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Men = Formal, girls = sex slaves


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The social items are orange and therefore make fine combat items when modded. At a level when you don't even have a hat yet, that can be a considerable upgrade.


Well, only if you're a Consular/Inquisitor. Otherwise the lower armor on Light is harmful to your class. Although yes, you could get an early boost by having a hat a bit early.

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...I can't believe this conversation is actually happening on the forum of a video game. Browsing through the OP's posts, I've found that you've brought up about 5 or 6 wildly debatable and controversial topics about sexism that haven't even been able to be solved in the real world, so how in the heck is it going to be solved in a video game?


My personal opinion:


I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree. Yes, by the basis of the word, there is sexism in this game because there is sexism is in society. Women wear bras (for health and personal reasons) because, biologically, they are different then men who do not have to wear them. It is socially acceptable that women where them and women do not. I know no man that wears a bra. I understand that you want the option for a man to wear a bra (or at least that's how I'm comprehending one of your arguments because you bring up MANY), but.. well I don't have to explain myself further - men don't wear bras.


I also understand you're talking about how this fits in to gameplay, but I think you're just opening up a can of worms that can never and will never be shut in the history of humankind. At the end of the day, this is a video game and I understand what you're saying... but it's a video game. These are very serious debates that I have in my fourth year university courses and I believe, to the extent to which you are talking about these issues, there is no place for this discussion on a video game forum. I felt very uneasy writing about biology on a video game website.


This game, by societies standards of the word (not the definition of the world), in my opinion is not sexist at all. Like others have said, women and men can both be played as strong and independent and both have very modest clothing - one is not more revealing (for the most part) than the other. There are no huge issues that need addressing as far as sexism goes.


So I'll say again, since you bring up such heavy debate topics, why are you bringing this up here? I'm not saying they aren't important questions to consider - they are very real - but this is a video game. I'm sorry that you are offended and I'm sure Bioware doesn't like hearing that they've offended any customers in ANY way, not just in the matters of subjective sexism, but I don't believe there is a big enough issue here that this should be discussed.


I'm sorry if there are some spelling mistakes, I didn't proof read, hopefully I made sense. I mean all of this in the most respectful of ways because I understand what you're trying to get at and these are very real issues in society.

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It's a bigger problem than men not being able to wear bikinis.


I think so too, but I still think this problem should be brought to the attention of the people who can change it. Thus the thread, since I didn't see another about it.




@tl;dr- I can guarantee not a thing you said has anything to do with the fact that if I were male my character would have a hat right now. I don't care about the sociological impact of this issue, or reading into any subconscious deeper meaning behind it. I just want to have a good hat without having to wait. It isn't fair. This is a game. The game should be fair. It is not the real world where life isn't fair. This is a fantastical made-up world where despite the in-story quips about my character being a slave or an alien she is equal to all other Sith Inquisitors of her level. Except the men, they get access to something earlier than she does.

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  • 5 years later...
The game is implying that the only outfits girls should wear are skimpy.


Nothing wrong with that. It is better than mostly just seeing dudes running around and fighting all the time. It can really boost moral for the Republic and Empire while enlightening anyone's day.

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Nothing wrong with that. It is better than mostly just seeing dudes running around and fighting all the time. It can really boost moral for the Republic and Empire while enlightening anyone's day.


Holy Necro man. This no longer applies as there are some open leather jacket outfits for me that reveal their manly chests, etc :p


And there's one leather outfit I have on Zenith that shows off his arms. He has great muscular arms :D lmao. So yeah post no longer valid.


Girls also have formal attire that is completely covering.

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Because men can do it and women can't? That's, like, the definition of sexism.


I demand that society makes it so men can give birth, women can and men can't!

That's, like, the definition of sexism.


For the record: I think all clothing options in SWTOR should be open to everyone, but I think dressing this issue up (pun very much intended) as sexism is bordering on hysteria.


All The Best

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Holy Necro man. This no longer applies as there are some open leather jacket outfits for me that reveal their manly chests, etc :p


And there's one leather outfit I have on Zenith that shows off his arms. He has great muscular arms :D lmao. So yeah post no longer valid.


Girls also have formal attire that is completely covering.


Not to mention the Covert chest armor, so men can show off even more of their manly chests and backs! And the Relaxed Vestments set. And the Vintage Brawler set. And the Jori Daragon 'loincloth' that looks like undies on both genders. And the Ventilated Triumvirate bottoms that look like an armor-plated jockstrap on a man to better show off their mighty thighs and calves! And so on and so forth...

Edited by AscendingSky
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As a woman I would love to see more formal and civil/no jedi/no uniform dresses in game. I would pay for them in cartel shop. I would love to have for my imperial agent fancy wardrobe.


And I have to add i am sick of that attitude slave customes for girl chars only, although I understand why Bioware/EA do this. And my respect to any male player who is not comfortable with this.


And that argument that in SW most women are slaves is so utterly *** it will be better I would ignore it.

Edited by wistarie
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And that argument that in SW most women are slaves is so utterly *** it will be better I would ignore it.

I think the argument is, perhaps, more the other way around - most of the slaves of that sort are women. Slaves who cook, sweep, mine, etc. can be either, but it's mostly female when you get into, um, shall we say, bedroom slaves.

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Not to mention the Covert chest armor, so men can show off even more of their manly chests and backs! And the Relaxed Vestments set. And the Vintage Brawler set. And the Jori Daragon 'loincloth' that looks like undies on both genders. And the Ventilated Triumvirate bottoms that look like an armor-plated jockstrap on a man to better show off their mighty thighs and calves! And so on and so forth...


Yeah, I can't even get the girls out with the covert chest 😉.. they give us that stupid "sports Bra" and not even some nice lingerie.. the dancers outfits show more cleavage.. lol

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Yeah, I can't even get the girls out with the covert chest 😉.. they give us that stupid "sports Bra" and not even some nice lingerie.. the dancers outfits show more cleavage.. lol


I'm not a fan of the 'sports bra and boy shorts' default undies on ladies either! The color looks to me like someone washed their whites in with some dark browns over and over, not appealing. I've been thinking of trying to pick up the gear version of them though... maybe they would be more useful outfit pieces if i could dye them.

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Isn't thier over 300 outfits in the game. And only 20 or so are gender locked. This seems like sexism for sure /facepalm


Think someone was bored since this forum was started back in 2011 before a lot of these outfits were added.

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Think someone was bored since this forum was started back in 2011 before a lot of these outfits were added.


At first I was all "What the hell? Obviously no one has paid attention to what is out there." Not to mention, even back when there was just Slave Bikini, no one was forced to use it. Are people that dumb?


Then I thought, "Wait a minute. When was that first post created."


Talk about a necro!

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I think this is the biggest necro I have seen since I started playing swtor. I was so thoroughly confused until I started looking at the dates.


SJWs have so little to actually complain about, they have to dredge things up from 6 years ago. :D


The one who dredged up the 6 year old post was not an SJW. :rolleyes:


In fact all the "on-topic" repies are bashing the "SJWs" for "ruining" the game.

Edited by EzioMessi
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