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<Contraband Inc.> is hosting an HM16 TfB PuG!

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On Tuesday, April 2nd, at 8pm Central <Contraband Inc.> will be hosting a pug of 16man Hard Mode Terror from Beyond open to any Republic player on Jedi Covenant! Spots are currently open for all classes and all roles! The run last until 11pm Central time.


Guild shopping and want to "test the waters" first? We've got you covered. Your guild is taking a break before the expansion but you still want to raid? We've got you covered. Got an alt you want to try out raiding with and maybe get some gear? We've got you covered. You've never raided seriously before and want to see what its all about? We've got you covered.


The only requirements are that you must be Rakata geared or better, have Mumble, be ready to have a good time, and be able to follow basic instructions. MOX is a plus!


Loot will be main spec rolls, followed by offspec/companion/alt rolls, with the provision that if you already won a main spec item, you will not be given a second unless no one else wants it. All Stabilizers will be looted by the Master Looter and handed out as evenly as possible at the end of the night. If you leave early you will forfeit your chance to win any Stabilizers.


Note that while this is a recruiting event for us and will be considered a tryout for anyone that is interested, there is absolutely no obligation to join. You are still more than welcome to join if you are not looking for a guild, and there will be no hard feelings if you are looking and choose not to join us at the end.


The event will end at 11pm Central time, and while I will make no promises about the number of bosses we will down (this is a pug afterall) I will say that our guild has completed the entire instance in this amount of time in the passed.


Invites will start at 7:45pm Central time, and will be first come, first serve. You can reserve a spot by replying to this thread or sending me an in game mail, however we will not continue to save your spot if you are not on by 7:55pm.


Now I know what you are saying "Wow this sounds great, what do I need to bring?" All you need to bring is your character of choice, class appropriate stims and medpacs, possibly an alcoholic beverage or two, and a great attitude!


Our recruiting thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=559812

Our website: http://www.contraband-inc.com/

Our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ContrabandIncGaming

Edited by Icebergy
Thanks to all who participated! We will be looking at ways to incorporate fun stuff like this for the server into our schedule moving forward, so keep your eyes open!
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