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Quick question about sniper cover roll


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Sorry if this is common knowledge, and clearly my search Fu is weak but I have a question.


I've recently rolled a sniper and I often find when I'm on the move and have an enemy targetted when I hit my cover roll button my toon rolls in place, but doesn't go into cover. Is this a bug or is it working as intended that I need to stop moving...and then roll into cover.

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or in other hand you can stop in place for few miliseconds ,than use role to cover , it wont ever bug as long as you are not moving or using skills at same time

personaly i prefer roll to cover since rolling for 30meters in black suit looks epic and ive learn to live with bug,tho my expectations are still realy high for fix in every patch.

btw its always working prefect on PTS but never on live version...:rolleyes:

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Sorry if this is common knowledge, and clearly my search Fu is weak but I have a question.


I've recently rolled a sniper and I often find when I'm on the move and have an enemy targetted when I hit my cover roll button my toon rolls in place, but doesn't go into cover. Is this a bug or is it working as intended that I need to stop moving...and then roll into cover.


Simple, you take cover in place if you do not have the "green man cover" symbol which indicates where you will roll to.


It's better to bind Take cover in place, that will give you more control. I have a second bind for the roll, but I almost never use it.

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Not to mention its only a matter of time using this that you'll roll into an unexpected direction, pull another group and cause a wipe.


True. I have yet to do this, but have had some close calls. Didn't take long to be mindful of where that green silhouette is.


But as others have said, it's a bug - happens a lot when you are rolling in a direction other than the one your character is facing. I've gotten used to it - so used to it that if it was fixed, it would really throw me off

Edited by Stressfire
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When you are crouched behind your cover screen, you get a 20% ranged defense bonus, but when you take cover behind a physical object, you get the same bonus PLUS a 100% defense chance when you aren't taking any action (firing your gun or casting something).


Try it sometime. Just sit in cover and don't fire, and watch all the enemy white damage shots miss.


You can also use roll to cover for advanced gap closing and kiting (this technique about to be relatively obsolete in 2.0)

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Since I have crouch (lvl 11?), I used cover roll maybe twice, just to see the animation when I had a suitable hard cover nearby.


Or is there any benefit of using cover roll instead of crouch I'm not aware of?


What the guy above me said - good defense behind hard cover.


As for rolling - it does have some good utility as you can actually roll quite far

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