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2.0 Mercenary PvE Arsenal Guide


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NOTE: If there are any class changes when 2.0 drops i will update videos ASAP


Hello everyone i'm a big PvEer and i'm very good at my DPS role i spend most of my time raiding and bettering myself as a player so i also notice that a lot of people could just use a Good PvE DPS Guide to there class so please check out my YouTube Channel and see your Main toons video and check videos for your Alt also, i hope my videos help everyone and for the Hardcore players i hope my videos can also better yourself.


Also too i'm not a up tight butthole i'm open to new things if you like me to try something leave a comment on my channel PLEASE Like my videos and sub More SWTOR Videos coming soon.


Please no Trolls

Edited by BigjoeHoe
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SWTOR Forum Mods-


This is NOT advertisement for any sort of personal gain. This thread is actually for the betterment of the Bounty Hunter community (despite the atrocious grammar). Do not remove the links or the thread, as these are guides for those in need.


I, too, hope to see some positive discussion in this thread.

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Hey guys, I'm glad someone is taking the initiative to start a guide for 2.0. Was wondering if you're going to keep your guide strictly video or if you plan on creating a written compendium? I'm also a top merc dps'er and was considering making a compendium myself. Only reason I'm considering it is I've yet to find an active guide out there that uses my priority system and I'm hesitant to debate with guide-makers trying to convince them just to change theirs. I'm leaning toward just biting the bullet and doing one myself, but I want it to be written with possibly some side videos.


Disclaimer: I'm by no means an elitist, I've gotten most of my knowledge from experimenting with different ideas & simulators that have come from the SWTOR community along with a few tricks I've discovered on my own. It's just simply a hobby of mine to continue to experiment and I'm feeling the itch to give back to the same community that has helped me by consolidating and presenting it. Even on live (pre-2.0), for how long it's been out, I just haven't seen a guide that can create the dps I can shove out with my rotation/priority system. The closest one is no longer active :(

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My guide will be up and running for the written portion. I recently came back to the game so I will update it. At least with my guide, I was doing ~2300 DPS on NiM Tanks. Oba is also pretty damn good, but I believe he is sticking with just videos.


If he allows, I would probably want to use portions of his video for demonstrations inside of mine rather than just making my own.

Edited by Aerro
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My guide will be up and running for the written portion. I recently came back to the game so I will update it. At least with my guide, I was doing ~2300 DPS on NiM Tanks. Oba is also pretty damn good, but I believe he is sticking with just videos.


If he allows, I would probably want to use portions of his video for demonstrations inside of mine rather than just making my own.


Good to see, looks like you updated it recently. I'll just post my suggestions on there then when I get the time, hopefully later tonight

Edited by odawgg
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My guide will be up and running for the written portion. I recently came back to the game so I will update it. At least with my guide, I was doing ~2300 DPS on NiM Tanks. Oba is also pretty damn good, but I believe he is sticking with just videos.


If he allows, I would probably want to use portions of his video for demonstrations inside of mine rather than just making my own.


Yeah im sure something can be worked out for the Merc Dps

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My guide will be up and running for the written portion. I recently came back to the game so I will update it. At least with my guide, I was doing ~2300 DPS on NiM Tanks. Oba is also pretty damn good, but I believe he is sticking with just videos.


If he allows, I would probably want to use portions of his video for demonstrations inside of mine rather than just making my own.


Thanks Aerro

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Laugh, I destroyed Pizza'the'hutt the other day on Tat... With my merc none the less. Was it 8 or 9 times we killed you? Would like to review your Merc post. Remember young ones, you can only be as good as your teacher. Would suggest multiple sources.


Black Daggers - The Bastion

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Laugh, I destroyed Pizza'the'hutt the other day on Tat... With my merc none the less. Was it 8 or 9 times we killed you? Would like to review your Merc post. Remember young ones, you can only be as good as your teacher. Would suggest multiple sources.


Black Daggers - The Bastion


I don't quite understand what you are even talking about. I have yet to have a Merc outparse me, but of course there is a first in everything. I'm sure Oba can give me a run for my money.


Also, I would like to point out that there aren't that many sources out there. If anything, my guide is generally a consolidated post of many different sources, using only relevant information.


Most sources are vastly out dated or just flat out wrong. Noxxic is an extreme example.

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Laugh, I destroyed Pizza'the'hutt the other day on Tat... With my merc none the less. Was it 8 or 9 times we killed you? Would like to review your Merc post. Remember young ones, you can only be as good as your teacher. Would suggest multiple sources.


