossible odds which I respect so I stand and try my best to assist despite the heavy loss. I dont have qualms with either side with this, thats just the way the cookie crumbles. But to just stand and do nothing and just "give up" is inexcusable.

Edited by Zhaker
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my all time favorite was a guy in voidstar 2 days ago, at the end of a horrible loss he said "YOU ALL SUCK" then the scoreboard came up and he had all of 2 medals


he was there from the start too


Is that even possible? lol

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my all time favorite was a guy in voidstar 2 days ago, at the end of a horrible loss he said "YOU ALL SUCK" then the scoreboard came up and he had all of 2 medals


he was there from the start too


It does not take a good actor to recognize a bad one.

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And who are u?


That guy with 14 k hp having usually 70-90 k damage/heals and like 10000 protection with everything u play?


If you even did not manage to stack comms to the caps to get some pieces on 50 and I tell you to uninstall, may be you just stop and think about your ways of playing the game.


Why u need pvp wz? Go raise your next useless alt doing planetary quests in comfortable and cosy environment, preferably on RP - PVE server.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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Sometimes those loud mouths are completely justified. If I see my entire team leave mid when someone calls "one snow", or when I watch a node get capped inches away from an teammates that isn't CC'd, or in the 10-49 bracket I have teammates that can't even break 50k damage during a full length match, I'm going to say some words and they probably won't be in a kind tone. "Stop *********** zerging you idiots! Watch the minimap when leaving a point", "STOP THE CAP" "STOP THE CAP" STOP THE ***- DFSADFASHJ YOU *********** CLOWN", or "No *********** wonder it felt like I was the only one doing damage".
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