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[Bug] Bodyguard Mercenary Healer 2 globals per 1 cast?


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I noticed that if you are spamming or sometimes just pressing some of the abilities when healing that it takes 2 globals to activate one ability. I think this is a direct result of the mercenary having to go from a non-combat standing position into a diagonal standing position in which he/she presses some sort of scanner on their wrist to activate some healing ability. I have noticed this bug out for a few patches now and cannot figure out how to fix it. I have tried removing ability que, I have tried increasing it from 0.5 to other options, and I have monitored my server latency at all times, constant 17-25 on average with no spikes above 50 latency. I have also tried NOT spamming the next ability while casting the current ability and I just cannot figure out what to do. This is especially annoying in PVP and Operations. (I don't lag in game unless everyone gets server lag).


Has anyone been able to fix this?

Edited by DkSharktooth
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This is a bug that's been present since release, it's just more prominent when the servers are lagging due to the heavy load lately. In the olden days we used to call this "ability delay", triggering a false GCD is just one of the symptoms.
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I just get angry when I'm chain casting, the cast completes, I start a new cast, and don't get the heal benefit from the previous cast until halfway through the next, and I die before getting that application of heals. Broken.
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I just get angry when I'm chain casting, the cast completes, I start a new cast, and don't get the heal benefit from the previous cast until halfway through the next, and I die before getting that application of heals. Broken.


I feel your pain, however since the initial optimizations (think it was around patch 1.2, or maybe a bit earlier), we have unfortunately seen no further improvements. Personally, it only rarely bugs me in PvE, except when I'm healing and things are looking grim. In PvP however, this thing drives me nuts almost as much as rubberbanding over goal line and fire traps in Hutball, or the lag/rubberbanding that can be caused by Scoundrel CC or Master Strike. These things should not happen, but as everything else PvP related, it's not being addressed at all.

Edited by Obok
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