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Longest Que Time?


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Mines at 1100 right now... worst so far, but it'll probably get worse before it gets better.


Although, for the record I actually support Bioware enforcing artificial queues to ensure healthy server populations. You have to expect queues for any big MMO release. Maybe I should have just pretended the game didn't release for another month... by then we'll have probably all forgotten about this.




This. But for students, there is not very much time to play after school if you have a job (not to mention homework, chores, etc.) and launching so close to Winter Break, when the majority of their play time lies, means that all the congestion is ill-timed. If the game launched in January or even a few months down the road, more people in school would have been able to enjoy the game without thinking "dang, i wasted my entire break waiting to play a game i should have had way more time with!"

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This. But for students, there is not very much time to play after school if you have a job (not to mention homework, chores, etc.) and launching so close to Winter Break, when the majority of their play time lies, means that all the congestion is ill-timed. If the game launched in January or even a few months down the road, more people in school would have been able to enjoy the game without thinking "dang, i wasted my entire break waiting to play a game i should have had way more time with!"


So they should schedule the release of all games around the minority of players who are in school?

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So they should schedule the release of all games around the minority of players who are in school?


Tell me, who are the majority of players? What category do they fall under? The worker or the student? Or maybe the majority are people who get to play video games all day?

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This. But for students, there is not very much time to play after school if you have a job (not to mention homework, chores, etc.) and launching so close to Winter Break, when the majority of their play time lies, means that all the congestion is ill-timed. If the game launched in January or even a few months down the road, more people in school would have been able to enjoy the game without thinking "dang, i wasted my entire break waiting to play a game i should have had way more time with!"


Quit crying bud, most of us work full time jobs (8-14 hours a day) and have REAL responsibilities when we get home. Most of us pretty much have accepted that we aren't going to beat this queue and just reroll, you should do the same. Will BW fix their queue? of course they will, but you're part of the problem. There are 20+ servers that are light right now and everyone wants to get into the handful of 1000+ player servers.


Once people get sick of the queue they'll either quit, or more likely move to a less populated server. When BW sees that enough people have invested in the low level servers they will raise the population limit. If they do it RIGHT NOW we will all want to flood in and we'll have the queue + unstable servers.

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I was over 1200 on the Fatman. I was just about to get in the game and got DCed. No lie. Over 2 hours in queue and I get disconnected. Server error 1003 or something. I almost smashed something. Edited by big_aug
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there are a lot of servers that are not full - why do people choose to roll on full servers?!


I'm just gonna have to roll on a differnt server so i dont have to wait


Well man, we joined certain servers becuase that's where our guilds/friends were and various other reasons. There weren't 1200+ person queues at the time either.


Many people are lvl 25+ and don't really want to start over. I can't blame them. I'm 24. I like my character/class and I don't want to start the same class and do all the same stuff over again on a new server.


I want them to fix THEIR problem. They let it happen. They could have just stopped people from creating characters on certain servers. They could have done a number of things to prevent it, but they didn't.


I'm sick of people attempting to make it seem like we are in the wrong on this.


I just waited in queue for over 2 hours and got disconnected when I was almost in the game. That's a joke man.

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Quit crying bud, most of us work full time jobs (8-14 hours a day) and have REAL responsibilities when we get home. Most of us pretty much have accepted that we aren't going to beat this queue and just reroll, you should do the same. Will BW fix their queue? of course they will, but you're part of the problem. There are 20+ servers that are light right now and everyone wants to get into the handful of 1000+ player servers.


Once people get sick of the queue they'll either quit, or more likely move to a less populated server. When BW sees that enough people have invested in the low level servers they will raise the population limit. If they do it RIGHT NOW we will all want to flood in and we'll have the queue + unstable servers.


Ok i'll just reroll 70 hours of play time because bioware can't do their jobs.

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Well man, we joined certain servers becuase that's where our guilds/friends were and various other reasons. There weren't 1200+ person queues at the time either.


Many people are lvl 25+ and don't really want to start over. I can't blame them. I'm 24. I like my character/class and I don't want to start the same class and do all the same stuff over again on a new server.


I want them to fix THEIR problem. They let it happen. They could have just stopped people from creating characters on certain servers. They could have done a number of things to prevent it, but they didn't.


I'm sick of people attempting to make it seem like we are in the wrong on this.


I just waited in queue for over 2 hours and got disconnected when I was almost in the game. That's a joke man.


yeah, i get it. In my case, i jsut may need to start a new toon so I can actually play. my 16month old kid keeps me running so when he goes to bed, I want to play. Unfortunately, it's not working that way so i gotta do what i gotta do

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