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Reversing midway through


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I am currently leveling a Sniper and loving every second of it, but now that I'm on Quesh I'm starting to second guess my choices up to this point. I've been dark since my first mission on Hutta, became the assassin of a certain Sith Lord, let a co-worker bleed out (You can't say it, can you?), the whole nine yards. But now that I'm aware of what the Empire has done to me I'm not so sure I want to further the goals of the Sith.


Has this happened to anyone else? Have you gotten midway into a dark playthrough and just get the sudden, intense urge to do a 180 and go light? Thats what I'm feeling now and I'm wondering if I should do what my gut is telling me to do, then just grind out the difference after 50.



Edited by Rugi
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You should always go with the choices you think match your character's personality/morals. Lightside darkside matters next to nothing pre-50 and zero at 50.


For example, my agent is generally lightside-alignment, but throughout my story I killed numerous people who presented dangers to the Empire

such as the Act 1 terrorists, the girl you work with on Tatooine, Chance on Taris, and the chemist on Quesh where you are right now



Your character is mostly darkside, but you can still make plenty of murder-and-mayhem choices while stickin it to the man/Sith. Act 3 is particularly good for that.

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When I started my sniper - I had imagined her kind of like Kaliyo, but less psychotic. Killing or double-crossing people that deserved it? Sure. Seeking revenge? Alright. Killing the weak/unable to defend themselves? Meh, depends on my mood.


This is not what happened:rolleyes: as she just got the "Pure" title the other night. Same thing with my Merc. Sigh, goddess help me if I ever roll a Sith - I'll be laughed out of the Academy (if they don't draw and quarter me first)

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Make whatever story choices you want, unless being 100% completely Dark is extremely important to you, the actual impact on your game is negligible. As for the Agent story itself, I played my Agent really dark, think I made maybe 3 light side choices the whole time. It felt right for how I envisioned the character, but it's definitely more simplistic.



As for your choice. You may have already locked yourself out of the Light Side ending, but there is still at least one major neutral choice you can make to "stick it to the man"


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I just started a Sniper, and I'm glad to hear I (probably) get to stick it to a certain Sith Lord that I hated on first site. :) But about light-dark not mattering, what about relics? Am I missing something, or am I right that my nearly neutral sniper right now (who's at lvl 21) can't use any relics because they all require light II or dark II?
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I just started a Sniper, and I'm glad to hear I (probably) get to stick it to a certain Sith Lord that I hated on first site. :) But about light-dark not mattering, what about relics? Am I missing something, or am I right that my nearly neutral sniper right now (who's at lvl 21) can't use any relics because they all require light II or dark II?


You just can't use those relics. IIRC, you can find some neutral ones on the GTN.


Or, you could always go just light/dark enough to get them, then do whatever you wanted. I think - my sniper ended up staying pretty light, but I don't think that your relics become equitable if you switch alignment, do they?

Edited by Stressfire
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You won't be able to use any relics but a matrix cube as you level, if you don't choose light or dark, but the level 50 relics from ops or the daily vendor have no light/dark requirement. So it really has little effect on your game in the long run.
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And this is why so many enjoy the IA storyline so much. I am also leveling up my 3rd agent, second sniper, and enjoying the story just as much again. None of the other stories make you truly think and consider what you are doing quite as much.


Make the choices that feel right. Whatever you choose, that it made you stop and think means the story did its job well.

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I am currently leveling a Sniper and loving every second of it, but now that I'm on Quesh I'm starting to second guess my choices up to this point. I've been dark since my first mission on Hutta, became the assassin of a certain Sith Lord, let a co-worker bleed out (You can't say it, can you?), the whole nine yards. But now that I'm aware of what the Empire has done to me I'm not so sure I want to further the goals of the Sith.


Has this happened to anyone else? Have you gotten midway into a dark playthrough and just get the sudden, intense urge to do a 180 and go light? Thats what I'm feeling now and I'm wondering if I should do what my gut is telling me to do, then just grind out the difference after 50.



I just finished Chapter 2 and I am Light I; I have made my fair share of Dark choices. That said, Light side options aren't "good guy" options. My Operative would rather send folks back to DK for information extraction than let that go to waste. Vector is also my companion of choice, and he tends to disapprove of most Dark Side choices (which don't keep me from choosing them, but make me more careful about blindly choosing them).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am currently leveling a Sniper and loving every second of it, but now that I'm on Quesh I'm starting to second guess my choices up to this point. I've been dark since my first mission on Hutta, became the assassin of a certain Sith Lord, let a co-worker bleed out (You can't say it, can you?), the whole nine yards. But now that I'm aware of what the Empire has done to me I'm not so sure I want to further the goals of the Sith.


Has this happened to anyone else? Have you gotten midway into a dark playthrough and just get the sudden, intense urge to do a 180 and go light? Thats what I'm feeling now and I'm wondering if I should do what my gut is telling me to do, then just grind out the difference after 50.




Dude, I switched sides so often that after about a week and a half of the husband asking me nightly: "So, who are you working for now?" I finally threw up my hands and declared: "I HAVE NO #$%^%ING IDEA ANYMORE!!!!"



Yeah. I've switched sides midway through. Repeatedly.


Edited by Dallayna
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Vector is also my companion of choice...


Uhg. Bug guy? I was kinda disappointed when I realize he was going to be my second companion. Especially after waiting SO long! Does any other class have to wait until the end of chapter 1 to get companion #2? He might be great, mechanics-wise, but I just can't bring myself to use hive-mind-guy.

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