Black Daggers - The Bastion


??? I don't know who you are, and I wasn't on Tat. I don't PVP at all actually. My name is not Pizza'the'hutt, it's Pizza'dah'hutt, so you must have me mistaken for a similarly named toon.


And since you're challenging me, I currently hold the highest pre-2.0, 5+ minute dummy parse I've personally seen for a Merc: 2117 DPS and the highest parse that was recorded on the PTS for 2.0: 2727 DPS. Some operation bosses I can dig up for ya, Operator IX 16m HM 1583 DPS which is 5 overall, top merc...and I parse the same on 8m just don't have a saved one...Kephess 8m NiM: 1761 also top NiM merc post.


I realize not everyone posts their parses, but hey, this is all we got to go on and it's pretty good. I think I know what I'm doing, maybe next time make sure you got the right guy. Unless you're trolling, in which case, troll away :p


I am making a guide on my guild's (SuckaFish) website and will make it available to peeps. Not hijacking any of these other guides, Aero's is a good one and he's working on making it better for 2.0. I just felt like making one as well :)


Edit: As you see in my signature, I'm PKA Captaincoke...had to change my name recently, so u'll see that name on parses

Edited by odawgg
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??? I don't know who you are, and I wasn't on Tat. I don't PVP at all actually. My name is not Pizza'the'hutt, it's Pizza'dah'hutt, so you must have me mistaken for a similarly named toon.


And since you're challenging me, I currently hold the highest pre-2.0, 5+ minute dummy parse I've personally seen for a Merc: 2117 DPS and the highest parse that was recorded on the PTS for 2.0: 2727 DPS. Some operation bosses I can dig up for ya, Operator IX 16m HM 2583 DPS which is 5 overall, top merc...and I parse the same on 8m just don't have a saved one...Kephess 8m NiM: 1761 also top NiM merc post.


I realize not everyone posts their parses, but hey, this is all we got to go on and it's pretty good. I think I know what I'm doing, maybe next time make sure you got the right guy. Unless you're trolling, in which case, troll away :p


I am making a guide on my guild's (SuckaFish) website and will make it available to peeps. Not hijacking any of these other guides, Aero's is a good one and he's working on making it better for 2.0. I just felt like making one as well :)


Edit: As you see in my signature, I'm PKA Captaincoke...had to change my name recently, so u'll see that name on parses


I wouldn't worry about it. PvP has never been and will never be a serious pursuit. It's all about ego maniacs stroking their e-peens.

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I would just ignore him Odawgg. Also, I think this time around I should probably use TORParse. After it was shut down the first time, I never used it again. It came back but I honestly forgot about it.
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I would just ignore him Odawgg. Also, I think this time around I should probably use TORParse. After it was shut down the first time, I never used it again. It came back but I honestly forgot about it.


Definitely! Ask Mr Robot has an upload thing too but it's not as popular as torparse. And yeah he's just trolol'ing I'm sure, but it couldn't go unreplied to hehe :D

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??? I don't know who you are, and I wasn't on Tat. I don't PVP at all actually. My name is not Pizza'the'hutt, it's Pizza'dah'hutt, so you must have me mistaken for a similarly named toon.


And since you're challenging me, I currently hold the highest pre-2.0, 5+ minute dummy parse I've personally seen for a Merc: 2117 DPS and the highest parse that was recorded on the PTS for 2.0: 2727 DPS. Some operation bosses I can dig up for ya, Operator IX 16m HM 1583 DPS which is 5 overall, top merc...and I parse the same on 8m just don't have a saved one...Kephess 8m NiM: 1761 also top NiM merc post.


I realize not everyone posts their parses, but hey, this is all we got to go on and it's pretty good. I think I know what I'm doing, maybe next time make sure you got the right guy. Unless you're trolling, in which case, troll away :p


I am making a guide on my guild's (SuckaFish) website and will make it available to peeps. Not hijacking any of these other guides, Aero's is a good one and he's working on making it better for 2.0. I just felt like making one as well :)


Edit: As you see in my signature, I'm PKA Captaincoke...had to change my name recently, so u'll see that name on parses


Ok, ok… let me set the record straight here. One Pizza the (or) da hutt is commonly used due to its Space Ball reference and that was an over sight. Second it’s funny to me, actually hilarious that someone would post they are the best… best… best “they” have seen. Umm well that tells me nothing, get out of you ship more. There are two Mercenary’s off the top of my mind on our server that are the best “I have seen” and the name does not have choke in it or a pizza reference. Also they are not one of my toons… The ones that don’t post they are the best are the ones you need to worry about. Just my opinion on the matter.


