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Commando As a Buffer Class - Ideas


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I was discussing the Combat Medic with someone in my guild and we considering the idea of giving Combat Medics more utility as opposed to just more healing aka more reasons to have a Combat Medic on board.




Make Combat Medics buffers; the Jack of All Trades essentially. Nothing to outrageous to make us OP or too favorable over other healers, but other bonuses to make up for the lesser healing.



Kolto Residue - Increase the range on it. Increase the bonus healing on it by 5%. Up from 3%.

Armor Screen - Increase the armor rating bonus to 15%. Up from 10%

Bacta Infusion - Increase the healing on it to 2980-3292. (Same as Medical Probe).


New Skills:

Ammo costs not included because of changes to Ammo in 2.0


Haste Probe - Increases Alacrity by 8%. Single Target. Cast Time: 1.5s. Cooldown: 5s. Duration: 45s

Ammo Refresh - Increases Ammo/Force Regen Rate by 20%. Single Target. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 5s Duration: 45s

(For example if cast on a Commando "Fast" would now be 0.72 Ammo per second instead of 0.60.)

Force Inspiration: - Inspire Force users. Skills which gain focus will generate 1 additional focus per skill. Single Target. Instant. Cooldown: 15s. Duration: 30s

Armor Override: Increases armor by 5%. Single Target. Cast Time. 1.0s. Cooldown: 10s. Duration: 30s


AOE Buffs:

Only two of the below buffs can be applied to the Group/Ops Group per Commando/Mercenary. However, the commando can position themselves to cast on melee and then recast two more buffs on healers. The Commnado themselves would end up with the last 2 buffs cast. These buffs get cast from the Commandos position in a 12m radius.


Critical Bomb: Increases critical chance up to 3%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s Duration: 30s

Assault Bomb: Increases damage done by 3%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s Duration: 30s

Kolto Grenade: Increase healing done by 3%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s Duration: 30s

Tech Bomb: Increases Surge by 5%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s. Duration: 30s

Fortification Bomb: Increases Aim/Willpower/Strength/Cunning by 5%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 5s. Cooldown: 15s. Duration: 30s

Power Bomb : Increases Power by 400. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s. Duration: 30s

Shielding Bomb : Increases Shield Chance and Shield Absorption by 3%. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s. Duration: 15s

Healing Bomb: Heals the target for 300-600 over 30s. Up to 8 targets. Cast Time: 2.0s. Cooldown: 15s. Duration 15s.


The above AOE buffs could even be reduced to single target versions. Either way, these obviously need tweaking etc, but it's a basic concept, even a concept of skills they could give a Combat Medic to make them buffers even if it's not implemented in the way I'm thinking of it. The only problem I ran into and couldn't think of a solution is how to give this much variety to Combat Medics only and not all Commandos.

Edited by Aramyth
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All those aoe buffs on 30 sec cd lasting 30 sec is op.


Only two buffs can be applied at a time. It's not all of them at once. And it's not necessarily supposed to be implemented this way, it's just the idea.

Edited by Aramyth
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While I don't know about the implementation, I think the basic concept you're going for is very sound and is something that should be investigated.


Perhaps tying some of the damage buffs to other commando trees if you want to make these abilities baseline in some fashion wouldn't be the worst idea, with talents in the healing tree specifically upping their effectiveness. This would give all commandos a good form of utility while still ensuring that combat medic was the best at it.


Lots of ways we could do implementation really, but I like the concept for sure.

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Man I'm not sure if people just can't play this game. I just got my commando healer up to 50 and min/max'ed him with WH gear right at 50 (no recruit gear for me) due to legacy smuggling and weapon com storage. To get to my point, i have been at 50 for a few days now and i have out healed every healer by over 100k and commonly DOUBLE the healing every game. Just FYI i main all 3 healers in the game and i would say commandos are effing BOSS. I mean i can have guys beating on me and i still can out heal their dps and heal my team. You can't do that with sages and smugglers. People pls just learn to play this class and stop thinking they are under powered.


p.s. I know they are still hurting in Ranked due to so many kicks in this game, but that just means you guy need to learn to fake cast to make them waste their kicks. Anyways in pugs or world pvp you can do just fine.

