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Power leveling tips


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So I have 3 50's. One that i leveled from 40-50 in a matter of 8~ hours last weekend. Does anyone think it's possible (without playing non-stop 24hrs a day for the whole weekend) to get a lvl 24 to 50 before the end of the double xp weekend? If so, any suggestions on going about this in the best way possible? I want to get my Marauder to lvl50 before they remove the Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear from the game, because I think that it looks oh so much better than the Black Hole stuff.



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You will be fine even if you only get him to 35-40 this weekend, you have all of next week and next weekend to finish him off so don't lose sleep over trying to power level him in 2 days.....


Oh, there's another double xp weekend?? I thought this was the last one. Thanks for the info!! I just wanna get one of those gear sets for Marauder before they (stupidly) rip them from availability.

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Level 24-50 is doable, though it will take some time. I got my shadow from 31 to 50 last weekend, and still had all day Sunday to level other characters. (All via PVP)


This weekends project is to get my level 18 operative to 50 doing straight PVP. For a change, I'm working to get her to cap without doing any quests except warzone dailies. Once I get to 50, I'll play the entire IA quest line straight through. Sounds kind of stupid, but I'm hoping it'll be a different experience.


To minimize downtime over this weekend, I've already crafted all her armorings/mods/enhancements/augments through end game, and have transferred all my old purple skill barrels to upgrade her weapons every 2 levels.


(Next week my project is to level my level 26 marauder.)

Edited by LadyVix
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It was my Operative that i got to 50 last weekend, and the storyline is very good, you'll enjoy it. I'm hoping i can at least get to 40ish by tomorrow night, and then to 50 as quickly as possible. And i'm glad you mentioned getting your toon's gear ready, that's a good plan. I don't know that i could bring myself to do nothing but pvp for 32 levels though... That's gonna get frustrating fast.
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Oh, there's another double xp weekend?? I thought this was the last one. Thanks for the info!! I just wanna get one of those gear sets for Marauder before they (stupidly) rip them from availability.


Heh, how naive can you possibly be? They will just put them into Cartel Market for real money. EA people are incredibly greedy, but they certainly are not stupid.

Edited by Jedlosson
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Heh, how naive can you possibly be? They will just put them into Cartel Market for real money. Money is all EA wants.


Though i don't appreciate the naivety comment, you're probably completely right. And I have no plan to pay real money for said gear. I kinda hope they just become discontinued items like the Champion PvP set, but that's wishful thinking.

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This weekends project is to get my level 18 operative to 50 doing straight PVP. For a change, I'm working to get her to cap without doing any quests except warzone dailies. Once I get to 50, I'll play the entire IA quest line straight through. Sounds kind of stupid, but I'm hoping it'll be a different experience.


To minimize downtime over this weekend, I've already crafted all her armorings/mods/enhancements/augments through end game, and have transferred all my old purple skill barrels to upgrade her weapons every 2 levels.


Nicely planned. I always admire a person who has a goal, creates an actual workable plan for the goal, and prepares all the logistics to support the plan ahead of time. :)


So refreshing compared to some of the whinny complaint posts we all see in the forum on a regular basis.



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Level 24-50 is doable, though it will take some time. I got my shadow from 31 to 50 last weekend, and still had all day Sunday to level other characters. (All via PVP)


This weekends project is to get my level 18 operative to 50 doing straight PVP. For a change, I'm working to get her to cap without doing any quests except warzone dailies. Once I get to 50, I'll play the entire IA quest line straight through. Sounds kind of stupid, but I'm hoping it'll be a different experience.


To minimize downtime over this weekend, I've already crafted all her armorings/mods/enhancements/augments through end game, and have transferred all my old purple skill barrels to upgrade her weapons every 2 levels.


(Next week my project is to level my level 26 marauder.)


This is genius. I'm definitely gonna try this on my inquisitor. Being able to play through the story straight would be a really cool experience. Thanks for the idea. :D

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So I have 3 50's. One that i leveled from 40-50 in a matter of 8~ hours last weekend. Does anyone think it's possible (without playing non-stop 24hrs a day for the whole weekend) to get a lvl 24 to 50 before the end of the double xp weekend? If so, any suggestions on going about this in the best way possible?


Buy the legacy class XP and exploration XP boosts. Keep a cartel XP minor or major boost going (the class quests give them to you for free). Do the class quests and easy side quests on a planet until you are +1 or +2 for the zone. Then finish up the class quests and visit fleet. Buy some cheap greens for you and your comp, so that all your gear is leveled. Then cruise to the next planet. I took my gunslinger from 31 to 49 last weekend that way.

Edited by MediumD
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Ahh doesn't early access to ROTHC start next Tuesday?


Therefore meaning the Armour sets will be removed next Tuesday?


Also meaning this weekend being the last Double XP Weekend?


Yes sir. Which was my motivation for the hyper-leveling this weekend. And i'll hit 50 soon so i can get my hands on the gear asap.

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Did 1 to 32 this weekend. I dont think more is possible without cutting your reallife.

Without double-exp I´m not sure there is anything to make leveling less of a grind.

Edited by Uvirith
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