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PVP is so frustrating.


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I really hope they change that. How hard can it be to just check and see if you are in at least the standard non-ranked PvP gear and if not, you're stats are just hard set at what that would be, minus say 5% (arbitrary number is arbitrary) as to still have reason to work toward that gear.


eh, i am ok with the naked bolster thing. it gives bads one less excuse to justify their badness. i hope it stays in actually, since it essentially destroys any semblance of a gear gap.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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So with the ridiculous amount of time it takes to get out of recruit gear, and the amount of stuns, roots and CC in this game how does anyone enjoy pvp?


I'm constantly getting ambushed, smashed or just destroyed in an electrocute by people. Is it really worth taking this beating to get war hero gear? does it get better?


Your gear will improve.


CC's don't.

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as a pve'er that pvp every so often i have to say its not the gear that holds you back from enjoying pvp its the premade roflstompers that make life hell you can beat the enemy in recrut gear if you can play the game but ORGINSED premade groups stomp over everything in there path
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as a pve'er that pvp every so often i have to say its not the gear that holds you back from enjoying pvp its the premade roflstompers that make life hell you can beat the enemy in recrut gear if you can play the game but ORGINSED premade groups stomp over everything in there path


As a single solo-type by myself queue for warzones all by my solitary wittle lonesome....I can attest to that. :D

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As a single solo-type by myself queue for warzones all by my solitary wittle lonesome....I can attest to that. :D


Yeah, pretty much this one. :D


Pvp at lvl 50 is a lot of fun... if you're in a pvp guild. For the casual player is nothing short of a nightmare against premades.


Bottom line pal, there is just a simple plain truth: Pvp is over for the casual player at lvl 50.

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Yeah, pretty much this one. :D


Pvp at lvl 50 is a lot of fun... if you're in a pvp guild. For the casual player is nothing short of a nightmare against premades.


Bottom line pal, there is just a simple plain truth: Pvp is over for the casual player at lvl 50.


im a casual PvPer. i find it quite fun. and i almost exclusively solo queue

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Best thing you can do is join a good PVP guild and queue with them. Also, sounds like you are making yourself an easy target. Move around, don't be a sitting duck.


this.... pvp is fun mostly when ppl play in premades with healer, 80% wzs there is no healer, so thats often cc, cc .... dead ... so yeah pvp seems frustrating for many players ... but they still play it cuz there is no better game atm on the market ....

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if you remove all of your gear expect mainhand/offhand, you will be bolstered up to stats greater than EWH gear. at least this was how it was on PTS, and it was not changed.


so if you want to have good gear in WZs, dont wear gear.


yes more then EWH this is true but then again EWH on 2.0 is garbage anyway... so, you cant get that gear anymore as a new player.

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