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Early Download for 2.0 !!


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Dear Bioware, do us all a favor and let us download the expansion as early as possible, it doesn't have to be active till its due, but many of us might have slower connections or caps, you're not announcing the size sadly but it's safe to assume its beyond 1gig. We've gotten the early access therefore I'd rather not waste 2-3 days downloading the patch!

8 hours wont be long enough for a large download for many people.


Make it available as soon as possible so we can start enjoying the content on April 9, that isnt too much to ask!

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I agree, though I doubt it will be absolutely ready before then.


I would love to hop on in the morning before I go to work. As it stands, I'll have to start the download and wait until I get home in the evening to enjoy all this great new content. :t_frown:


As an aside... I'm curious to see how many people will be on Makeb on the 9th.

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What concerns me is that the PTS download for 2.0 was over 25GB for me. If we need to go through that again, it's going to take a VERY long time to download, and if it uses the login updater, it effectively locks us out of the game until the patching is complete.
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What concerns me is that the PTS download for 2.0 was over 25GB for me. If we need to go through that again, it's going to take a VERY long time to download, and if it uses the login updater, it effectively locks us out of the game until the patching is complete.


This is because the PTS client is completey separate from the live game clients and you had to redownload the entire game to run the PTS. The 2.0 patch is approximately 1 gb IIRC. For people with a slow connection it might suck but that's life. If it takes several days to download a gig you have larger problems than waiting to play this game.

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If you pre-ordered you'll get early download on the 9th technically...


But yeah a prepatch to roll over night on the 8th would be appreciated.


Everyone gets to download 2.0 on the 9th.

Only early-access-guys get to play on the 9th, the others will have it activated on the 14th.

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I'm planning to kick off the download in the morning before I go to work so it will be installed when I get back.


I'd be surprised if the 2.0 patch didn't lead to some measure of instability on the servers so expect them to be down anyways for a good part of the day and afternoon on the 9th.

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thats something bioware should really steal from blizzard. when they do big patches, they let you download them 2-3 weeks before release, in the background. you dont even realize you just already upgraded your game.

you can say about blizzard what you want, but their technology is nearly perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am it looks only half way through it. Mains assets was 2.5 g alone. English says its just over another half a gig for that.

Sadly bioware are showing for a download driven game they are terrible at customer service.

Early advice of this size would have been the very least courtesy they could have provided.


Will update when I know full size.



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