Mr. Choke – Let’s group for an operation some time. I would like to see this #1 in the server DPS Merc in action!


Also BigJoe – Like your post, try to open with unload… before the tracer. See if that helps the rotation… “Waiting for procs”

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Ok, ok… let me set the record straight here. One Pizza the (or) da hutt is commonly used due to its Space Ball reference and that was an over sight. Second it’s funny to me, actually hilarious that someone would post they are the best… best… best “they” have seen. Umm well that tells me nothing, get out of you ship more. There are two Mercenary’s off the top of my mind on our server that are the best “I have seen” and the name does not have choke in it or a pizza reference. Also they are not one of my toons… The ones that don’t post they are the best are the ones you need to worry about. Just my opinion on the matter.


Mr. Choke – Let’s group for an operation some time. I would like to see this #1 in the server DPS Merc in action!


Also BigJoe – Like your post, try to open with unload… before the tracer. See if that helps the rotation… “Waiting for procs”


The best tend to be vocal in the community but not throwing parses around like its 100% fact. I've seen logs of both Odawg and Oba, and they are quite impressive. Its way too early this time around to start throwing logs at each others faces due to the fact that gearing is taking a while.


I know for Oba and I, our guild is currently gearing tanks and healers first- then moving to DPS. That leaves us just chillin' in our old gear. I know I'm not going to waste millions augmenting all of my current gear with MK9's because we're clearing everything without any sort of DPS issue. Why waste so much when I'm eventually getting gear?


For right now, logs only indicate proc rates, up times, APM, etc. Sure, showing how much DPS you did is great, but at the end of the day- some people are just more geared than others at the moment. I know I have a few 2300 parses on NiM tanks, but that was back when NiM EC had just released. Since then, Mercs have undergone a lot of changes making 2.0 a fresh slate. There is no 'best' anymore. Also, does there need to be? The Merc community is a great one (minus a few trolls and derps) and I would love to keep seeing it as that. We have all gave each other a helping hand in the past without throwing the "listen to me I'm the best" lines around.


I love that I am seeing more and more guides surface, so lets keep it up and try to make and sustain Mercs as the superior class! Also, I would love to work with any number of you on updating Keren's simulator. I noticed its a bit outdated and some of the stat weights are confused. If we can all get that up and running to an optimal level, it will make theory crafting so much more reliable. Sitting on a target dummy for 5min doesn't necessarily prove a point. Doing 10,000 iterations over a simulator does (assuming its up to date).

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Ok, ok… let me set the record straight here. One Pizza the (or) da hutt is commonly used due to its Space Ball reference and that was an over sight. Second it’s funny to me, actually hilarious that someone would post they are the best… best… best “they” have seen. Umm well that tells me nothing, get out of you ship more. There are two Mercenary’s off the top of my mind on our server that are the best “I have seen” and the name does not have choke in it or a pizza reference. Also they are not one of my toons… The ones that don’t post they are the best are the ones you need to worry about. Just my opinion on the matter.


Mr. Choke – Let’s group for an operation some time. I would like to see this #1 in the server DPS Merc in action!


Also BigJoe – Like your post, try to open with unload… before the tracer. See if that helps the rotation… “Waiting for procs”


It's all good, you just came at me and you obviously had me mistaken for someone else, so I felt inclined to at least show you that I know what I'm doing :p That's all the parse posts were intended to do. I also stated specifically that I know not everyone posts there parses to torparse, but it's all I have to go on.


I do not claim to be the best, I just know that I'm quite knowledgeable on the class. And you even continued to come at me with this post, telling me to get outta my ship...I posted 2 boss fights for ya in addition to my ship dummy, so....


I'd be happy to run with ya sometime to compare if it'll make you feel better, Maybe after we're geared up since I will be scheduled for guild raids until I am (or maybe we can do a story mode sometime).


Also, it's "Coke" not "Choke", you're not very good with names are ya? lol. It's becoming quite clear to me that you are indeed just a happy troll, which I have no problem with, trolls entertain me :cool:


-Stay Classy

Edited by odawgg
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The best tend to be vocal in the community but not throwing parses around like its 100% fact. I've seen logs of both Odawg and Oba, and they are quite impressive. Its way too early this time around to start throwing logs at each others faces due to the fact that gearing is taking a while.


