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How good are PT's in pvp?


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I've seen videos of PT's doing like 14k damage in seconds. Looks like a lot of fun. But before I roll one I want to know a few things. What are the downsides and weaknesses? How often can you do 15k of burst damage in a matter of seconds? And do you find you're weak against any particular classes?
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Heya Boomer, before i go into a little depth i have to say yes PT's are extremely good fun as there is no greater feeling than transforming the other teams players to ash! Now of coursein every class there are pro's and con's. Pyrotechs are exceptionally good when it comes to focusing on certain members of the other team and completely lock them down with cc's or just the high output damage. When you blow all your cool downs and manage to get the instant reset off on the rail shot 15k damage bursts are always within your reach! Classes i personally find tricky are the Gunslinger/Sniper. In order to do a haigh output of damage to the opponent you need to be within certain range. Gunslingers and Snipers have Knock back's and many pesky stuns to stop that from happening. Also the cover mechanic gives us no chance to be able to grapple them to their demise. Usually a good way to get round that is by forcing them out of their cover with Death from Above and then you got em! Dont usually post on the forums but i guess my love of pyrotechs forced me to reply ;) Hope this somewhat helps.
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Agree with James, PT is massive fun. The extra range/melee damage keeps mobility high and with tactics the PT can kite dps on the edges of a fight or get inside and soak up some damage/kills with the shield. I think PT Pyro works best focusing the healers & damage roles behind the line using quell & 2 stuns to break support. You shouldn't have many problems getting solo kills within a WZ, gunslingers/snipers are pesky but only when they have position. Remember to use Quell all the time to silence/interrupt!


Here's a video to show you what I mean!




Hope you enjoy the PT fella

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