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Man I'm not sure if people just can't play this game. I just got my commando healer up to 50 and min/max'ed him with WH gear right at 50 (no recruit gear for me) due to legacy smuggling and weapon com storage. To get to my point, i have been at 50 for a few days now and i have out healed every healer by over 100k and commonly DOUBLE the healing every game. Just FYI i main all 3 healers in the game and i would say commandos are effing BOSS. I mean i can have guys beating on me and i still can out heal their dps and heal my team. You can't do that with sages and smugglers. People pls just learn to play this class and stop thinking they are under powered.


p.s. I know they are still hurting in Ranked due to so many kicks in this game, but that just means you guy need to learn to fake cast to make them waste their kicks. Anyways in pugs or world pvp you can do just fine.


First off no duh you can do fine in unranked PVP. The population as a whole is pretty awful. Second, I know some very good commando healers who would beg to differ with you.


Here's the rub...


Would your buffs be as good or better than brining another class/spec instead? Do your buffs make up for missing another player?


You know, depending on actual implementation they just might. A class which can meaningfully increase resource regen is always desired, and one that can meaningfully increase damage is also usually wanted. 400 power to everyone? Yeah you would never join a ranked warzone without that. That's better than giving everyone a permanent clicky relic.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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Definitely enjoy the concept as a squad leader if you will be doing buffs. Its harder for me to see it work for Bounty Hunters, but I've always been confused why someone would call themselves a Bounty Hunter but they heal. I know it happens, someone has to do it, but it does make me wonder, heh.


ON TOPIC: I think my favorites are ideas with resource regen, power, and armor buffs since they fall inline nicely with the class at large, I think. I think another great AoE ability could be a group revive (still subject to the five minute cooldown) or a passive that lowers the cooldown on in-combat revives for the entire group by 50% (down to 2.5 minutes from 5 minutes). It would also be very interesting if Commando could actively increase an ally's maximum HP (like Enure or Endure Pain, or even the Trooper class buff of +5%) or allow HoTs to "overheal" and increase an ally's HP up to 125% of their maximum health (if an ally has 30k HP, your HoT could heal them up to 37.5k HP) and allow these buffs to decay.


I'd say that some of the cooldowns probably could be tweaked downwards on some of them (particularly the power buff) so that it doesn't have 100% uptime. Making this a "sidegrade" to Supercharge and have it consume the 30 stacks of charge would also be pretty awesome.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Man I'm not sure if people just can't play this game.


p.s. I know they are still hurting in Ranked


First of all. I have records on my server for Commando healing. So does another poster in this thread. In regular matches I can outheal Sages/Scoundrels, but you can't compare a good Commando to a bad Sage/Scoundrel and say the class is fine. The simple fact is that a if Commando healer is not ACTIVELY casting a heal on someone then are NOT healing. A Sage can throw down an AOE heal and heal someone else, or bubble one and then heal another. A Scoundrel can throw HoTS on multiple people. What this means if you have players of equal skill and play styles playing all three healers, the Sage/Scoundrel will ALWAYS come out on top.


As I said, my ideas for buffs were basically a "this is what they could do" to make us buffers. It's not intended to be DO THIS OR WE'RE BROKEN LOL. :D


Definitely enjoy the concept as a squad leader if you will be doing buffs. Its harder for me to see it work for Bounty Hunters, but I've always been confused why someone would call themselves a Bounty Hunter but they heal. I know it happens, someone has to do it, but it does make me wonder, heh.


ON TOPIC: I think my favorites are ideas with resource regen, power, and armor buffs since they fall inline nicely with the class at large, I think. I think another great AoE ability could be a group revive (still subject to the five minute cooldown) or a passive that lowers the cooldown on in-combat revives for the entire group by 50% (down to 2.5 minutes from 5 minutes). It would also be very interesting if Commando could actively increase an ally's maximum HP (like Enure or Endure Pain, or even the Trooper class buff of +5%) or allow HoTs to "overheal" and increase an ally's HP up to 125% of their maximum health (if an ally has 30k HP, your HoT could heal them up to 37.5k HP) and allow these buffs to decay.


I'd say that some of the cooldowns probably could be tweaked downwards on some of them (particularly the power buff) so that it doesn't have 100% uptime. Making this a "sidegrade" to Supercharge and have it consume the 30 stacks of charge would also be pretty awesome.


Thanks Aux. You're right though, the best ideas in my OP are the resource regen/armor buffs. I personally like the Alacrity one as well, because it'll go nicely in 2.0 with the changes to Alacrity.

Edited by Aramyth
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