I know for Oba and I, our guild is currently gearing tanks and healers first- then moving to DPS. That leaves us just chillin' in our old gear. I know I'm not going to waste millions augmenting all of my current gear with MK9's because we're clearing everything without any sort of DPS issue. Why waste so much when I'm eventually getting gear?


For right now, logs only indicate proc rates, up times, APM, etc. Sure, showing how much DPS you did is great, but at the end of the day- some people are just more geared than others at the moment. I know I have a few 2300 parses on NiM tanks, but that was back when NiM EC had just released. Since then, Mercs have undergone a lot of changes making 2.0 a fresh slate. There is no 'best' anymore. Also, does there need to be? The Merc community is a great one (minus a few trolls and derps) and I would love to keep seeing it as that. We have all gave each other a helping hand in the past without throwing the "listen to me I'm the best" lines around.


I love that I am seeing more and more guides surface, so lets keep it up and try to make and sustain Mercs as the superior class! Also, I would love to work with any number of you on updating Keren's simulator. I noticed its a bit outdated and some of the stat weights are confused. If we can all get that up and running to an optimal level, it will make theory crafting so much more reliable. Sitting on a target dummy for 5min doesn't necessarily prove a point. Doing 10,000 iterations over a simulator does (assuming its up to date).


I agree it's too early for 2.0 parses, which is why I haven't done any. The only parses I've "thrown" out is pre-2.0 and pts parses for "reference". I know when I'm looking for advice, since there's a lot of people who do, I'm looking for some sort of proof that they know what they're talking about OTHER than just their word. Parses shouldn't be discounted by any stretch of the imagination, they are one way to show, along with spreadsheets and simulators, theoretical potential of certain priority systems and gearing possibilities.


But yeah let's get Keren's Simulator updated and running:




Then we can get down to business! :D

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The best tend to be vocal in the community but not throwing parses around like its 100% fact. I've seen logs of both Odawg and Oba, and they are quite impressive. Its way too early this time around to start throwing logs at each others faces due to the fact that gearing is taking a while.


I know for Oba and I, our guild is currently gearing tanks and healers first- then moving to DPS. That leaves us just chillin' in our old gear. I know I'm not going to waste millions augmenting all of my current gear with MK9's because we're clearing everything without any sort of DPS issue. Why waste so much when I'm eventually getting gear?


For right now, logs only indicate proc rates, up times, APM, etc. Sure, showing how much DPS you did is great, but at the end of the day- some people are just more geared than others at the moment. I know I have a few 2300 parses on NiM tanks, but that was back when NiM EC had just released. Since then, Mercs have undergone a lot of changes making 2.0 a fresh slate. There is no 'best' anymore. Also, does there need to be? The Merc community is a great one (minus a few trolls and derps) and I would love to keep seeing it as that. We have all gave each other a helping hand in the past without throwing the "listen to me I'm the best" lines around.


I love that I am seeing more and more guides surface, so lets keep it up and try to make and sustain Mercs as the superior class! Also, I would love to work with any number of you on updating Keren's simulator. I noticed its a bit outdated and some of the stat weights are confused. If we can all get that up and running to an optimal level, it will make theory crafting so much more reliable. Sitting on a target dummy for 5min doesn't necessarily prove a point. Doing 10,000 iterations over a simulator does (assuming its up to date).


Well said my man, Well said. Best wishes...

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It's all good, you just came at me and you obviously had me mistaken for someone else, so I felt inclined to at least show you that I know what I'm doing :p That's all the parse posts were intended to do. I also stated specifically that I know not everyone posts there parses to torparse, but it's all I have to go on.


I do not claim to be the best, I just know that I'm quite knowledgeable on the class. And you even continued to come at me with this post, telling me to get outta my ship...I posted 2 boss fights for ya in addition to my ship dummy, so....


I'd be happy to run with ya sometime to compare if it'll make you feel better, Maybe after we're geared up since I will be scheduled for guild raids until I am (or maybe we can do a story mode sometime).


Also, it's "Coke" not "Choke", you're not very good with names are ya? lol. It's becoming quite clear to me that you are indeed just a happy troll, which I have no problem with, trolls entertain me :cool:


-Stay Classy


LOL, not a troll... just call it like I see it. You might think I am joking but I am not... Would love to run with yah one time. HM, Opp... whatever... I have multiple 55 toons, most start with Piny. So look for me... let me know when you are free. Looking forward to it!

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