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OK guys, I really don't understand it. This is extremely frustrating to me. I'm level 50, so I'm in the level 50 warzone bracket. I've played four games the past two days, so eight total, and haven't won one. Now, I understand I'm not very good at PvP, but I don't think I'm horrible either. Besides, I'm just one of eight people on my team. I play very late at night so I keep seeing the same people on the other team. Do we keep running into premades? I am seriously at a loss. Warzones quickly lose their fun when you constantly lose. Hell, two minutes in most of these warzones people start quitting.


Anyone else have this problem? I would expect to win around 50% of my warzones, but at this point I'd be happy with 20%.


You could just be unlucky here. I'm pretty good at PVP but still lose at least 50% of games and can go sometimes 10 games without a win. Your right people quit games way to soon and if you run into a premade you dont stand a chance. Stick with it. Join an active PVP guild you will be on the upper hand then.


One thing I found that worked for me on a few occasions was to keep an eye out for good players that call incs and tactics, make sure you do the same then after the warzone has finished wisper them and ask if they would like to team up for a few more games. Makes a big difference to have someone on the same wavelengh as you and is a massive bonus if he/she happens to be a healer ;)


GL but stick with it....


to lose 8 games in the beginning of your wz career is one thing, but double xp weekends have left us with way more fresh 50s entering WZs for the their first time ever than usually is hte case. This leaves us with completely broken PVP WZs lately, especially rep side seem to suffer from this in a higher degree than imp side(I play both sides).


I also notice a big difference in the fleet general chat when you bring this topic up, on rep side you get flamed for bringing up this problem with inexperienced players dabbling without any know how, on imp side the situation is almost the opposite. This I think leaves us with a situation where inexperienced players on rep side think that they need to do nothing to improve, whereas imp side players realise they better read up and change their style to fit in.


It may even be as simple as that the correct mix needed for a successful WZ team means that the different races need to appeal to players, and that the imp side players are simply attracted to the classes needed to a higher degree, which leads to a more balanced amount of healers/tanks and dps in general. I don't know, just speculating wildy. It may also be that pvp appeals to players playing imperial side more and hence players tend to be more experienced and inclined to learn new tricks for pvp combat. The whole man vs man rather than man vs machine may be a significant matter in the equation as well, who knows?!


But fact is, I easily play 16 losing games on rep side a day whereas the imp side is more normal 50/50.(I have better geared rep toons than imp toons, so don't even get me started on the whole "They have much better gear" debate I'm always met with on republic side. The problem is that it takes a lot longer than it should have to take to complete daily pvp on rep side compared to imp side.

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