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Ladies Looking For A Community


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How does an all healer guild work?


This post wins the thread, lol.


If I was staying with this game, I would join.


Are you moving to another MMO? I am starting to feel like this one has run it's course on me. Just curious as to what else is out there as most options from an MMO standpoint seem to suck.

Edited by AltruisticRage
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Are you moving to another MMO? I am starting to feel like this one has run it's course on me. Just curious as to what else is out there as most options from an MMO standpoint seem to suck.


I'm gonna chill in Tera for now, since it went F2P (but the difference between F2P and Sub is practically non-existent). It's also very pretty.


Going to wait for the Wildstar beta to come out. Also signed up for The Elder Scrolls beta.

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Well, I'm looking for ladies that play PC games in general and want to find other girls to group up with. Doesn't have to be just SWTOR.


What if my toon is a female and I was to roleplay as a female?


As much as I like meeting other girls who play video games, this guild/thread is a effing joke.

Guys don't have cooties. They have d*cks.


Yeah we do. ;]

Edited by Antiskeptic
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Guys don't have cooties. They have d*cks.


Some have both.


True story.


"Look, other girls play! Now pick up that damn controller and be Player 2! COVER ME!"


First person shooters+me=bleh.


I'll check out Tera.

Edited by Mackeyla
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First off you don't get to decide when I can be offended *** face. I do. Did you even read my post before you commented on it or did you just jump on that high horse and have a go. I say I support the a guild of only women or men did you get that. You know why? Because I know many organizations and people that find a meaningful experience in game and in real life with members of just one sex or sexual orientation. I know members of the Stonewall Legacy and if I was not in my guild I would be honored to be part of theirs. Instead you don't know me, you make an assumption that I am crude and or rude to women which is exactly what upset me. How about I go and make some crappy assumptions about gay men and post them then tell you that you don't have the right to be offended? How would you like that? You just like to throw assumptions around then say well it is true sometimes yeah that's really grownup of you. Do you like it when people judge you based on just your sexual orientation? Well hell thanks for judging me based on my sex. This is the last time I will come on this thread as it is derailing it but thanks for the prejudice and hate. Always a pleasure.


To Ladyvx I am going to change my post as I know understand better how you meant it thank you for posting.


Yaaaa I didn't call you anything, and didn't make any broad assumptions about 'straight men' being monsters, I did talk about my specific experience with men on this server though, I guess maybe that's an assumption? Full of prejudice and hate?


What a terrible world we would live in if saying 'some of the terrible things I hear men say to women in my guild is really upsetting' would make me 'hateful' and 'prejudiced' towards men.


But thanks for freaking out on me for sharing my experience with people who weren't you on this server, taking that personally, and then calling me a bigot. It was very big of you to qualify your attacks on me with statements like "I have gay friends and would totally play with them", "I totally respect women" and "Now that Im doing smearing **** on this guys face, Im going to respectfully bow out of the conversation".

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Playing with a female group can often be a very different experience. Things tend to be a bit more mellow, with less of the testosterone pumped "kill everything as fast as possible" attitude found in other groups. It's about having fun while we game rather than having things constantly revolving around one upsmanship and crudeness. Your reply to the OP is an example of the "you're only trying to seek attention" type of drama we seek to avoid.


- Vixen, formerly of PMS Clan, [*Girlz*] clan, -=GG=- clan, Femme Fatale guild, and the Sorority guild.


Assuming that all men have the "testosterone pumped kill everything attitude" is a great example of reverse sexism. I am by no means against an all girl guild. I am against comments like that. Our guild is very relaxed and casual. We do raid and sometimes we hurry but most of the time we are playing the game to have fun. I don't know why else you would play a game. I'm not trying to bash on you or your post. I'm just pointing out that you're making a huge assumption and essentially profiling men. When men do that we're labeled as sexist.

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As much as I like meeting other girls who play video games, this guild/thread is a effing joke.

Guys don't have cooties. They have d*cks.


Exactly, and just because I have one doesn't mean I am one!

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Assuming that all men have the "testosterone pumped kill everything attitude" is a great example of reverse sexism. I am by no means against an all girl guild. I am against comments like that. Our guild is very relaxed and casual. We do raid and sometimes we hurry but most of the time we are playing the game to have fun. I don't know why else you would play a game. I'm not trying to bash on you or your post. I'm just pointing out that you're making a huge assumption and essentially profiling men. When men do that we're labeled as sexist.


I've followed this thread since It started.. While the idea in which this post was started got completely distorted by some unnecessary trolling. You have the right to be whatever you want to be. Depending on what your goals are especially if you plan on endgame content.. raiding etc. You have to down things quickly.. It's not a male thing, granted males are usually more aggressive then women as a whole. It's the mechanics in which the game are built that make killing things quick a priority. I have seen some excellent female players, primarily as healers. But since you want to label all men as testosterone laden egomaniacs. " Shouldn't you be in the kitchen honey ?"

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Are you referring to my initial post or everything thing else that came of it?


Sorry if I came off as rude, I do that sometimes. >.>


It's fine, I just don't like female-only (or even male-only) guilds, or guilds that are only for people of a certain orientation, religion, country etc. The only thing that's reasonable to me are guild's that only allow a certain language. But I'm all for girls in the gaming community! Yay us! Playing with other girls could be interesting but I've had plenty of fun gaming with the guys as well.


Now that you mention it, the response you've gotten from this thread is unsuprisingly sexist. Comes with the territory I suppose. :rolleyes:

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Sorry if I came off as rude, I do that sometimes. >.>


It's fine, I just don't like female-only (or even male-only) guilds, or guilds that are only for people of a certain orientation, religion, country etc. The only thing that's reasonable to me are guild's that only allow a certain language. But I'm all for girls in the gaming community! Yay us! Playing with other girls could be interesting but I've had plenty of fun gaming with the guys as well.


Now that you mention it, the response you've gotten from this thread is unsuprisingly sexist. Comes with the territory I suppose. :rolleyes:


Yeah, that's all I'm looking for. The clan that I am in is an all-girl Call Of Duty clan, but since I also play PC games, I wanted to find other girls that do too, just have a place to talk with girls that have the same interests. I'm not creating an all girl guild, I'm already in a guild. I think that's what people aren't getting from the topic.

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I am totally new to MMO games and SWTOR is my first MMO game. My hubby has played these type games as long as I can remember. I have only played SWTOR with his buddies as I don't know of any ladies that play. So I went and did a search for ladies that play SWTOR and found this thread. I am so glad I did and now I can ask question without getting my head bit off cause I just don't know, have not played these type games for ever and a day, like my hubby's friends have. I have only been playing for 6-7 months. I have a few characters that need a guild home.
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This is cool an all girl guild, the 3 three guilds i've played with in swtor all have had a slew of women in them.


I think it's awesome! that females are gaming now :) I can't tell you how many fights i've had with GF's cause i game 3-4 hours a day. But it seems nowadays more girl are gaming.


Any man against women gaming will die by my saber :csw_bluesaber:

Edited by xxxxSHIFTYxxxx
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Are people still raging in this thread? My god yall. Who gives a crap whether or not they want an all girl guild or whatever. Its their choice. For those reading too deep into comments get over yourself and stop allowing yourself to get so butt hurt and just play the game and enjoy it....



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