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2.0 Pyro pvp


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Now that missile blast procs combustable chamber at 100% chance we have mobility and a reliable snare, as well as some increased dps through other talents (such as crit damage added to Power Shot) pyro is starting to look much more appealing. Thoughts and is there something that I'm over looking that? Edited by shucksy
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our RS is still very weak compared to PT. Flame burst is instant, power shot is cast and white damage. Missle salvo costs a noticable amount of energy. we can be LOS'd and interrupted
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...Our CGC damage has been cut IN HALF, our Thermal Detonator (arguably one of our top burst abilities) has been turned into a long ticking, cleansable DoT, crit rating itself has been nerfed, and heat management has gotten worse.


Other than that we should be fine.

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Awful lotta whinin' 'round here.


Thankfully we have your well thought out and articulate counter-argument outlining specifically where pyro mercs shine in the upcoming update.


Kudos to you, sir!

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Sorry to burst your bubble of hope OP, but Pyro is going to be pretty bad for PvP now. Arsenal is going to be our best option, due to these changes:


CGC DoT: Bioware increased the proc rate to 50%. That means that you're almost always going to proc cgc with rapid shots. This not only makes the missile salvo cgc application pointless, but to compensate for the increase, the dot's damage was almost cut in half. On live, I have my cgc crit for 1k on application. That's not going to happen in 2.0, and that's a significant nerf to our sustained damage.


Thermal Det: Thermal det now applies a 12sec dot upon exploding. That would be good, but they nerfed TD's upfront damage, thus ruining the burst that this ability gave us. Now, it hits for about the same damage as Powershot. This was the nail in to coffin for pyro as a viable PvP spec.


It was great on the PTS before the CGC and Thermal Det changes. It had good utility, with Cure reducing the damage of remaining DoTs, Chaff Flare releasing us of movement impairing effects (PTs SO didn't need this, but BW gave it to them anyways- way to take away from merc uniqueness), damage reducing the CD on Jet Boost, and Energy Shield reciprocating damage to our attacker. All that made it a GREAT PvP spec, with good mobility. But then BW threw us the nerfs that were meant for PTs.

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I will still continue to play my pyro merc despite the nerfs because I enjoy the class that much, I will keep faith with AP words of the changes going out in 2.0 were finalised because of time constraints and hoping they will buff our damage fingers crossed :)
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why would we want the smelly PT's tree anyways? we have viable wrist rockets now :cool:


But if you want a possotive input im imagining a rotations of TD, Fusion and incendiary , rail shot, unload (stun/jet boost) run away firing CGC/incs to slow them down while they burn to death.


If you can CC a sin/mara and get these off on them before they pop their resistance it should give you a fighting edge


and then you always have electro net to nail them to the ground and dot them up again.


I agree nerfing a merc tree is totally sickening but i have to inquisit whether your looking at it the right way .



In a rated warzone, It seems the tree may offer a viable role for keeping players going into stealth, raising bubbles against melee and countering HOTs with forget-me-not DOT bursts that can be placed on multiple enemy players which would in theory help melee classes at the front for more than another single target attacker could as your supporting everyone at once with this.


again if your jumped you have that net and can get away with further CGC slows.

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