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Idea for Gunnery/Arsenal Bandaid Fix?

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I posted this on the PvP forums but I think it's worth having it here as well:


I've been thinking about this a lot lately and came to realize that what cripples Commandos in PVP is a fundamental design flaw in the system. Namely, that there aren't PvE and PvP versions of the same skill in the game.


Gunnery/Arsenal does very solid single-target damage but it's easily interruptible to the point, where the class becomes unplayable in PvP. This is due to the fact that this spec relies on Grav Round/Tracer too much and cannot do virtually anything meaningful if Grav Round is interrupted. But if we were to receive an interrupt protection, we'd essentially become Snipers, an unjumpable (with Electro Net), uninterruptible death machine, able to take down everyone at range.


That would be too powerful, so they'd have to nerf overall damage. Nerfing overall damage would seriously upset PvE players, who couldn't care less about interrupt protection in raids. This is the conundrum Bioware faces, there is simply no proper solution to fix Commandos/Mercenaries until they make PvE and PvP versions of the same skills.

Personally, I think many people in PvP would prefer less but more reliable damage than more but unusable.


Having said that, I do have an interesting change in mind that might help rectify the situation:


Change Adrenaline Rush, because it's pretty much useless atm (a very weak hot based on total HP), so that it increases Alacrity for a short while (like Target Acquired increases accuracy) instead. Grav Rounds/Tracers would still be interruptible, of course, but with the Alacrity buff, the enemy would have to have superhuman reflexes to do so, something that most players don't have. Combine it with Electro Net and you can definitely put thee Grav Rounds/Tracers on the enemy before he can charge you. It's a simple, easy-to-implement change that makes our channeled skills faster and more effective, without getting Sniper-like OPness.


And to be honest, an Alacrity increase would be more befitting the name Adrenaline Rush (as in you do everything faster with all the adrenaline coursing through your veins) than a weak, useless HoT.


Please let me know what you think about changing Adrenaline Rush to an Alacrity buff.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Keep in mind when basing something off the name that the mirror ability, Kolto Overload, has a different name and it doesn't match thematically.


Change the name from Kolto Overload to "Steroid Overload." Or whatever the SW equivalent is. I can imagine BHs having access to illegal performance enhancing drugs in SW. We could even have the animation for it changed to having their heads swell up to Barry Bonds size while it's active.


To OP: Yeah I like that idea even though I don't play Gunnery, even with 2.0 changes, Gunnery is still able to be shut down with anything that interrupts.

Edited by Draqsko
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